Weekly vulnerabilities reports

Weekly Vulnerability Report (July 16 to 22, 2018)
This weekly summary reports 546 newly published vulnerabilities, including 82 critical and 221 high severity vulnerabilities in 307 products from 104 vendors such as Oracle, Adobe, Debian, Canonical and Cisco.
13 230 221 82 546
Weekly Vulnerability Report (July 9 to 15, 2018)
This weekly summary reports 748 newly published vulnerabilities, including 93 critical and 529 high severity vulnerabilities in 1054 products from 480 vendors such as Adobe, Microsoft, IBM, Juniper and Intel.
1 125 529 93 748
Weekly Vulnerability Report (July 2 to 8, 2018)
This weekly summary reports 440 newly published vulnerabilities, including 46 critical and 253 high severity vulnerabilities in 383 products from 234 vendors such as IBM, Google, Schneider Electric, Debian and Qualcomm.
3 138 253 46 440
Weekly Vulnerability Report (June 25 to July 1, 2018)
This weekly summary reports 273 newly published vulnerabilities, including 53 critical and 125 high severity vulnerabilities in 679 products from 163 vendors such as Debian, Canonical, Jenkins, Cybozu and Microsoft.
0 95 125 53 273
Weekly Vulnerability Report (June 18 to 24, 2018)
This weekly summary reports 191 newly published vulnerabilities, including 42 critical and 84 high severity vulnerabilities in 195 products from 95 vendors such as Cisco, Debian, Canonical, Redhat and Broadcom.
2 63 84 42 191
Weekly Vulnerability Report (June 11 to 17, 2018)
This weekly summary reports 613 newly published vulnerabilities, including 151 critical and 239 high severity vulnerabilities in 237 products from 132 vendors such as Mozilla, Debian, Redhat, Canonical and Microsoft.
3 220 239 151 613
Weekly Vulnerability Report (June 4 to 10, 2018)
This weekly summary reports 558 newly published vulnerabilities, including 49 critical and 371 high severity vulnerabilities in 521 products from 373 vendors such as Apple, Cisco, Jenkins, IBM and Canonical.
2 136 371 49 558
Weekly Vulnerability Report (May 28 to June 3, 2018)
This weekly summary reports 378 newly published vulnerabilities, including 43 critical and 221 high severity vulnerabilities in 312 products from 239 vendors such as Quest, Canonical, IBM, Espruino and F5.
3 111 221 43 378
Weekly Vulnerability Report (May 21 to 27, 2018)
This weekly summary reports 226 newly published vulnerabilities, including 29 critical and 102 high severity vulnerabilities in 456 products from 98 vendors such as Debian, Canonical, IBM, Trendmicro and Radare.
3 92 102 29 226
Weekly Vulnerability Report (May 14 to 20, 2018)
This weekly summary reports 327 newly published vulnerabilities, including 36 critical and 156 high severity vulnerabilities in 229 products from 110 vendors such as Foxitsoftware, Adobe, Moxa, Cisco and Advantech.
2 133 156 36 327