Security News > 2008 > February > 4th Cyber Security & Information Intelligence Research Workshop (CSIIRW-08) Call for Abstracts ------------------------- Fourth Annual Cyber Security and Information Intelligence Research Workshop (CSIIRW-08) will be held at Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Oak Ridge, TN at the Joint Institute for Computational Sciences, Bldg 5100, May 12-14, 2008. ----- Theme: Developing strategies to meet the cyber security and information intelligence challenges ahead Workshop Homepage: ----- In keeping with the workshop format, we are not seeking full papers, but rather extended abstracts of no more than three pages single-spaced. Planned Workshop Highlights + Published proceedings + Keynote Professor Dick Kemmerer, Security Group, UC Santa Barbara + Keynote Professor Michael Franz, UC Irvine + Keynote Professor Ravi Iyer, Director Coordinated Science Laboratory, UIUC + Keynote Jeff Voas, Director of System Assurance, SAIC + Keynote Brian Witten, Director of Government Research, Symantec + Keynote Panel "From Application to Network Security Engineering: Theory and Practice" + Round Table Dinner at the Doubletree Oak Ridge + TBA Final program and agenda Interested parties are encouraged to submit extended abstracts (up to 3 pages) on or before March 3rd to SheldonFT () ornl gov ------------------------- Important Dates in 2008 March 3 - Abstracts submitted for guidance and indication of appropriate content. March 17 - Author notification (advanced program and visitation request URL) April 3 - Visitation requests submitted by attendees (hard deadline for foreign nationals) Chairs Dr. Frederick T. Sheldon Cyberspace Sciences and Information Intelligence Research Group, Oak Ridge National Laboratory Professor Ali Mili College of Computing Science New Jersey Institute of Technology ___________________________________________________ Subscribe to InfoSec News