Security News > 2008 > September > Information Security Leaders - Career Management Survey

Information Security Leaders - Career Management Survey
2008-09-22 06:05 Objective: The purpose of this independent research is to survey the entire spectrum of Information Security professionals, with a variety of skill sets, and at different stages of their career to better understand how Information Security professionals are managing their careers, planning for their future, acquiring information, approaching certification and training, and achieving job satisfaction. Upon conclusion, we will be able to share our research with the community in the form of presentations, articles, and white papers. Our goal is to receive a significant number of responses from Information Security professionals, then to share our research with the community. Who should participate? Anyone who either has a career in the Information Security industry or intends to have a career in the Information Security industry is encouraged to participate. The goal is to get the true pulse of Information Security professionals ? at all different stages of career development and in all different industry segments. All opinions and experiences are welcomed and relevant. Distribution The survey will be distributed through voluntary participation, media, industry bloggers, podcasts, conference presentations and ?word of mouth?. Industry member organizations and certifying bodies have been contacted and made aware of the survey. Survey participants are encouraged to share the survey with their colleagues and peers. Independence The research is independent. No sponsorship will be offered or granted. No monies will be paid or received for participation, affiliation, promotion or endorsement. Survey Format The survey can be found at: The survey is being hosted by Survey Monkey. ( It will take each individual approximately 10-15 minutes to complete the survey. There are 63 questions in total. Individuals have the ability to skip questions at their choosing. Personal Privacy The survey is anonymous. After the survey is completed, all participants have the ability to submit their e-mail after the survey to receive a copy of the research after the data has been collected and analyzed. The e-mail address is separate and in no way tied to the results. E-mail addresses will not be shared with any third party. Click here to view our privacy statement. Who is Conducting the Survey? The survey was created by Lee Kushner, Mike Murray with the invaluable assistance of Dr. Max Kilger. Lee Kushner is the President of LJ Kushner and Associates , an Executive Recruitment firm in the Information Security Industry. Lee has been working with Information Security professionals since 1996. Mike Murray is an information security professional who has held diverse positions within the information security industry. He has run Information Security research teams, served in corporate Information Security functions, and has helped guide a number of information security professionals in their career. He has a passion for the industry and career development. His thoughts can be found on his blog at Lee and Mike have been speaking on career management and career development for the past 2.5 years at industry events including RSA, DefCon, Source and others. Dr. Max Kilger received his doctorate in Social Psychology from Stanford University. Max is also a senior member of the Honeynet Project. He is a frequent national and international speaker to law enforcement and intelligence agencies as well as information security forums. __________________________________________________ Register now for HITBSecConf2008 - Malaysia! With a new triple-track conference featuring 4 keynote speakers and over 35 international experts, this is the largest network security event in Asia and the Middle East!

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