Security News > 2020 > January > Travelex extorted by ransomware gang, services still offline a week after the hit

Travelex extorted by ransomware gang, services still offline a week after the hit
2020-01-08 11:46

On the last day of 2019, foreign exchange company Travelex was hit by cyber attackers wielding the Sodinokibi ransomware.

More than a week later, the company's websites and online services are still offline despite the company's remediation efforts.

"Travelex has proactively taken steps to contain the spread of the ransomware, which has been successful. To date, the company can confirm that whilst there has been some data encryption, there is no evidence that structured personal customer data has been encrypted. Whist Travelex does not yet have a complete picture of all the data that has been encrypted, there is still no evidence to date that any data has been exfiltrated," the company stated on Tuesday.

The attack has also disrupted the work of many banks who rely on Travelex to provide their foreign exchange services.

The UK Information Commissioner's Office has yet to receive a data breach report from the company and neither have the customers who ordered currency from Travelex before the attack and paid for it, but are unable to collect it.

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