Security News > 2020 > February > Only 17% of global organizations are considered cyber resilience "leaders"

Only 17% of global organizations are considered cyber resilience "leaders"
2020-02-13 16:05

The firm's third State of Cyber Resilience survey defines leaders as high performers in at least three of four categories: stopping cyber attacks, finding breaches faster, fixing breaches faster, and reducing breach impact.

"The most surprising finding for us was just how much better the leaders in cyber resilience are doing versus the rest of the pack," observed Ryan LaSalle, North America lead for Accenture Security.

Characteristics of cyber resilient leaders vs. non leaders.

Leaders focused more of their budget allocations on sustaining what they already have, whereas the non-leaders place significantly more emphasis on piloting and scaling new capabilities.

Leaders in our study scale investments more often, and as a result, their security teams are more effective and are able to protect more key assets.

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