Security News > 2020 > January > FBI Promises 'Timely' Election Breach Reports for Officials

FBI Promises 'Timely' Election Breach Reports for Officials
2020-01-17 16:33

The FBI has created a new policy to give "Timely" breach notifications to state and local officials concerning election hacking and foreign interference.

It will also require agents to work directly with state and local election officials to identify and mitigate cyberthreats to election infrastructure as quickly as possible, according to the FBI announcement.

Under the new policy, agents must also warn state and local officials responsible for election security when they find election hacking.

"Understanding that mitigation of such incidents often hinges on timely notification, the FBI has established a new internal policy outlining how the FBI will notify state and local officials responsible for administering election infrastructure of cyber activity targeting their infrastructure."

On Thursday, a senior FBI official told The Hill that the goal of the new policy is to notify election officials in person.

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