Vulnerabilities > CVE-2016-9049 - NULL Pointer Dereference vulnerability in Aerospike Database Server

Attack vector
Attack complexity
Privileges required
Confidentiality impact
Integrity impact
Availability impact
low complexity


An exploitable denial-of-service vulnerability exists in the fabric-worker component of Aerospike Database Server A specially crafted packet can cause the server process to dereference a null pointer. An attacker can simply connect to a TCP port in order to trigger this vulnerability.

Vulnerable Configurations

Part Description Count

Common Weakness Enumeration (CWE)


description### Summary An exploitable denial-of-service vulnerability exists in the fabric-worker component of Aerospike Database Server A specially crafted packet can cause the server process to dereference a null pointer. An attacker can simply connect to a TCP port in order to trigger this vulnerability. ### Tested Versions Aerospike Database Server ### Product URLs ### CVSSv3 Score 7.5 - CVSS:3.0/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:N/I:N/A:H ### CWE CWE-476 - NULL Pointer Dereference ### Details The Aerospike Database Server is both a distributed and scalable NoSQL database that is used as a back-end for scalable web applications that need a key-value store. With a focus on performance, it is multi-threaded and retains its indexes entirely in ram with the ability to persist data to a solid-state drive or traditional rotational media. When receiving a packet on the fabric port (3001/TCP) the server will read data from a socket [1]. Upon receiving a packet, the data returned will be passed as an argument to the `msg_get_initial` function at [2]. Inside this function, the server will extract the size and type of the packet and write them to the variables `fb->r_msg_size` and `fb->r_type`. ``` as/src/fabric/fabric.c:1029 static bool fabric_buffer_process_readable(fabric_buffer *fb) { ... while (true) { size_t recv_full = fb->r_end - fb->r_append; int32_t recv_sz = cf_socket_recv(&fb->sock, fb->r_append, recv_full, 0); // [1] ... if (fb->r_msg_size == 0) { size_t hdr_sz = fb->r_append - fb->r_buf; ... if (msg_get_initial(&fb->r_msg_size, &fb->r_type, fb->r_buf, hdr_sz) != 0) { // [2] cf_warning(AS_FABRIC, "fabric_buffer_process_readable() invalid msg_hdr"); return false; } ... ``` Inside the `msg_get_initial` function, the server will ensure that the buffer is >= 6 bytes. Afterwards, the buffer will be casted to a `msg_hdr` structure which contains a size and a type [1]. After flipping the byte-order to the architecture's native format [2], the size and type will be written to the pointers passed in the function's arguments. ``` cf/src/msg.c:377 int msg_get_initial(uint32_t *size_r, msg_type *type_r, const uint8_t *buf, uint32_t buflen) { if (buflen < sizeof(msg_hdr)) { return -1; } const msg_hdr *hdr = (const msg_hdr *)buf; // [1] *size_r = cf_swap_from_be32(hdr->size) + sizeof(msg_hdr); // [2] *type_r = (msg_type)cf_swap_from_be16(hdr->type); return 0; } ``` Upon returning to the `fabric_buffer_process_readable` function, the server will check to see if the resulting size is larger than 0x100000 [1], and then use this size in a following allocation. Due to a missing check of on the result of the call to `cf_malloc` [2], an attacker can cause the allocation to fail which when encountering the `memcpy` that follows will result in a write to a NULL pointer before reading the rest of the packet [3]. ``` as/src/fabric/fabric.c:243 #define FB_BUF_MEM_SZ (1024 * 1024) as/src/fabric/fabric.c:1029 static bool fabric_buffer_process_readable(fabric_buffer *fb) { ... while (true) { size_t recv_full = fb->r_end - fb->r_append; int32_t recv_sz = cf_socket_recv(&fb->sock, fb->r_append, recv_full, 0); ... if (fb->r_msg_size == 0) { size_t hdr_sz = fb->r_append - fb->r_buf; ... if (msg_get_initial(&fb->r_msg_size, &fb->r_type, fb->r_buf, hdr_sz) != 0) { cf_warning(AS_FABRIC, "fabric_buffer_process_readable() invalid msg_hdr"); return false; } if (fb->r_msg_size > FB_BUF_MEM_SZ) { // [1] 1024*1024 fb->r_buf = cf_malloc(fb->r_msg_size); // [2] fb->r_append = fb->r_buf + hdr_sz; memcpy(fb->r_buf, fb->membuf, hdr_sz); // [3] } ``` ### Crash Information ``` # gdb -q -p `systemctl status aerospike.service | grep 'Main PID' | cut -d: -f2- | cut -d' ' -f2` ... (gdb) c Continuing. [Switching to Thread 0x7f681e79a700 (LWP 27061)] Catchpoint 4 (signal SIGSEGV), 0x00007f68999578b6 in __memcpy_ssse3_back () from /lib64/ (gdb) x/i $pc => 0x7f68999578b6 <__memcpy_ssse3_back+8518>: mov %edx,-0x6(%rdi) (gdb) i r $rdi rdi 0x6 0x6 ``` ### Exploit Proof-of-Concept To execute the provided proof-of-concept, simply extract and run it as follows: ``` $ python poc hostname:3001 Trying to connect to hostname:3001 Sending 0x6 byte header... done. Keeping connection open for just a couple seconds.....done. Checking if host is dead... yes. ``` The proof-of-concept sends a packet encoded in big-endian form with the following structure. To trigger this vulnerability, an aggressor simply needs to specify a 32-bit size that is larger than 0x100000 and will cause the target server's allocator to fail. The server will add the value of size with the size of a msg_hdr (6) and then used it in an allocation. ``` <class aspie.msg_hdr_s> 'header' [0] <instance uint32_t 'size'> +0xfffffff9 (4294967289) [4] <instance aspie.M_TYPE 'type'> FABRIC(0x0) ``` ### Mitigation Is it recommended to use technology such as a firewall to deny illegitimate users access to the ports required by the server for clustering. ### Timeline * 2016-12-23 - Vendor Disclosure * 2017-02-21 - Public Release ### CREDIT * Discovered by the Cisco Talos Team.
last seen2017-11-19
titleAerospike Database Server Fabric-Worker Socket-Loop Denial-of-Service Vulnerability(CVE-2016-9049)


last seen2019-05-29
reporterTalos Intelligence
titleAerospike Database Server Fabric-Worker Socket-Loop Denial-of-Service Vulnerability