
CWE-324 Use of a Key Past its Expiration Date
The product uses a cryptographic key or password past its expiration date, which diminishes its safety significantly by increasing the timing window for cracking attacks against that key.
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CWE-27 Path Traversal: 'dir/../../filename'
The software uses external input to construct a pathname that should be within a restricted directory, but it does not properly neutralize multiple internal ../ sequences that can resolve to a location that is outside of that directory.
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CWE-911 Improper Update of Reference Count
The software uses a reference count to manage a resource, but it does not update or incorrectly updates the reference count.
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CWE-759 Use of a One-Way Hash without a Salt
The software uses a one-way cryptographic hash against an input that should not be reversible, such as a password, but the software does not also use a salt as part of the input.
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CWE-643 Improper Neutralization of Data within XPath Expressions ('XPath Injection')
The software uses external input to dynamically construct an XPath expression used to retrieve data from an XML database, but it does not neutralize or incorrectly neutralizes that input. This allows an attacker to control the structure of the query.
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CWE-671 Lack of Administrator Control over Security
The product uses security features in a way that prevents the product's administrator from tailoring security settings to reflect the environment in which the product is being used. This introduces resultant weaknesses or prevents it from operating at a level of security that is desired by the administrator.
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CWE-475 Undefined Behavior for Input to API
The behavior of this function is undefined unless its control parameter is set to a specific value.
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CWE-409 Improper Handling of Highly Compressed Data (Data Amplification)
The software does not handle or incorrectly handles a compressed input with a very high compression ratio that produces a large output.
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CWE-187 Partial String Comparison
The software performs a comparison that only examines a portion of a factor before determining whether there is a match, such as a substring, leading to resultant weaknesses.
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CWE-424 Improper Protection of Alternate Path
The product does not sufficiently protect all possible paths that a user can take to access restricted functionality or resources.
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