Security News > 2009 > November > Hackers broke into the site, says ONS

Hackers broke into the site, says ONS
2009-11-18 06:44,,MUL1380926-6174,00-HACKERS+INVADIRAM+SITE+DIZ+ONS.html [Google Translation - WK] By Juliana and Carpanez Altieres Rohr Do G1, in Sao Paulo 16/11/09 The National System Operator (ONS) has confirmed on the afternoon of Monday (16) that its corporate network has hacked late on Thursday - the gap was corrected the same day. It said there is no evidence of invasion to the network's operational site. G1 released earlier this afternoon that the agency had solved the problem in a login page, but a gap remained similar in the registration system. Shortly after the publication of the report, the page no longer displays the error that proves the failure. "Every time they try to [invade], we fix," said the operator. "The operative network is reinforced, separate from the Internet and operated via voice command," as it said, denying that the blackout that hit 18 states on Tuesday (10) was caused by the action of hackers. ONS quotes the Ministry of Mines and Energy, which reconfirmed Monday that the blackout was caused by short circuit. The ONS is responsible for coordinating and controlling the operation of generation facilities and transmission of electricity in the National Interconnected System (SIN), under the supervision and regulation of the National Electric Energy Agency (Aneel). [...] ________________________________________ Did a friend send you this? From now on, be the first to find out! Subscribe to InfoSec News