Security News > 2020 > January > Satan Ransomware Reborn to Torment Businesses

Satan Ransomware Reborn to Torment Businesses
2020-01-16 18:44

A ransomware with the un-snappy moniker of "5ss5c" has emerged on the scene and appears to be in active development.

According to independent researcher Bart Blaze, the malware is the successor to the Satan ransomware, and its authors are still experimenting with focused targeting and features.

"The group has been working on new ransomware - 5ss5c - since at least November 2019," Blaze noted.

"There are several Satan ransomware artefacts. One of these is, for example, the use of multiple packers to protect their droppers and payloads."

"Is 5ss5c ransomware more targeted, or just actively being tested by the group/developers behind it?".

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