Security News > 2020 > February > 11 things you might not know about security operations center burnout

11 things you might not know about security operations center burnout
2020-02-21 16:12

Black Hat USA introduced mental wellness sessions in 2018, the theme of RSA 2020 is "The Human Element," and a new e-book challenges companies to address burnout in security operations centers.

Dan Kaplan, director of content at Siemplify, wrote "The Art of Recognizing and Surviving SOC Burnout: A Complete Manual for Security Operations Professionals." The two-part e-book includes a test to measure personal burnout and lots of advice on how to cope with and avoid the problem.

Security operations analysts at all levels, engineers, architects, and managers in the enterprise or a managed security services provider can find something helpful in this e-book.

This synopsis highlights what symptoms to look out for, what's different about stress in security operations centers, and how team members and leaders can change their ways to create a healthier work environment and still defend the security perimeter.

Being a cost center - Security operations don't bring in revenue but they are vital to doing business.

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