Vulnerabilities > CVE-2017-7115 - Race Condition vulnerability in Apple Iphone OS and Tvos

Attack vector
Attack complexity
Privileges required
Confidentiality impact
Integrity impact
Availability impact
exploit available


An issue was discovered in certain Apple products. iOS before 11 is affected. tvOS before 11 is affected. The issue involves the "Wi-Fi" component. It might allow remote attackers to execute arbitrary code in a privileged context or cause a denial of service (memory corruption) via crafted Wi-Fi traffic that leverages a race condition.

Vulnerable Configurations

Part Description Count

Common Attack Pattern Enumeration and Classification (CAPEC)

  • Leveraging Race Conditions
    This attack targets a race condition occurring when multiple processes access and manipulate the same resource concurrently and the outcome of the execution depends on the particular order in which the access takes place. The attacker can leverage a race condition by "running the race", modifying the resource and modifying the normal execution flow. For instance a race condition can occur while accessing a file, the attacker can trick the system by replacing the original file with his version and cause the system to read the malicious file.
  • Leveraging Time-of-Check and Time-of-Use (TOCTOU) Race Conditions
    This attack targets a race condition occurring between the time of check (state) for a resource and the time of use of a resource. The typical example is the file access. The attacker can leverage a file access race condition by "running the race", meaning that he would modify the resource between the first time the target program accesses the file and the time the target program uses the file. During that period of time, the attacker could do something such as replace the file and cause an escalation of privilege.


descriptionApple iOS 10.2 (14C92) - Remote Code Execution. CVE-2017-7115. Remote exploit for iOS platform
last seen2017-10-17
titleApple iOS 10.2 (14C92) - Remote Code Execution


NASL familyMisc.
descriptionAccording to its banner, the version of Apple TV on the remote device is prior to 11. It is, therefore, affected by multiple vulnerabilities as described in the HT208113 security advisory. Note that only 4th generation models are affected by these vulnerabilities.
last seen2020-06-01
plugin id103419
reporterThis script is Copyright (C) 2017-2019 and is owned by Tenable, Inc. or an Affiliate thereof.
titleApple TV < 11 Multiple Vulnerabilities
# (C) Tenable Network Security, Inc.


if (description)
  script_cvs_date("Date: 2019/11/12");


  script_name(english:"Apple TV < 11 Multiple Vulnerabilities");
  script_summary(english:"Checks the build number.");

  script_set_attribute(attribute:"synopsis", value:
"The remote Apple TV device is affected by multiple vulnerabilities.");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"description", value:
"According to its banner, the version of Apple TV on the remote device
is prior to 11. It is, therefore, affected by multiple vulnerabilities
as described in the HT208113 security advisory.

Note that only 4th generation models are affected by these
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"see_also", value:"");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"see_also", value:"");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"solution", value:
"Upgrade to Apple TV version 11 or later. Note that this update is only
available for 4th generation models.");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"cvss_score_source", value:"CVE-2017-11121");

  script_set_attribute(attribute:"exploitability_ease", value:"Exploits are available");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"exploit_available", value:"true");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"exploited_by_malware", value:"true");

  script_set_attribute(attribute:"vuln_publication_date", value:"2017/09/22");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"patch_publication_date", value:"2017/09/22");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"plugin_publication_date", value:"2017/09/22");

  script_set_attribute(attribute:"plugin_type", value:"remote");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"cpe", value:"cpe:/a:apple:apple_tv");


  script_copyright(english:"This script is Copyright (C) 2017-2019 and is owned by Tenable, Inc. or an Affiliate thereof.");

  script_require_keys("AppleTV/Version", "AppleTV/Model", "AppleTV/URL", "AppleTV/Port");
  script_require_ports("Services/www", 7000);



url = get_kb_item('AppleTV/URL');
if (empty_or_null(url)) exit(0, 'Cannot determine Apple TV URL.');
port = get_kb_item('AppleTV/Port');
if (empty_or_null(port)) exit(0, 'Cannot determine Apple TV port.');

build = get_kb_item('AppleTV/Version');
if (empty_or_null(build)) audit(AUDIT_UNKNOWN_DEVICE_VER, 'Apple TV');

model = get_kb_item('AppleTV/Model');
if (empty_or_null(model)) exit(0, 'Cannot determine Apple TV model.');

fixed_build = "15J381";
tvos_ver = '11';

# determine gen from the model
gen = APPLETV_MODEL_GEN[model];

  build          : build,
  fix            : fixed_build,
  affected_gen   : 4,
  fix_tvos_ver   : tvos_ver,
  model          : model,
  gen            : gen,
  port           : port,
  url            : url,
  severity       : SECURITY_HOLE


descriptionBroadcom produces Wi-Fi HardMAC SoCs which are used to handle the PHY and MAC layer processing. These chips are present in both mobile devices and Wi-Fi routers, and are capable of handling many Wi-Fi related events without delegating to the host OS. On iOS, the "AppleBCMWLANBusInterfacePCIe" driver is used in order to handle the PCIe interface and low-level communication protocols with the Wi-Fi SoC (also referred to as "dongle"). Similarly, the "AppleBCMWLANCore" driver handles the high-level protocols and the Wi-Fi configuration. The host and dongle communicate with one another using a set of "message rings". Two message rings (distinct from the "flow rings") are used to transfer data from the host to the dongle (H2D): ``` -H2D_MSGRING_CONTROL_SUBMIT (Ring #0) -H2D_MSGRING_RXPOST_SUBMIT (Ring #1) ``` When the host wishes to notify the dongle of an event (such as submitting an IO-Control request or posting an address into which an RX frame may be written), it does so by writing a small structure to the appropriate message ring buffer at the current write index. Similarly, when reading events from any of the completion rings (D2H), the host uses the read index for the current ring in order to access the posted message buffer by the dongle within the ring. Each ring has a corresponding fixed "item size" which is set during the ring's initialisation -- individual items' addresses within the ring can therefore be calculated like so: "ring_base + ring_index * item_size". As the Wi-Fi dongle is connected to the host over PCIe, it is able to issue IO requests to the Root Complex. To prevent a malicious dongle from overwriting arbitrary physical memory and subverting the host OS, some isolation is needed between the device-visible IO-Space and the host's physical address space. This is facilitated on iOS by using an IOMMU called the "Device Address Resolution Table" (DART). On iOS, the read and write indices for each of the rings (H2D and D2H) are synchronised between the peers by mapping them into IO-Space -- this way, each side of the communication can freely access the R/W indices for each ring and know where the next buffers are going to be posted (either by itself or by its peer). These IO-Space addresses are submitted by the AppleBCMWLANBusInterfacePCIe driver into the PCIe shared structure at the end of the Wi-Fi chip's RAM by writing directly into the chip's TCM. Indeed, we can dump the structure's contents and see the IO-Space addresses for each of these buffers: ``` Dumping ring_info ----------------------------------------- h2d_w_idx_ptr: 0x0020249C h2d_r_idx_ptr: 0x00202548 d2h_w_idx_ptr: 0x002025F4 d2h_r_idx_ptr: 0x00202604 -> h2d_w_idx_hostaddr: 0x80538000 -> h2d_r_idx_hostaddr: 0x80530000 -> d2h_w_idx_hostaddr: 0x80548000 -> d2h_r_idx_hostaddr: 0x80540000 ``` By installing a hook on the DMA function in the Wi-Fi chip, we can verify that indeed these buffers are not only readable in IO-Space, they are also *writable* (including the H2D indices!). Here's a snippet (from the chip's console) in which we installed such a hook in order to DMA into the "h2d_w_idx_ptr" buffer: ``` Before: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 After : 48 BF 6B 4B 50 34 4A BF ^---------------^ Wi-Fi MAC ``` When a PCIe MSI interrupt occurs, the AppleBCMWLANBusInterfacePCIe driver first handles the interrupt and checks which operations should be performed (by reading the MailBox register). If an interrupt signalling an event's completion arrives, the pending messages in each D2H ring are processed by calling AppleBCMWLANPCIeCompletionRing::signalWorkAvailable(). This, in turn, calls a virtual function in the ring instance (at offset 0x138). The handled function reads the events at the current "read index" and subsequently handles them by invoking the registered callback function for the given ring (e.g., "drainControlCompleteRing" for the D2H_MSGRING_CONTROL_COMPLETE ring). Here is a short snippet of the approximate high-level logic of the virtual function that iterates over each pending buffer: ``` int64_t AppleBCMWLANPCIeCompletionRing_iterateAndCallCompletionCallbacks(void* this) { ... do { uint8_t* ring_base = *(uint8_t**) ((uint64_t)this + 216); int32_t item_size = *(int32_t*) ((uint64_t)this + 92); (1) uint32_t read_index = **(uint32_t**)((uint64_t)this + 144); uint8_t* next_buffer = ring_base + item_size * read_index; (2) uint64_t num_events = calculateNumberOfReadEventsToDrain(this); //Call the registered callback callback_t cb = *(callback_t*)(this + 24); uint32_t events_handled = cb(this, next_buffer, ..., num_events); read_index += events_handled; uint32_t max_ring_index = *(uint32_t*)(this + 88); if (read_index >= max_ring_index) read_index = 0; ... } while (hasMoreEvents(this)); ... } uint64_t calculateNumberOfReadEventsToDrain(void* this) { //AppleBCMWLANPCIeCompletionRing::getReadIndex() uint64_t (*getReadIndex)(void*) = (uint64_t (*) (void*))(*(uint64_t*)this + 0x120); uint64_t read_index = getReadIndex(this); ... return read_index - last_index; } uint64_t AppleBCMWLANPCIeCompletionRing__getReadIndex(void* this) { uint32_t read_index = **(uint32_t**)((uint64_t)this + 144); if (read_index >= 0x10000) panic(...); return read_index; } ``` Similarly, when data need to be written into the submission rings, the corresponding AppleBCMWLANPCIeSubmissionRing instance's work loop function is invoked (virtual function @ offset 0x138). Here is the approximate high-level logic for this function: ``` uint64_t AppleBCMWLANPCIeSubmissionRing_iterateAndCallSubmissionCallbacks(void* this) { ... (3) uint32_t write_index = **(uint32_t**)((uint64_t)this + 184); (4) while (hasMoreEvents(this)) { uint8_t* ring_base = *(uint8_t**) ((uint64_t)this + 248); int32_t item_size = *(int32_t*) ((uint64_t)this + 92); uint8_t* next_buffer = ring_base + item_size * write_index; (5) uint64_t num_events = calculateNumberOfWriteEvents(this); //Call the registered callback callback_t cb = *(callback_t*)(this + 112); uint32_t num_written = cb(this, next_buffer, ..., num_events); if (!num_written) break; write_index += num_written; uint32_t max_ring_index = *(uint32_t*)(this + 88); if ( write_index >= max_ring_index) write_index = 0; **(uint32_t**)((uint64_t)this + 184) = write_index; } ... } uint64_t calculateNumberOfWriteEvents(void* this) { //AppleBCMWLANPCIeSubmissionRing::getIndices() void (*getIndices)(void*, uint64_t*, uint64_t*) = (uint64_t (*) (void*, uint64_t*, uint64_t*))(*(uint64_t*)this + 0x128); uint64_t read_index, write_index; getIndices(this, &read_index, &write_index); ... } uint64_t AppleBCMWLANPCIeSubmissionRing__getIndices(void* this, uint64_t* rindex, uint64*t windex) { uint32_t read_index = **(uint32_t**)((uint64_t)this + 176); uint32_t write_index = **(uint32_t**)((uint64_t)this + 184); if (read_index >= 0x10000 || write_index >= 0x10000) panic(...); *rindex = read_index; *windex = write_index; } ``` Note that in both the snippets above, the pointers to the "read_index" and "write_index" are both pointers to the same memory addresses which were mapped into IO-Space earlier and submitted to the dongle. As such, the dongle can freely DMA into these addresses and modify their contents. Following the logic of the two snippets above, we can see that a malicious dongle can therefore trigger several race conditions by modifying the indices' values: 1. The dongle can trigger OOB writes to offsets not larger than 0xFFFF * item_size, by executing the following attack: * Host calls AppleBCMWLANPCIeSubmissionRing_iterateAndCallSubmissionCallbacks on ring #n * Dongle DMA-s into ring #n's write index, setting a value <= 0x10000 * Host reaches (3) and reads the malicious write index * Dongle DMA-s into ring #n's write index, restoring the original write index * Host reaches (4), calls hasMoreEvents() and succeeds since the index is now valid * Host reaches (5), calculates the correct number of events to process, and calls the callback * The callback writes arbitrary data into the attacker-controlled offset, triggering an OOB write 2. Similarly, by DMA-ing into a ring's read index for any of the completion rings, the dongle may cause the host to read a completion event OOB. 3. The dongle can also cause OOB writes to an offset larger than 0xFFFF * item_size, by executing the same attack as described in (1). However, if the dongle fails to restore the write index before the bounds checks in AppleBCMWLANPCIeSubmissionRing::getIndices, this will result in a panic and reboot the device. 4. Similarly, by DMA-ing into a ring's read index for any of the completion rings, the dongle may cause the host to read a completion event OOB at an offset larger than 0xFFFF * item_size One possibility to exploit this vulnerability would be to trigger an OOB write from a ring into the DART's translation tables, thus effectively adding mappings to the chip's IO-Space. If the attacker can add the DART's translation table itself to the DART mapping, they can then freely add memory mappings, allowing for arbitrary R/W into the kernel's physical address space. Indeed, by locating the DART's translation table and reverse engineering it, we can find the location of the DART's descriptors in relation to the ring base addresses. In one execution, dumping the addresses for the DART descriptors and the ring base addresses resulted in the following output: ``` Ring #0 - Base: 0xFFFFFFE00380D000 Ring #1 - Base: 0xFFFFFFE0B0DE8000 Ring #2 - Base: 0xFFFFFFE0B0DEC000 Ring #3 - Base: 0xFFFFFFE0B0CC4000 Ring #4 - Base: 0xFFFFFFE0B0CD0000 DART: First Level Descriptor: 0xFFFFFFE02BB4000 Second Level Descriptor: 0xFFFFFFE0B0CD4000 ... ``` As we can see above, the DART's second level descriptor is comfortably placed within range of ring #0 (H2D_MSGRING_CONTROL_SUBMIT) -- allowing an attacker to add entries to the DART's mapping. Moreover, even if the Wi-Fi chip or driver encounters an error and the chip is reset, the added mappings in the DART are not cleared (!). As a result, subsequent attempts to exploit the chip will still contain the malicious IO-Space mappings. Suggested Mitigations: 1. The indices can never be larger the 16-bits. As such, there's no reason to introduce possible mistakes when handling values larger than that. This can be mitigated by changed the index types to 16-bit wide types instead of 32-bits. 2. There's no reason to map the H2D indices as writable: * If DART supports read-only mappings, I suggest the indices be mapped as such. * Otherwise, the index should only be read from the shared region *once* on each iteration, instead of re-reading it in several "helper" functions. 3. The indices in both the submission and completion rings should be verified against the ring's maximal index (this+88) and not against the maximal possible value (0xFFFF). 4. Clear all DART mappings when the chip is reset.
last seen2017-11-19
titleApple: Multiple Race Conditions in PCIe Message Ring protocol leading to OOB Write and OOB Read(CVE-2017-7115)