Security News > 2020 > February > Xton Access Manager now includes RDP, SSH and HTTP proxy support

Xton Access Manager now includes RDP, SSH and HTTP proxy support
2020-02-05 03:00

Xton Technologies, a provider of privileged access management solutions, announced that Xton Access Manager now includes advanced proxy support for RDP, SSH and web proxies allowing customers to create secure, high trust remote sessions with full session recording and keystroke monitoring using native desktop or mobile applications.

"Unique to XTAM is our ability to securely lock credentials on the server-side without ever releasing them to the client computer even in an encrypted form. This provides administrators with secure and efficient access to the systems they need to do their jobs while satisfying audit and senior management requirements for just in time secure access and controls."

Creation of RDP proxy sessions directly from a user's desktop or mobile device without downloading or installing any agents, custom launchers or deployment packages.

Native RDP clients supported include Windows RDP client, Mac RDP client, Remote Desktop Connection Manager, and mRemoteNG. Secure remote access with Web or Native Client Support by supporting client applications such as PuTTY, SecureCRT and WinSCP, including SSH Proxy and SSH Tunnel options or through secure connections to Web Sites or Web Management Portals without disclosing the required login credentials.

Strict enforcement of user authentication with multifactor authentication when using native client applications like PuTTY, Remote Desktop, WinSCP, FileZilla, and others.

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