Weekly vulnerabilities reports

Weekly Vulnerability Report (April 15 to 21, 2024)
This weekly summary reports 167 newly published vulnerabilities, including 7 critical and 39 high severity vulnerabilities in 10 products from 10 vendors such as Linux, Oracle, Google, IBM and Fedoraproject.
14 107 39 7 167
Weekly Vulnerability Report (April 8 to 14, 2024)
This weekly summary reports 204 newly published vulnerabilities, including 4 critical and 126 high severity vulnerabilities in 24 products from 9 vendors such as Microsoft, Linux, Redhat, Paloaltonetworks and Imagely.
0 74 126 4 204
Weekly Vulnerability Report (April 1 to 7, 2024)
This weekly summary reports 51 newly published vulnerabilities, including 7 critical and 24 high severity vulnerabilities in 32 products from 11 vendors such as Google, Ivanti, Dlink, Tenda and IBM.
0 20 24 7 51
Weekly Vulnerability Report (March 25 to 31, 2024)
This weekly summary reports 33 newly published vulnerabilities, including 6 critical and 10 high severity vulnerabilities in 16 products from 7 vendors such as Apple, Linux, IBM, Jetbrains and Ivanti.
0 17 10 6 33
Weekly Vulnerability Report (March 18 to 24, 2024)
This weekly summary reports 93 newly published vulnerabilities, including 17 critical and 15 high severity vulnerabilities in 14 products from 9 vendors such as Tenda, Google, Fedoraproject, IBM and Microsoft.
2 59 15 17 93
Weekly Vulnerability Report (March 11 to 17, 2024)
This weekly summary reports 101 newly published vulnerabilities, including 12 critical and 53 high severity vulnerabilities in 44 products from 7 vendors such as IBM, Fortinet, Microsoft, Siemens and Tenda.
2 34 53 12 101
Weekly Vulnerability Report (March 4 to 10, 2024)
This weekly summary reports 45 newly published vulnerabilities, including 7 critical and 22 high severity vulnerabilities in 14 products from 5 vendors such as Apple, Qnap, Vmware, Jetbrains and TP Link.
0 16 22 7 45
Weekly Vulnerability Report (February 26 to March 3, 2024)
This weekly summary reports 101 newly published vulnerabilities, including 2 critical and 23 high severity vulnerabilities in 10 products from 9 vendors such as Linux, Libming, IBM, Cisa and Cisco.
1 75 23 2 101
Weekly Vulnerability Report (February 19 to 25, 2024)
This weekly summary reports 88 newly published vulnerabilities, including 13 critical and 37 high severity vulnerabilities in 12 products from 12 vendors such as Linux, Gitlab, Liveboxcloud, Apache and Debian.
0 38 37 13 88
Weekly Vulnerability Report (February 12 to 18, 2024)
This weekly summary reports 275 newly published vulnerabilities, including 36 critical and 127 high severity vulnerabilities in 98 products from 39 vendors such as Microsoft, Adobe, Dell, Siemens and Oracle.
7 105 127 36 275