Security News > 2002 > January > RE: Microsoft May Delay Products to Fix Security

RE: Microsoft May Delay Products to Fix Security
2002-01-29 08:26

Forwarded from: "Thomas (Yahoo!)" [Originally sent on January 24, 2002, cleaning up the queue. - WK] Unless MS changes it's policy of "layering software" (i.e., Outlook 2K is actually eight or nine, separate programs "stitched" together to run as one giant program (calendar, archive, e-mail, task manager)), I see that it's going to be EXTREMELY difficult for MS to dig itself out of the hole that it is in. They need to redesign from the GROUND up! Thomas Roy Garner SETIPRIME ( ) -----Original Message----- From: owner-isn () attrition org [mailto:owner-isn () attrition org]On Behalf Of InfoSec News Sent: Tuesday, January 22, 2002 11:53 PM To: isn () attrition org Subject: [ISN] Microsoft May Delay Products to Fix Security s%2Dtechnology January 22, 2002 Microsoft Corp. may delay some products, including its next version of Windows for server computers, to improve security, Vice President Cliff Reeves said Monday. About 7,000 engineers in the Windows operating system, word-processing and e-mail product groups are in security training, Reeves said. That, and the need to fix any security flaws that are found, may result in delays. Chairman Bill Gates last week sent an e-mail to employees saying Microsoft must make security a higher priority than new features. Microsoft is trying to take customers from rivals such as Sun Microsystems Inc. with its Windows server software and must improve security to do that. [...] - ISN is currently hosted by To unsubscribe email majordomo () attrition org with 'unsubscribe isn' in the BODY of the mail.

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