Security News > 2020 > February > The top four Office 365 security pain points

The top four Office 365 security pain points
2020-02-19 06:45

Many novice Office 365 shops do not know where platform-specific security vulnerabilities lie, or even that they exist.

Companies get themselves into trouble when they do not fully understand the way data moves through O365 or they apply on-premise security practices to their cloud strategy.

While the O365 platform comes with some security features and configuration options - that all customers should take advantage of - native or built-on tools do not address many vulnerabilities or other security issues.

Did you know that 80% of SaaS breaches involve privileged permissions? And that admins have the most privileges of all? In O365, user identity must be treated as the security perimeter.

From a security standpoint, these data points do not exist for long and far too few are ever used for protection or forensics.

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