Security News > 2020 > February > Growing Medical Device Sophistication Opens Security Issues

Growing Medical Device Sophistication Opens Security Issues
2020-02-03 17:18

With the number of high profile breaches and hacks on medical facilities and the increasing "Cyberization" of healthcare in general, this question has been on many security professionals' minds for the last few years: Are medical devices safe from hackers? In fact, the FDA recently informed healthcare providers, facilities, and patients about potential cybersecurity vulnerabilities for certain GE Healthcare Clinical Information Central Stations and Telemetry Servers.

Then we will have a real medical device security crisis on our hands.

Many medical devices are considered to be IoT-type devices since they tend to have embedded or proprietary operating systems.

Though these devices work well, the operating systems aren't typically well understood by in-house IT departments and, sometimes, even by the device manufacturer themselves.

Any vendor access solution should be integrated so all vendors are managed on a single platform to avoid any gaps in your medical device defenses.

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