Security News > 2020 > April > Cloud Providers, CDNs Team Up to Battle Internet Routing Attacks

Cloud Providers, CDNs Team Up to Battle Internet Routing Attacks
2020-04-03 17:16

MANRS over the past six years has worked to build up a team of 300 network operators, internet exchange points and other companies to provide "Crucial fixes to reduce the most common routing threats."

The internet routing process is complex; exchanged traffic for instance runs on Border Gateway Protocol, a protocol that joins different networks together to build a "Roadmap" of the internet.

Prevent propagation of incorrect routing information, which can be done by defining a clear network routing policy.

Encouraging adoption "Good practices on routing security" encouraged by MANRS. "MANRS helps by requiring egress routing controls, so networks can prevent such incidents from happening," according to the organization.

"Secondly, leveraging CDNs' and cloud providers' peering power can have significant positive spillover effect on the routing hygiene of networks they peer with. In other words, if CDNs and cloud providers do their part to improve routing security and demand better practices from their customers, their customers will in turn step up their efforts, and together the internet will be better and safer for all of us."

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