Security News > 2020 > January > Graduation Day: From Cyber Threat Intelligence to Intelligence

Graduation Day: From Cyber Threat Intelligence to Intelligence
2020-01-13 15:10

Cyber threat intelligence has been a growing part of the cybersecurity industry for the past several years.

Let's consider the term "Cyber threat intelligence." "Cyber" limits us to the digital realm, yet our teams are built on intelligence principles that are equally applicable in the physical world.

Let's now focus on the word "Threat." How do we define it? Do we only focus on actors, groups, and tools that are already defined as such? Do we ignore everything else not currently assessed as posing a threat to enterprises or personnel now, if so, would this be proactive? Threat is another limiting term that does not accurately describe what intelligence teams can do to support their companies.

"Threat" limits the impact of intelligence teams and misrepresents the complete value an intelligence team can offer to a company.

Prior to Anomali, he was a Senior Manager of Cyber Threat Intelligence at Capital One, Global Head of Cyber Intelligence at Symantec, and a guest lecturer at several universities.

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