Security News > 2020 > February > Google's OpenSK lets you BYOSK – burn your own security key

Google's OpenSK lets you BYOSK – burn your own security key
2020-02-04 10:30

OpenSK, a new open-source project from Google, lets folk make their own security key for less than £10.

Google offers its own Titan security key for two-factor authentication with FIDO U2F and using this or an alternative device goes a long way to protect an account from unauthorised access or takeover.

Google's Elie Bursztein, security & anti-abuse research lead, and Jean-Michel Picod, software engineer, said: "Rust's strong memory safety and zero-cost abstractions makes the code less vulnerable to logical attacks."

The purpose of OpenSK is not to enable geeks to get DIY security keys but rather to encourage use "By researchers, security key manufacturers, and enthusiasts to help develop innovative features and accelerate security key adoption".

Any form of 2FA is much better than nothing, but dedicated security keys have advantages over alternatives like text messages, since phone numbers can be hijacked.

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