Security News > 2004 > January > Japanese IT businesses turn to Gods to ward off viruses, hackers

Japanese IT businesses turn to Gods to ward off viruses, hackers
2004-01-07 12:33 07 January 2004 TOKYO: The new year in Japan is a time for fresh starts and spiritual cleansing for not only the residents of Tokyo, but also their computers. At the Kanda Myojin shrine in downtown Tokyo, IT businesses and the nearby electronic shops association of Akihabara have gathered to purify their computers and protect them from common electronic evils. For most, that meant warding off computer viruses and hackers. "I work in software development and we faced many threats such as computer viruses and hackers, and if our computers breakdown we can't work anymore. So that is why it's important to me to pray for a year of safe business," said 30-year old Katsutoshi Honma whose computer was blessed according to the ancient Shinto traditions. He, like many others, feel even the best anti-viral software and security measures are not enough to beat what has quickly become the bane of life with a computer, after an e-mail spam. Japan, like many other industrialised nations, was hit badly by a plethora of viruses in 2003 such as the Slammer and Blaster viruses. And according to the Japanese National Police Agency, the nation's computer network sees an average of 35,000 cyber attacks (including virus and hackers) a month. For many computer users and sellers, it's matter of good business to safeguard themselves in any way possible. "We've organised these ceremonies here at the Kanda Myojin to bless for one year those computers and those who do business with computers," said Yumi Yamaga, who represented the electronic retail shop owners of Akihabara. In that very district, they also organised the distribution of good luck charms in the hope that consumers would feel comfortable buying one or two laptops. - CNA - ISN is currently hosted by To unsubscribe email majordomo () attrition org with 'unsubscribe isn' in the BODY of the mail.

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