Security News > 2020 > January > NetWars! Let the SANS Tournaments commence: Compete and learn all about forensics, incident response, red teaming – and much more

NetWars! Let the SANS Tournaments commence: Compete and learn all about forensics, incident response, red teaming – and much more
2020-01-28 08:00

With NetWars SANS has raised the ante with a set of cyber-tournaments that let participants work through a range of challenging levels and master the skills employed by information security professionals.

SANS certified instructor Steve Armstrong, with SANS since 2007, explains how NetWars work.

SANS NetWars delivers advanced challenges to test even the more technically gifted attendees, and returning or accomplished students will not go unchallenged.

You can experience world-class training and NetWars at its upcoming SANS London Events.

In addition to live NetWars, SANS also offers NetWars Continuous, a four-month online subscription that offers students the chance to test their cyber skillset, take on challenges, and learn hands-on offensive and defensive skills 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

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