Security News > 2020 > January > Today's webcast: Hackers don't care if you're big or small. Tune in to find out how to protect your mid-sized biz

Today's webcast: Hackers don't care if you're big or small. Tune in to find out how to protect your mid-sized biz
2020-01-15 08:00

While larger businesses may have whole teams of experts dealing with barrages of cyber-security alerts, small and medium-sized organisations lack the skills and resources to put a comprehensive response together.

Tune into today's webcast, brought to you by F-Secure, at 3pm GMT to find out what smaller enterprises can do to protect themselves.

The cybercriminal's mindset when it comes to smaller businesses.

How EDR enables a comprehensive response to current threats.

Choosing EDR that delivers against smaller business needs.

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