Security News > 2020 > January > China-Made TikTok App Riddled With Security Holes: Researchers

China-Made TikTok App Riddled With Security Holes: Researchers
2020-01-08 15:16

TikTok is a China-made global phenomenon mobile phone app.

Now it seems that the Chinese government is not the only potential destination for their content that should worry TikTok users - Check Point found multiple vulnerabilities in the app that could easily be exploited.

Finally, the researchers found they could exfiltrate a victim's personal data from TikTok.

Check Point Research informed TikTok developers about the vulnerabilities exposed in this research and a solution was responsibly deployed to ensure its users can safely continue using the TikTok app.

Luke Deshotels, PhD, from the TikTok security team said in a statement, "We encourage responsible security researchers to privately disclose zero-day vulnerabilities to us. Before public disclosure, Check Point agreed that all reported issues were patched in the latest version of our app. We hope that this successful resolution will encourage future collaboration with security researchers."

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