Security News > 2020 > February > New Lemon Duck Malware Campaign Targets IoT, Large Manufacturers

New Lemon Duck Malware Campaign Targets IoT, Large Manufacturers
2020-02-05 18:50

Printers, smart TVs and automated guided vehicles that depend on Windows 7 have become the latest juicy targets for cybercriminals leveraging a "Self-spreading" variant of the malware Lemon Duck.

In a report released Wednesday by TrapX Security, researchers warn manufacturers dependent on IoT devices are targets in a new global campaign leveraging the malware variant.

The campaign is similar to a Lemon Duck campaign spotted in October, however in this campaign the malware is being used to intentionally target and cause harm to large manufacturers, researchers told Threatpost.

The common thread is the use of Lemon Duck malware and the presence of Windows 7 in embedded or associated systems.

Researchers said the Lemon Duck malware persisted on infected systems via scheduled tasks, which included PowerShell Scripts that invoked additional Lemon Duck PowerShell scripts, which then installed the Monero miners.

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