Weekly vulnerabilities reports

Weekly Vulnerability Report (August 15 to 21, 2016)
This weekly summary reports 23 newly published vulnerabilities, including 4 critical and 10 high severity vulnerabilities in 32 products from 11 vendors such as Theforeman, Cisco, Fortinet, Debian and Apache.
0 9 10 4 23
Weekly Vulnerability Report (August 8 to 14, 2016)
This weekly summary reports 72 newly published vulnerabilities, including 3 critical and 36 high severity vulnerabilities in 73 products from 21 vendors such as Microsoft, IBM, Debian, Cisco and Opensuse.
6 27 36 3 72
Weekly Vulnerability Report (August 1 to 7, 2016)
This weekly summary reports 244 newly published vulnerabilities, including 40 critical and 122 high severity vulnerabilities in 84 products from 46 vendors such as Google, Linux, Mozilla, Wireshark and Oracle.
0 82 122 40 244
Weekly Vulnerability Report (July 25 to 31, 2016)
This weekly summary reports 24 newly published vulnerabilities, including 8 critical and 9 high severity vulnerabilities in 18 products from 12 vendors such as PHP, Cisco, Apache, Rockwellautomation and CA.
0 7 9 8 24
Weekly Vulnerability Report (July 18 to 24, 2016)
This weekly summary reports 288 newly published vulnerabilities, including 32 critical and 115 high severity vulnerabilities in 124 products from 24 vendors such as Oracle, Apple, Google, Canonical and Redhat.
20 121 115 32 288
Weekly Vulnerability Report (July 11 to 17, 2016)
This weekly summary reports 280 newly published vulnerabilities, including 32 critical and 191 high severity vulnerabilities in 116 products from 38 vendors such as Google, Adobe, Microsoft, IBM and Cisco.
6 51 191 32 280
Weekly Vulnerability Report (July 4 to 10, 2016)
This weekly summary reports 45 newly published vulnerabilities, including 1 critical and 23 high severity vulnerabilities in 44 products from 19 vendors such as IBM, Apache, Opensuse, Oracle and Siemens.
1 20 23 1 45
Weekly Vulnerability Report (June 27 to July 3, 2016)
This weekly summary reports 149 newly published vulnerabilities, including 13 critical and 76 high severity vulnerabilities in 169 products from 45 vendors such as IBM, Linux, Symantec, Canonical and Phpmyadmin.
6 54 76 13 149
Weekly Vulnerability Report (June 20 to 26, 2016)
This weekly summary reports 47 newly published vulnerabilities, including 5 critical and 19 high severity vulnerabilities in 65 products from 24 vendors such as Cisco, IBM, Cybozu, Collne and Huawei.
2 21 19 5 47
Weekly Vulnerability Report (June 13 to 19, 2016)
This weekly summary reports 220 newly published vulnerabilities, including 22 critical and 139 high severity vulnerabilities in 165 products from 49 vendors such as Opensuse, Adobe, Google, Microsoft and Redhat.
3 56 139 22 220