Security News > 2020 > January > 5 tips to avoid spear-phishing attacks

5 tips to avoid spear-phishing attacks
2020-01-17 17:48

As you can imagine, the way the hackers got in is supposed to have been by means of phishing attacks.

The good news is that most of us have learned to spot obvious phishing attacks these days.

The bad news is that you can't reliably spot phishing attacks just by watching out for obvious mistakes, or by relying on the crooks saying "Dear Customer" rather than using your name.

You need to watch out for targeted phishing, often rather pointedly called spear-phishing, where the crooks make a genuine effort to tailor each phishing email, for example by customising it both to you and to your company.

DO CONSIDER PHISHING SIMULATIONS. Products like Sophos Phish Threat can expose your users to the sort of tricks that spear-phishers use, but in safety so that if they do fall for it, no real harm is done.

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