code | #
# (C) Tenable Network Security, Inc.
# The descriptive text and package checks in this plugin were
# extracted from the Microsoft Security Updates API. The text
# itself is copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.
if (description)
script_cvs_date("Date: 2020/01/30");
script_xref(name:"MSKB", value:"4484182");
script_xref(name:"MSKB", value:"4484180");
script_xref(name:"MSKB", value:"4484186");
script_xref(name:"MSKB", value:"4484193");
script_xref(name:"MSKB", value:"4484192");
script_xref(name:"MSKB", value:"4475598");
script_xref(name:"MSKB", value:"4484184");
script_xref(name:"MSFT", value:"MS19-4484182");
script_xref(name:"MSFT", value:"MS19-4484180");
script_xref(name:"MSFT", value:"MS19-4484186");
script_xref(name:"MSFT", value:"MS19-4484193");
script_xref(name:"MSFT", value:"MS19-4484192");
script_xref(name:"MSFT", value:"MS19-4475598");
script_xref(name:"MSFT", value:"MS19-4484184");
script_name(english:"Security Updates for Microsoft Office Products (December 2019)");
script_set_attribute(attribute:"synopsis", value:
"The Microsoft Office Products are affected by multiple vulnerabilities.");
script_set_attribute(attribute:"description", value:
"The Microsoft Office Products are missing security updates.
It is, therefore, affected by multiple vulnerabilities :
- An information disclosure vulnerability exists when
Microsoft Excel improperly discloses the contents of its
memory. An attacker who exploited the vulnerability
could use the information to compromise the users
computer or data. (CVE-2019-1464)
- A denial of service vulnerability exists in Microsoft
Word software when the software fails to properly handle
objects in memory. An attacker who successfully
exploited the vulnerability could cause a remote denial
of service against a system. Exploitation of the
vulnerability requires that a specially crafted document
be sent to a vulnerable user. The security update
addresses the vulnerability by correcting how Microsoft
Word handles objects in memory. (CVE-2019-1461)
- An information disclosure vulnerability exists in
Microsoft Access software when the software fails to
properly handle objects in memory. An attacker who
successfully exploited this vulnerability could obtain
information to further compromise the users system.
(CVE-2019-1400, CVE-2019-1463)
- A remote code execution vulnerability exists in
Microsoft PowerPoint software when the software fails to
properly handle objects in memory. An attacker who
successfully exploited the vulnerability could run
arbitrary code in the context of the current user. If
the current user is logged on with administrative user
rights, an attacker could take control of the affected
system. An attacker could then install programs; view,
change, or delete data; or create new accounts with full
user rights. (CVE-2019-1462)");
script_set_attribute(attribute:"see_also", value:"");
script_set_attribute(attribute:"see_also", value:"");
script_set_attribute(attribute:"see_also", value:"");
script_set_attribute(attribute:"see_also", value:"");
script_set_attribute(attribute:"see_also", value:"");
script_set_attribute(attribute:"see_also", value:"");
script_set_attribute(attribute:"see_also", value:"");
script_set_attribute(attribute:"solution", value:
"Microsoft has released the following security updates to address this issue:
For Office 365, Office 2016 C2R, or Office 2019, ensure automatic
updates are enabled or open any office app and manually perform an
script_set_attribute(attribute:"cvss_score_source", value:"CVE-2019-1462");
script_set_attribute(attribute:"exploitability_ease", value:"No known exploits are available");
script_set_attribute(attribute:"vuln_publication_date", value:"2019/12/10");
script_set_attribute(attribute:"patch_publication_date", value:"2019/12/10");
script_set_attribute(attribute:"plugin_publication_date", value:"2019/12/10");
script_set_attribute(attribute:"plugin_type", value:"local");
script_set_attribute(attribute:"cpe", value:"cpe:/a:microsoft:office");
script_family(english:"Windows : Microsoft Bulletins");
script_copyright(english:"This script is Copyright (C) 2019-2020 and is owned by Tenable, Inc. or an Affiliate thereof.");
script_dependencies("office_installed.nasl", "smb_hotfixes.nasl", "ms_bulletin_checks_possible.nasl");
script_require_ports(139, 445, "Host/patch_management_checks");
bulletin = "MS19-12";
kbs = make_list(
"4484193", # Office 2010 SP2
"4475598", # Office 2010 SP2
"4484192", # Office 2010 SP2
"4484186", # Office 2013 SP1
"4484184", # Office 2013 SP1
"4484180", # Office 2016
"4484182" # Office 2016
if (get_kb_item("Host/patch_management_checks"))
hotfix_check_3rd_party(bulletin:bulletin, kbs:kbs, severity:SECURITY_HOLE);
get_kb_item_or_exit("SMB/Registry/Enumerated", exit_code:1);
vuln = FALSE;
port = kb_smb_transport();
office_vers = hotfix_check_office_version();
# Office 2010 SP2
if (office_vers["14.0"])
office_sp = get_kb_item("SMB/Office/2010/SP");
if (!isnull(office_sp) && office_sp == 2)
prod = "Microsoft Office 2010 SP2";
path = hotfix_get_officecommonfilesdir(officever:"14.0");
path = hotfix_append_path(path:path, value:"Microsoft Shared\Office14");
kb = "4484193";
file = "acecore.dll";
version = "14.0.7243.5000";
if (hotfix_check_fversion(file:file, version:version, path:path, kb:kb, bulletin:bulletin, product:prod) == HCF_OLDER)
vuln = TRUE;
# wwlibcxm.dll only exists if KB2428677 is installed
path = hotfix_get_officeprogramfilesdir(officever:"14.0");
path = hotfix_append_path(path:path, value:"Microsoft Office\Office14");
kb = "4475598";
file = "wwlibcxm.dll";
version = "14.0.7243.5000";
if (hotfix_check_fversion(file:file, version:version, path:path, kb:kb, bulletin:bulletin, product:prod) == HCF_OLDER)
vuln = TRUE;
path = hotfix_get_officeprogramfilesdir(officever:"14.0");
path = hotfix_append_path(path:path, value:"Microsoft Office\Office14");
kb = "4484192";
file = "graph.exe";
version = "14.0.7243.5000";
if (hotfix_check_fversion(file:file, version:version, path:path, kb:kb, bulletin:bulletin, product:prod) == HCF_OLDER)
vuln = TRUE;
# Office 2013 SP1
if (office_vers["15.0"])
office_sp = get_kb_item("SMB/Office/2013/SP");
if (!isnull(office_sp) && office_sp == 1)
prod = "Microsoft Office 2013 SP1";
path = hotfix_get_officecommonfilesdir(officever:"15.0");
path = hotfix_append_path(path:path, value:"Microsoft Shared\Office15");
kb = "4484186";
file = "acecore.dll";
version = "15.0.5197.1000";
if (hotfix_check_fversion(file:file, version:version, path:path, kb:kb, bulletin:bulletin, product:prod) == HCF_OLDER )
vuln = TRUE;
path = hotfix_get_officeprogramfilesdir(officever:"15.0");
path = hotfix_append_path(path:path, value:"Microsoft Office\Office15");
kb = "4484184";
file = "graph.exe";
version = "15.0.5197.1000";
if (hotfix_check_fversion(file:file, version:version, path:path, kb:kb, bulletin:bulletin, product:prod) == HCF_OLDER )
vuln = TRUE;
# Office 2016 / 2019 / C2R
if (office_vers["16.0"])
office_sp = get_kb_item("SMB/Office/2016/SP");
if (!isnull(office_sp) && office_sp == 0)
prod = "Microsoft Office 2016";
# MSI acecore.dll
path = hotfix_get_officecommonfilesdir(officever:"16.0");
path = hotfix_append_path(path:path, value:"Microsoft Shared\Office16");
kb = "4484180";
file = "acecore.dll";
version = "16.0.4939.1000";
if (hotfix_check_fversion(file:file, version:version, channel:"MSI", channel_product:"Office", path:path, kb:kb, bulletin:bulletin, product:prod) == HCF_OLDER)
vuln = TRUE;
# MSI graph.exe
path = hotfix_get_officeprogramfilesdir(officever:"16.0");
path = hotfix_append_path(path:path, value:"Microsoft Office\Office16");
kb = "4484182";
file = "graph.exe";
version = "16.0.4939.1000";
if (hotfix_check_fversion(file:file, version:version, channel:"MSI", channel_product:"Office", path:path, kb:kb, bulletin:bulletin, product:prod) == HCF_OLDER)
vuln = TRUE;
path = hotfix_get_officeprogramfilesdir(officever:'16.0');
prod2019 = 'Microsoft Office 2019';
mso_dll_path = hotfix_append_path(path:path, value:'Microsoft Office\\root\\Office16');
c2r_path = mso_dll_path;
if (
hotfix_check_fversion(file:"graph.exe", version:"16.0.10730.20426", channel:"Deferred", channel_product:"Office", path:c2r_path, bulletin:bulletin, product:prod) == HCF_OLDER ||
hotfix_check_fversion(file:"graph.exe", version:"16.0.11328.20492", channel:"Deferred", channel_version:"1902", channel_product:"Office", path:c2r_path, bulletin:bulletin, product:prod) == HCF_OLDER ||
hotfix_check_fversion(file:"graph.exe", version:"16.0.11929.20516", channel:"First Release for Deferred", channel_product:"Office", path:c2r_path, bulletin:bulletin, product:prod) == HCF_OLDER ||
hotfix_check_fversion(file:"graph.exe", version:"16.0.12228.20364", channel:"Current", channel_product:"Office", path:c2r_path, bulletin:bulletin, product:prod) == HCF_OLDER ||
# 2019
hotfix_check_fversion(file:"graph.exe", version:"16.0.12228.20364", channel:"2019 Retail", channel_product:"Office", path:c2r_path, bulletin:bulletin, product:prod2019) == HCF_OLDER ||
hotfix_check_fversion(file:"graph.exe", version:"16.0.10353.20037", channel:"2019 Volume", channel_product:"Office", path:c2r_path, bulletin:bulletin, product:prod2019) == HCF_OLDER
vuln = TRUE;
if (vuln)
replace_kb_item(name:"SMB/Missing/"+bulletin, value:TRUE);
audit(AUDIT_HOST_NOT, "affected");