
CWE-255 Credentials Management
Weaknesses in this category are related to the management of credentials.
106 299 99 152 656
CWE-770 Allocation of Resources Without Limits or Throttling
The software allocates a reusable resource or group of resources on behalf of an actor without imposing any restrictions on the size or number of resources that can be allocated, in violation of the intended security policy for that actor.
19 360 240 9 628
CWE-532 Information Exposure Through Log Files
Information written to log files can be of a sensitive nature and give valuable guidance to an attacker or expose sensitive user information.
163 344 73 10 590
CWE-668 Exposure of Resource to Wrong Sphere
The product exposes a resource to the wrong control sphere, providing unintended actors with inappropriate access to the resource.
72 340 133 26 571
CWE-427 Uncontrolled Search Path Element
The product uses a fixed or controlled search path to find resources, but one or more locations in that path can be under the control of unintended actors.
6 247 248 36 537
CWE-401 Improper Release of Memory Before Removing Last Reference ('Memory Leak')
The software does not sufficiently track and release allocated memory after it has been used, which slowly consumes remaining memory.
42 330 155 0 527
CWE-835 Loop with Unreachable Exit Condition ('Infinite Loop')
The program contains an iteration or loop with an exit condition that cannot be reached, i.e., an infinite loop.
20 300 201 1 522
CWE-319 Cleartext Transmission of Sensitive Information
The software transmits sensitive or security-critical data in cleartext in a communication channel that can be sniffed by unauthorized actors.
37 320 119 28 504
CWE-312 Cleartext Storage of Sensitive Information
The application stores sensitive information in cleartext within a resource that might be accessible to another control sphere.
94 270 86 11 461
CWE-426 Untrusted Search Path
The application searches for critical resources using an externally-supplied search path that can point to resources that are not under the application's direct control.
6 251 83 112 452