Security News > 2002 > February > Biatchux Bootable Forensics CD Biatchux is a portable bootable cdrom based distribution capable of providing an immediate environment for performing forensics analysis, incident response, data recovery, virus scanning and pen-testing. Also capable of providing necessary tools for live forensics/analysis, just mount the cdrom on your choice of OS win32, sparc solaris and x86 linux trusted static binaries are available in /statbins. Why Biatchux? because... Wasn't happy with the distributions out there, and by creating this one, at least I can control what I can do The other distributions out there are pretty good, but even in some public forums I've read more than a few postings griping about the problems experienced when attempting to use those distro's. They have their place, but I'm building this to suit my needs, and if you have requests... I'll do my best to include your needs as well. But don't overlook the other bootable distros out there... have a look see... [...] - ISN is currently hosted by To unsubscribe email majordomo () attrition org with 'unsubscribe isn' in the BODY of the mail.