Vulnerabilities > Oracle > Mysql > 5.5.47

2016-04-21 CVE-2016-0647 Remote Security vulnerability in Oracle MySQL
Unspecified vulnerability in Oracle MySQL 5.5.48 and earlier, 5.6.29 and earlier, and 5.7.11 and earlier and MariaDB before 5.5.49, 10.0.x before 10.0.25, and 10.1.x before 10.1.14 allows local users to affect availability via vectors related to FTS.
low complexity
opensuse debian oracle redhat ibm mariadb
2016-04-21 CVE-2016-0646 Remote Security vulnerability in Oracle MySQL
Unspecified vulnerability in Oracle MySQL 5.5.47 and earlier, 5.6.28 and earlier, and 5.7.10 and earlier and MariaDB before 5.5.48, 10.0.x before 10.0.24, and 10.1.x before 10.1.12 allows local users to affect availability via vectors related to DML.
low complexity
debian oracle redhat ibm opensuse mariadb
2016-04-21 CVE-2016-0644 Remote Security vulnerability in Oracle MySQL
Unspecified vulnerability in Oracle MySQL 5.5.47 and earlier, 5.6.28 and earlier, and 5.7.10 and earlier and MariaDB before 5.5.48, 10.0.x before 10.0.24, and 10.1.x before 10.1.12 allows local users to affect availability via vectors related to DDL.
low complexity
debian opensuse oracle ibm redhat mariadb
2016-04-21 CVE-2016-0643 Remote Security vulnerability in Oracle MySQL
Unspecified vulnerability in Oracle MySQL 5.5.48 and earlier, 5.6.29 and earlier, and 5.7.11 and earlier and MariaDB before 5.5.49, 10.0.x before 10.0.25, and 10.1.x before 10.1.14 allows local users to affect confidentiality via vectors related to DML.
low complexity
debian redhat ibm opensuse oracle mariadb
2016-04-21 CVE-2016-0642 Unspecified vulnerability in Oracle MySQL 5.5.48 and earlier, 5.6.29 and earlier, and 5.7.11 and earlier allows local users to affect integrity and availability via vectors related to Federated. 4.3
2016-04-21 CVE-2016-0641 Remote Security vulnerability in Oracle MySQL
Unspecified vulnerability in Oracle MySQL 5.5.47 and earlier, 5.6.28 and earlier, and 5.7.10 and earlier and MariaDB before 5.5.48, 10.0.x before 10.0.24, and 10.1.x before 10.1.12 allows local users to affect confidentiality and availability via vectors related to MyISAM.
2016-04-21 CVE-2016-0640 Remote Security vulnerability in Oracle MySQL
Unspecified vulnerability in Oracle MySQL 5.5.47 and earlier, 5.6.28 and earlier, and 5.7.10 and earlier and MariaDB before 5.5.48, 10.0.x before 10.0.24, and 10.1.x before 10.1.12 allows local users to affect integrity and availability via vectors related to DML.
2016-01-27 CVE-2016-2047 7PK - Security Features vulnerability in multiple products
The ssl_verify_server_cert function in sql-common/client.c in MariaDB before 5.5.47, 10.0.x before 10.0.23, and 10.1.x before 10.1.10; Oracle MySQL 5.5.48 and earlier, 5.6.29 and earlier, and 5.7.11 and earlier; and Percona Server do not properly verify that the server hostname matches a domain name in the subject's Common Name (CN) or subjectAltName field of the X.509 certificate, which allows man-in-the-middle attackers to spoof SSL servers via a "/CN=" string in a field in a certificate, as demonstrated by "/OU=/"
2016-01-21 CVE-2016-0611 Improper Access Control vulnerability in multiple products
Unspecified vulnerability in Oracle MySQL 5.6.27 and earlier and 5.7.9 allows remote authenticated users to affect availability via unknown vectors related to Optimizer.
low complexity
canonical oracle opensuse redhat CWE-284
2016-01-21 CVE-2016-0610 Remote Security vulnerability in Oracle Mysql
Unspecified vulnerability in Oracle MySQL 5.6.27 and earlier and MariaDB before 10.0.22 and 10.1.x before 10.1.9 allows remote authenticated users to affect availability via unknown vectors related to InnoDB.