Vulnerabilities > Fedoraproject

2008-07-18 CVE-2008-3223 SQL Injection vulnerability in multiple products
SQL injection vulnerability in the Schema API in Drupal 6.x before 6.3 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary SQL commands via vectors related to "an inappropriate placeholder for 'numeric' fields."
low complexity
drupal fedoraproject CWE-89
2008-07-18 CVE-2008-3222 Session Fixation vulnerability in multiple products
Session fixation vulnerability in Drupal 5.x before 5.9 and 6.x before 6.3, when contributed modules "terminate the current request during a login event," allows remote attackers to hijack web sessions via unknown vectors.
2008-07-18 CVE-2008-3221 Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) vulnerability in multiple products
Cross-site request forgery (CSRF) vulnerability in Drupal 6.x before 6.3 allows remote attackers to perform administrative actions via vectors involving deletion of OpenID identities.
2008-07-18 CVE-2008-3220 Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) vulnerability in multiple products
Cross-site request forgery (CSRF) vulnerability in Drupal 5.x before 5.8 and 6.x before 6.3 allows remote attackers to perform administrative actions via vectors involving deletion of "translated strings."
2008-07-18 CVE-2008-3219 Cross-Site Scripting vulnerability in multiple products
The Drupal filter_xss_admin function in 5.x before 5.8 and 6.x before 6.3 does not "prevent use of the object HTML tag in administrator input," which has unknown impact and attack vectors, probably related to an insufficient cross-site scripting (XSS) protection mechanism.
2008-07-18 CVE-2008-3218 Cross-Site Scripting vulnerability in multiple products
Multiple cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities in Drupal 6.x before 6.3 allow remote attackers to inject arbitrary web script or HTML via vectors related to (1) free tagging taxonomy terms, which are not properly handled on node preview pages, and (2) unspecified OpenID values.
2008-07-07 CVE-2008-2371 Out-of-bounds Write vulnerability in multiple products
Heap-based buffer overflow in pcre_compile.c in the Perl-Compatible Regular Expression (PCRE) library 7.7 allows context-dependent attackers to cause a denial of service (crash) or possibly execute arbitrary code via a regular expression that begins with an option and contains multiple branches.
2008-06-30 CVE-2008-2944 Double Free vulnerability in multiple products
Double free vulnerability in the utrace support in the Linux kernel, probably 2.6.18, in Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 5 and Fedora Core 6 (FC6) allows local users to cause a denial of service (oops), as demonstrated by a crash when running the GNU GDB testsuite, a different vulnerability than CVE-2008-2365.
low complexity
fedoraproject linux redhat CWE-415
2008-05-07 CVE-2008-2108 Insufficient Entropy vulnerability in multiple products
The GENERATE_SEED macro in PHP 4.x before 4.4.8 and 5.x before 5.2.5, when running on 64-bit systems, performs a multiplication that generates a portion of zero bits during conversion due to insufficient precision, which produces 24 bits of entropy and simplifies brute force attacks against protection mechanisms that use the rand and mt_rand functions.
low complexity
php fedoraproject canonical debian CWE-331
2008-05-05 CVE-2008-0599 Incorrect Calculation of Buffer Size vulnerability in multiple products
The init_request_info function in sapi/cgi/cgi_main.c in PHP before 5.2.6 does not properly consider operator precedence when calculating the length of PATH_TRANSLATED, which might allow remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via a crafted URI.
low complexity
php fedoraproject canonical apple CWE-131