Security News > 2020 > March > 5 tips for working safely from home

5 tips for working safely from home
2020-03-06 16:55

Global concerns over the current coronavirus outbreak, and the need to keep at-risk staff away from the office, means that lots of companies may soon and suddenly end up with lots more staff working from home.

So here are our five tips for working from home safely.

Encryption means making sure that full-device encryption is turned on and activated, which protects any data on the device if it gets stolen; protection means that you start off with known security software, such as anti-virus, configured in the way you want; and patching means making sure that the user gets as many security updates as possible automatically, so they don't get forgotten.

If users genuinely can't do their job without access to server X or to system Y, then there's no point in sending them off to work from home without access to X and Y. Make sure you have got your chosen remote access solution working reliably first - force it on yourself! - before expecting your users to adopt it.

If their security software produces warnings that you know they will have seen, make sure you review those warnings too, and let your users know what they mean and what you expect them to do about any issues that may arise.

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