Security News > 2020 > January > 15 NFL teams’ Twitter hijacked in lead-up to the Super Bowl

15 NFL teams’ Twitter hijacked in lead-up to the Super Bowl
2020-01-29 11:14

The cybercriminal group OurMine has struck again, claiming responsibility for hijacking and defacing the Twitter accounts of the US National Football League and 15 of its teams.

OurMine has a long history of hijacking high profile accounts to turn them into billboards to advertise its so-called security "Services" and/or to vandalize pages, like it did to BuzzFeed back in the group's busy-beaver year of 2016.

OurMine has also hijacked the Twitter accounts of Google CEO Sundar Pichai, Wikipedia co-founder Jimmy Wales, the Twitter and Pinterest accounts of Mr. Social Media himself - Mark Zuckerberg - as well as Channing Tatum and Captain America, along with the accounts of his Marvel buddies, including The Avengers, Dr. Strange, and Ant-man.

Twitter has confirmed that the accounts were accessed via a third-party platform, according to the BBC. OurMine told The Daily Dot that it got into the accounts via a social media management tool.

OurMine declined to answer when The Daily Dot asked if the NFL hack was enabled by infiltrating the NFL teams' Khoros accounts, but the group later told the DailyDot that it was able to indirectly access the Twitter accounts through SpredFast.

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