Security News > 2020 > January > Feds Cut Off Access to Billions of Breached Records with Site Takedown

Feds Cut Off Access to Billions of Breached Records with Site Takedown
2020-01-17 21:46

The feds and international law enforcement have taken down a website that was selling access to billions of stolen personal records.

The records contained the usual cybercrime goodies: Names, email addresses, usernames, phone numbers and passwords for online accounts, according to the DoJ. However, it's self-description on Twitter gives a more altruistic spin on its wares, framing itself as a HaveIBeenPwnd-like service: "Have your passwords been compromised? Find out by searching through over 12 billion records and 10,000 data breaches."

"With execution of the warrant, the seized domain name - - is now in the custody of the federal government," according to the FBI's notice.

"Visitors to the site will now find a seizure banner that notifies them that the domain name has been seized by federal authorities."

Concerned about mobile security? Check out our free Threatpost webinar, Top 8 Best Practices for Mobile App Security, on Jan. 22 at 2 p.m. ET. Poorly secured apps can lead to malware, data breaches and legal/regulatory trouble.

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