Security News > 2009 > September > Hacker attacks website over Kadeer film

Hacker attacks website over Kadeer film
2009-09-22 08:00 By Cui Jia China Daily 2009-09-22 A well-known Chinese hacker has struck again, hitting a film festival showing a documentary about Uygur separatist Rebiya Kadeer. Around 3 pm Monday, Taiwan's Kaohsiung Film Festival webpage was replaced with an image of the People's Liberation Army with China's national anthem playing in the background. The image was later changed to a picture of Kadeer with the Dalai Lama, who recently visited Taiwan. The hacker defaced the website with the message: "Against Xinjiang separatists, against Tibet separatists and happy 60th birthday to the People's Republic of China! Perhaps oldjun!" "Oldjun" is also the hacker who replaced the official website of the Melbourne Film Festival with an image of the Chinese flag and some anti-Kadeer slogans in late July after the organizer refused to withdraw the documentary. "I hacked into their website because I simply want to express people's anger about the screening of the film," the 25-year-old network administrator "oldjun" from Nanjing exclusively told China Daily Monday. "It is the same reason why I hacked into the Melbourne Film Festival's website." He said he found security flaws in the website and hacked into it within one minute. "It is my own doing. Nobody told me to do it. I really don't understand why they have to show the film." The website returned to normal around 7 pm last night. [...] ________________________________________ Did a friend send you this? From now on, be the first to find out! Subscribe to InfoSec News

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