Security News > 2020 > February > Mixed-signal circuits can stop side-channel attacks against IoT devices

Mixed-signal circuits can stop side-channel attacks against IoT devices
2020-02-26 05:00

Purdue University innovators have unveiled technology that is 100 times more resilient to electromagnetic and power attacks, to stop side-channel attacks against IoT devices.

Recent attacks have shown that such side-channel attacks can happen in just a few minutes from a short distance away.

Recently, these attacks were used in the counterfeiting of e-cigarette batteries by stealing the secret encryption keys from authentic batteries to gain market share.

"Such attacks are becoming a significant threat to resource-constrained edge devices that use symmetric key encryption with a relatively static secret key like smart cards. Our technology has been shown to be 100 times more resilient to these attacks against Internet of Things devices than current solutions."

"Our technique basically makes an attack impractical in many situations," Das said.

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