Security News > 2003 > June > Linux Advisory Watch - May 30th 2003

Linux Advisory Watch - May 30th 2003
2003-06-02 08:08

+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | Linux Advisory Watch | | May 30th, 2003 Volume 4, Number 21a | +----------------------------------------------------------------+ Editors: Dave Wreski Benjamin Thomas dave () linuxsecurity com ben () linuxsecurity com Linux Advisory Watch is a comprehensive newsletter that outlines the security vulnerabilitiaes that have been announced throughout the week. It includes pointers to updated packages and descriptions of each vulnerability. This week, advisories were released for squid, BitchX, netpbm, gPS, heimdal, nessus, lprng, gnupg, up2date, ptrace, apache, cups, and glibc. The distributors include Conectiva, Debian, Gentoo, Mandrake, Red Hat, Slackware, and SuSe. Several of the advisories released are updates to vulnerabilities found last week. There is nothing particularly serious this week, but it is always a advisable to have everything patched before the weekend. Knowing that your servers are up-to-date is a good way to help ensure that you will have an uninterrupted weekend. What else can assure you that operations will run smoothly during time off? There are many pieces to the equation that are important. One of the most significant aspects is using servers that are properly configured and hardened. In addition, proper server administration procedures must be followed. While many intrusions are a result of vulnerable packages, a large number of them can also be attributed to improper software configuration and administration. This burden falls on the administrator. What can be done to reduce the risk of improper software configuration? The easiest way is to look for a pre configured or specialized security distribution. Because I am a long time contributor to EnGarde Secure Linux, I am biased in this recommendation. However, I personally feel that using a distribution such as EnGarde will dramatically improve your organization's security stance with very little time, effort, and money invested. You'll find that with EnGarde, administration becomes easy. I have used it for years and now I find myself becoming lazy when it comes to using other systems. I find myself not wanting to configure anything manually and instead have the WebTool do it for me. Administration has become easy and now it is possible to concentrate on more intellectually stimulating projects. A specialized distribution is ideal for administrators with multiple systems to maintain in a critical environment. More information can be found here: If you've only installed Linux and Apache to host your grandmother's knitting Web site, or you are just looking to learn the inter workings of security and administration. I recommend finding a good Linux security book. An interesting book that I recently had the pleasure of reading is titled Linux Security Toolkit, by David Bandel. It covers host security, network security, firewalls & specialized security software, and Linux security auditing. It is easy to read and suitable for administrators wishing to concentrate on security. Like most books published today, it is not suitable for the seasoned administrator. Although the book is well written, it is not full of cutting edge knowledge. If you're looking to learn more about security, I recommend taking a look. It is available used through at a very reasonable price. The book can be purchased here: list/-/0764546902/all/ref=dp_bb_a/002-3699577-0487253 Until next time, Benjamin D. Thomas ## FREE GUIDE-128-bit encryption ## Thawte is one of the few companies that offers 128 bit supercerts. A supercerts will allow you to extend the highest allowed 128 bit encryption to all your clients even if they use browsers that are limited to 40 bit encryption. 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Email firewall, simplified administration, automatically updated. --> +---------------------------------+ | Distribution: Conectiva | ----------------------------// +---------------------------------+ 5/26/2003 - BitchX Multiple remote vulnerabilities A buffer overflow and a denial of service attack have been fixed in the latest versions of BitchX. 5/28/2003 - netpbm buffer overflow vulnerabilities Alan Cox and Al Viro discovered[1] several "math overflow" vulnerabilities in netpbm versions <= 9.20. +---------------------------------+ | Distribution: Debian | ----------------------------// +---------------------------------+ 5/29/2003 - gPS multiple vulnerabilities Alan Cox and Al Viro discovered[1] several "math overflow" vulnerabilities in netpbm versions <= 9.20. +---------------------------------+ | Distribution: Gentoo | ----------------------------// +---------------------------------+ 5/27/2003 - heimdal krb4 cryptographic weakness heimdal suffers from the same vulnerability as mit-krb5 does, hence the identical advisory. 5/27/2003 - nessus multiple vulnerabilities There exists some vulnerabilities in NASL scripting engine. +---------------------------------+ | Distribution: Mandrake | ----------------------------// +---------------------------------+ 5/23/2003 - lprng insecure tmp file vulnerability psbanner creates a temporary file for debugging purposes when it is configured as a filter, and does not check whether or not this file already exists or is a symlink. 5/23/2003 - gnupg key validation vulnerability A bug was discovered in GnuPG versions 1.2.1 and earlier. +---------------------------------+ | Distribution: Red Hat | ----------------------------// +---------------------------------+ 5/28/2003 - CUPS denial of service vulnerability Phil D'Amore of Red Hat discovered a vulnerability in the CUPS IPP implementation. 5/29/2003 - up2date multiple vulnerabilities This release also includes an updated RHNS-CA-CERT file, which contains an additional CA certificate. This is needed so that up2date can continue to communicate with Red Hat Network once the current CA certificate reaches its August 2003 expiration date. 5/29/2003 - ptrace kernel vulnerabilitiy A ptrace-related vulnerability has been discovered that could allow a local user to gain elevated (root) privileges without authorization. 5/29/2003 - apache 2.0 denial of service vulnerability A bug in Apache 2.0 through 2.0.45 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service, and may allow execution of arbitrary code. +---------------------------------+ | Distribution: Slackware | ----------------------------// +---------------------------------+ 5/29/2003 - cups denial of service vulnerability Upgraded CUPS packages are available for Slackware 8.1, 9.0, and -current to fix a denial of service attack vulnerability. 5/23/2003 - quotacheck 2.0 denial of service vulnerability An upgraded sysvinit package is available which fixes a problem with the use of quotacheck in /etc/rc.d/rc.M. +---------------------------------+ | Distribution: SuSe | ----------------------------// +---------------------------------+ 5/28/2003 - glibc buffer overflow vulnerability Another integer overflow was found in glibc' XDR code. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Distributed by: Guardian Digital, Inc. 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