Security News > 2019 > December > Ontotext Platform 3.0 features GraphQL to help app developer access knowledge graphs

Ontotext Platform 3.0 features GraphQL to help app developer access knowledge graphs
2019-12-17 01:45

Ontotext Platform 3.0 features GraphQL interfaces to make it easier for application developers to access knowledge graphs without tedious development of back-end APIs or complex SPARQL. The underlying Semantic Object service implements an efficient GraphQL to SPARQL translation optimized for GraphDB, as well as a generic configurable security model. In the last two decades, Ontotext has had the chance to work for enterprises with very advanced knowledge management capabilities – from BBC and FT to … More → The post Ontotext Platform 3.0 features GraphQL to help app developer access knowledge graphs appeared first on Help Net Security.

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