Vulnerabilities > CVE-2016-2180 - Out-of-bounds Read vulnerability in multiple products

Attack vector
Attack complexity
Privileges required
Confidentiality impact
Integrity impact
Availability impact
low complexity


The TS_OBJ_print_bio function in crypto/ts/ts_lib.c in the X.509 Public Key Infrastructure Time-Stamp Protocol (TSP) implementation in OpenSSL through 1.0.2h allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (out-of-bounds read and application crash) via a crafted time-stamp file that is mishandled by the "openssl ts" command.

Common Weakness Enumeration (CWE)

Common Attack Pattern Enumeration and Classification (CAPEC)

  • Overread Buffers
    An adversary attacks a target by providing input that causes an application to read beyond the boundary of a defined buffer. This typically occurs when a value influencing where to start or stop reading is set to reflect positions outside of the valid memory location of the buffer. This type of attack may result in exposure of sensitive information, a system crash, or arbitrary code execution.


  • NASL familyCGI abuses
    descriptionAccording to its self-reported version, the MySQL Enterprise Monitor application running on the remote host is 3.1.x prior to It is, therefore, affected by multiple vulnerabilities : - An information disclosure vulnerability exists in the bundled version of Apache Tomcat in the Manager and Host Manager web applications due to a flaw in the index page when issuing redirects in response to unauthenticated requests for the root directory of the application. An authenticated, remote attacker can exploit this to gain access to the XSRF token information stored in the index page. (CVE-2015-5351) - A remote code execution vulnerability exists in the Framework subcomponent that allows an authenticated, remote attacker to execute arbitrary code. (CVE-2016-0635) - An information disclosure vulnerability exists in the bundled version of Apache Tomcat that allows a specially crafted web application to load the StatusManagerServlet. An authenticated, remote attacker can exploit this to gain unauthorized access to a list of all deployed applications and a list of the HTTP request lines for all requests currently being processed. (CVE-2016-0706) - A remote code execution vulnerability exists in the bundled version of Apache Tomcat due to a flaw in the StandardManager, PersistentManager, and cluster implementations that is triggered when handling persistent sessions. An authenticated, remote attacker can exploit this, via a crafted object in a session, to bypass the security manager and execute arbitrary code. (CVE-2016-0714) - A security bypass vulnerability exists in the bundled version of Apache Tomcat due to a failure to consider whether ResourceLinkFactory.setGlobalContext callers are authorized. An authenticated, remote attacker can exploit this, via a web application that sets a crafted global context, to bypass intended SecurityManager restrictions and read or write to arbitrary application data or cause a denial of service condition. (CVE-2016-0763) - Multiple integer overflow conditions exist in the bundled version of OpenSSL in s3_srvr.c, ssl_sess.c, and t1_lib.c due to improper use of pointer arithmetic for heap-buffer boundary checks. An unauthenticated, remote attacker can exploit this to cause a denial of service. (CVE-2016-2177) - An information disclosure vulnerability exists in the bundled version of OpenSSL in the dsa_sign_setup() function in dsa_ossl.c due to a failure to properly ensure the use of constant-time operations. An unauthenticated, remote attacker can exploit this, via a timing side-channel attack, to disclose DSA key information. (CVE-2016-2178) - A denial of service vulnerability exists in the bundled version of OpenSSL in the DTLS implementation due to a failure to properly restrict the lifetime of queue entries associated with unused out-of-order messages. An unauthenticated, remote attacker can exploit this, by maintaining multiple crafted DTLS sessions simultaneously, to exhaust memory. (CVE-2016-2179) - An out-of-bounds read error exists in the bundled version of OpenSSL in the X.509 Public Key Infrastructure Time-Stamp Protocol (TSP) implementation. An unauthenticated, remote attacker can exploit this, via a crafted time-stamp file that is mishandled by the
    last seen2020-06-01
    plugin id96767
    reporterThis script is Copyright (C) 2017-2019 and is owned by Tenable, Inc. or an Affiliate thereof.
    titleMySQL Enterprise Monitor 3.1.x < Multiple Vulnerabilities (SWEET32) (January 2017 CPU)
  • NASL familyMisc.
    descriptionThe version of Oracle Secure Global Desktop installed on the remote host is 4.71, 5.2, or 5.3 and is missing a security patch from the April 2017 Critical Patch Update (CPU). It is, therefore, affected by multiple vulnerabilities : - An integer overflow condition exists in the Window System (X11) subcomponent in multiple functions in X.Org libExt due to improper validation of user-supplied input when calculating the amount of memory required to handle return data. An unauthenticated, remote attacker can exploit this to cause a denial of service condition or the execution of arbitrary code. Note that this issue only affects version 4.71. (CVE-2013-1982) - An integer overflow condition exists in X.Org libXfixes in the XFixesGetCursorImage() function when handling large cursor dimensions or name lengths due to improper validation of user-supplied input. An unauthenticated, remote attacker can exploit this to cause a denial of service condition or the execution of arbitrary code. (CVE-2013-1983) - An integer overflow condition exists within multiple functions in X.Org libXi due to improper validation of user-supplied input when calculating the amount of memory needed to handle return data. An unauthenticated, remote attacker can exploit this to cause a denial of service condition or the execution of arbitrary code. (CVE-2013-1984) - An integer overflow condition exists in X.Org libXinerama in the XineramaQueryScreens() function due to improper validation of user-supplied input when calculating the amount of memory needed to handle return data. An unauthenticated, remote attacker can exploit this to cause a denial of service condition or the execution of arbitrary code. (CVE-2013-1985) - An integer overflow condition exists in multiple functions in X.Org libXrandr due to improper validation of user-supplied input when calculating the amount of memory needed to handle return data. An unauthenticated, remote attacker can exploit this to cause a denial of service condition or the execution of arbitrary code. (CVE-2013-1986) - An integer overflow condition exists in multiple functions in X.Org libXrender due to improper validation of user-supplied input when calculating the amount of memory needed to handle return data. An unauthenticated, remote attacker can exploit this to cause a denial of service condition or the execution of arbitrary code. (CVE-2013-1987) - An overflow condition exists in X.Org libXi in the XListInputDevices() function, related to an unexpected sign extension, due to improper checking of the amount of memory needed to handle returned data when converting smaller integer types to larger ones. An unauthenticated, remote attacker can exploit this to cause a denial of service condition or the execution of arbitrary code. (CVE-2013-1995) - An overflow condition exists within multiple functions in X.Org LibXi due to improper validation of user-supplied input. An unauthenticated, remote attacker can exploit this, via a specially crafted length or index, to cause a denial of service condition or the execution of arbitrary code. (CVE-2013-1998) - An overflow condition exists in X.Org LibXt in the _XtResourceConfigurationEH() function due to improper validation of user-supplied input. An unauthenticated, remote attacker can exploit this, via a specially crafted length or index, to cause a denial of service condition or the execution of arbitrary code. (CVE-2013-2002) - An integer overflow condition exists in X.Org libXcursor in the _XcursorFileHeaderCreate() function due to improper validation of user-supplied input. An unauthenticated, remote attacker can exploit this, via a specially crafted file, to cause a denial of service condition or the execution of arbitrary code. (CVE-2013-2003) - An uninitialized pointer flaw exists within multiple functions in X.Org LibXt due to a failure to check for proper initialization of pointers. An unauthenticated, remote attacker can exploit this to corrupt memory, resulting in a denial of service condition or the possible execution of arbitrary code. (CVE-2013-2005) - A flaw exists in the Application Server subcomponent (Apache Tomcat) due to a failure to process passwords when they are paired with non-existent usernames. An authenticated, remote attacker can exploit this, via a timing attack, to enumerate user account names. (CVE-2016-0762) - Multiple integer overflow conditions exist in s3_srvr.c, ssl_sess.c, and t1_lib.c due to improper use of pointer arithmetic for heap-buffer boundary checks. An unauthenticated, remote attacker can exploit these to cause a denial of service. (CVE-2016-2177) - An information disclosure vulnerability exists in the dsa_sign_setup() function in dsa_ossl.c due to a failure to properly ensure the use of constant-time operations. An unauthenticated, remote attacker can exploit this, via a timing side-channel attack, to disclose DSA key information. (CVE-2016-2178) - A denial of service vulnerability exists in the DTLS implementation due to a failure to properly restrict the lifetime of queue entries associated with unused out-of-order messages. An unauthenticated, remote attacker can exploit this, by maintaining multiple crafted DTLS sessions simultaneously, to exhaust memory. (CVE-2016-2179) - An out-of-bounds read error exists in the X.509 Public Key Infrastructure Time-Stamp Protocol (TSP) implementation. An unauthenticated, remote attacker can exploit this, via a crafted time-stamp file that is mishandled by the
    last seen2020-06-01
    plugin id99930
    reporterThis script is Copyright (C) 2017-2019 and is owned by Tenable, Inc. or an Affiliate thereof.
    titleOracle Secure Global Desktop Multiple Vulnerabilities (April 2017 CPU) (SWEET32)
  • NASL familySuSE Local Security Checks
    NASL idOPENSUSE-2016-1130.NASL
    descriptionThis update for openssl fixes the following issues : OpenSSL Security Advisory [22 Sep 2016] (boo#999665) Severity: High - OCSP Status Request extension unbounded memory growth (CVE-2016-6304) (boo#999666) Severity: Low - Pointer arithmetic undefined behaviour (CVE-2016-2177) (boo#982575) - Constant time flag not preserved in DSA signing (CVE-2016-2178) (boo#983249) - DTLS buffered message DoS (CVE-2016-2179) (boo#994844) - OOB read in TS_OBJ_print_bio() (CVE-2016-2180) (boo#990419) - DTLS replay protection DoS (CVE-2016-2181) (boo#994749) - OOB write in BN_bn2dec() (CVE-2016-2182) (boo#993819) - Birthday attack against 64-bit block ciphers (SWEET32) (CVE-2016-2183) (boo#995359) - Malformed SHA512 ticket DoS (CVE-2016-6302) (boo#995324) - OOB write in MDC2_Update() (CVE-2016-6303) (boo#995377) - Certificate message OOB reads (CVE-2016-6306) (boo#999668) More information can be found on - update expired S/MIME certs (boo#979475) - allow >= 64GB AESGCM transfers (boo#988591) - fix crash in print_notice (boo#998190) - resume reading from /dev/urandom when interrupted by a signal (boo#995075)
    last seen2020-06-05
    plugin id93756
    reporterThis script is Copyright (C) 2016-2020 Tenable Network Security, Inc.
    titleopenSUSE Security Update : openssl (openSUSE-2016-1130)
  • NASL familyMisc.
    descriptionThe version of Oracle Access Manager installed on the remote host is prior to or prior to It is, therefore, affected by multiple vulnerabilities as noted in the October 2018 Critical Patch Update advisory: - A Vulnerability in the Oracle Access Manager component of Oracle Fusion Middleware (subcomponent: Web Server Plugin (OpenSSL)). The affected version is This is a difficult to exploit vulnerability that allows unauthenticated attacker with network access via HTTPS to compromise Oracle Access Manager. A successful attack of this vulnerability may result in unauthorized access to critical data or complete access to all Oracle Access Manager accessible data. (CVE-2017-3732) - A vulnerability in the Oracle Access Manager component of Oracle Fusion Middleware (subcomponent: Web Server Plugin). The affected version is This is a difficult to exploit vulnerability that allows an unauthenticated attacker with network access via HTTPS to compromise Oracle Access Manager. A successful attack of this vulnerability may result in unauthorized access to critical data or complete access to all Oracle Access Manager accessible data. (CVE-2017-10262) Note that Nessus has not tested for these issues but has instead relied only on the application
    last seen2020-06-01
    plugin id124059
    reporterThis script is Copyright (C) 2019 and is owned by Tenable, Inc. or an Affiliate thereof.
    titleOracle Access Manager Multiple Vulnerabilities (Jan 2018 CPU)
  • NASL familyF5 Networks Local Security Checks
    NASL idF5_BIGIP_SOL02652550.NASL
    descriptionThe TS_OBJ_print_bio function in crypto/ts/ts_lib.c in the X.509 Public Key Infrastructure Time-Stamp Protocol (TSP) implementation in OpenSSL through 1.0.2h allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (out-of-bounds read and application crash) via a crafted time-stamp file that is mishandled by the
    last seen2020-03-17
    plugin id94765
    reporterThis script is Copyright (C) 2016-2020 and is owned by Tenable, Inc. or an Affiliate thereof.
    titleF5 Networks BIG-IP : OpenSSL vulnerability (K02652550)
  • NASL familyWeb Servers
    descriptionAccording to its banner, the remote host is running a version of OpenSSL 1.0.1 prior to 1.0.1u. It is, therefore, affected by the following vulnerabilities : - Multiple integer overflow conditions exist in s3_srvr.c, ssl_sess.c, and t1_lib.c due to improper use of pointer arithmetic for heap-buffer boundary checks. An unauthenticated, remote attacker can exploit this to cause a denial of service. (CVE-2016-2177) - An information disclosure vulnerability exists in the dsa_sign_setup() function in dsa_ossl.c due to a failure to properly ensure the use of constant-time operations. An unauthenticated, remote attacker can exploit this, via a timing side-channel attack, to disclose DSA key information. (CVE-2016-2178) - A denial of service vulnerability exists in the DTLS implementation due to a failure to properly restrict the lifetime of queue entries associated with unused out-of-order messages. An unauthenticated, remote attacker can exploit this, by maintaining multiple crafted DTLS sessions simultaneously, to exhaust memory. (CVE-2016-2179) - An out-of-bounds read error exists in the X.509 Public Key Infrastructure Time-Stamp Protocol (TSP) implementation. An unauthenticated, remote attacker can exploit this, via a crafted time-stamp file that is mishandled by the
    last seen2020-06-01
    plugin id93814
    reporterThis script is Copyright (C) 2016-2019 and is owned by Tenable, Inc. or an Affiliate thereof.
    titleOpenSSL 1.0.1 < 1.0.1u Multiple Vulnerabilities (SWEET32)
  • NASL familyCGI abuses
    descriptionAccording to its self-reported version, the MySQL Enterprise Monitor application running on the remote host is 3.2.x prior to It is, therefore, affected by multiple vulnerabilities : - Multiple integer overflow conditions exist in the bundled version of OpenSSL in s3_srvr.c, ssl_sess.c, and t1_lib.c due to improper use of pointer arithmetic for heap-buffer boundary checks. An unauthenticated, remote attacker can exploit this to cause a denial of service. (CVE-2016-2177) - An information disclosure vulnerability exists in the bundled version of OpenSSL in the dsa_sign_setup() function in dsa_ossl.c due to a failure to properly ensure the use of constant-time operations. An unauthenticated, remote attacker can exploit this, via a timing side-channel attack, to disclose DSA key information. (CVE-2016-2178) - A denial of service vulnerability exists in the bundled version of OpenSSL in the DTLS implementation due to a failure to properly restrict the lifetime of queue entries associated with unused out-of-order messages. An unauthenticated, remote attacker can exploit this, by maintaining multiple crafted DTLS sessions simultaneously, to exhaust memory. (CVE-2016-2179) - An out-of-bounds read error exists in the bundled version of OpenSSL in the X.509 Public Key Infrastructure Time-Stamp Protocol (TSP) implementation. An unauthenticated, remote attacker can exploit this, via a crafted time-stamp file that is mishandled by the
    last seen2020-06-01
    plugin id96770
    reporterThis script is Copyright (C) 2017-2019 and is owned by Tenable, Inc. or an Affiliate thereof.
    titleMySQL Enterprise Monitor 3.2.x < Multiple Vulnerabilities (SWEET32) (January 2017 CPU)
  • NASL familyAmazon Linux Local Security Checks
    NASL idALA_ALAS-2016-755.NASL
    descriptionIt was discovered that OpenSSL did not always use constant time operations when computing Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA) signatures. A local attacker could possibly use this flaw to obtain a private DSA key belonging to another user or service running on the same system. (CVE-2016-2178) It was discovered that the Datagram TLS (DTLS) implementation could fail to release memory in certain cases. A malicious DTLS client could cause a DTLS server using OpenSSL to consume an excessive amount of memory and, possibly, exit unexpectedly after exhausting all available memory. (CVE-2016-2179) A flaw was found in the Datagram TLS (DTLS) replay protection implementation in OpenSSL. A remote attacker could possibly use this flaw to make a DTLS server using OpenSSL to reject further packets sent from a DTLS client over an established DTLS connection. (CVE-2016-2181) An out of bounds write flaw was discovered in the OpenSSL BN_bn2dec() function. An attacker able to make an application using OpenSSL to process a large BIGNUM could cause the application to crash or, possibly, execute arbitrary code. (CVE-2016-2182) A flaw was found in the DES/3DES cipher was used as part of the TLS/SSL protocol. A man-in-the-middle attacker could use this flaw to recover some plaintext data by capturing large amounts of encrypted traffic between TLS/SSL server and client if the communication used a DES/3DES based ciphersuite. (CVE-2016-2183) An integer underflow flaw leading to a buffer over-read was found in the way OpenSSL parsed TLS session tickets. A remote attacker could use this flaw to crash a TLS server using OpenSSL if it used SHA-512 as HMAC for session tickets. (CVE-2016-6302) Multiple integer overflow flaws were found in the way OpenSSL performed pointer arithmetic. A remote attacker could possibly use these flaws to cause a TLS/SSL server or client using OpenSSL to crash. (CVE-2016-2177) An out of bounds read flaw was found in the way OpenSSL formatted Public Key Infrastructure Time-Stamp Protocol data for printing. An attacker could possibly cause an application using OpenSSL to crash if it printed time stamp data from the attacker. (CVE-2016-2180) Multiple out of bounds read flaws were found in the way OpenSSL handled certain TLS/SSL protocol handshake messages. A remote attacker could possibly use these flaws to crash a TLS/SSL server or client using OpenSSL. (CVE-2016-6306) This update mitigates the CVE-2016-2183 issue by lowering priority of DES cipher suites so they are not preferred over cipher suites using AES. For compatibility reasons, DES cipher suites remain enabled by default and included in the set of cipher suites identified by the HIGH cipher string. Future updates may move them to MEDIUM or not enable them by default.
    last seen2020-06-01
    plugin id94021
    reporterThis script is Copyright (C) 2016-2019 and is owned by Tenable, Inc. or an Affiliate thereof.
    titleAmazon Linux AMI : openssl (ALAS-2016-755)
  • NASL familyFedora Local Security Checks
    NASL idFEDORA_2016-A555159613.NASL
    descriptionUpdate from upstream with multiple security issues fixed. Note that Tenable Network Security has extracted the preceding description block directly from the Fedora update system website. Tenable has attempted to automatically clean and format it as much as possible without introducing additional issues.
    last seen2020-06-05
    plugin id93752
    reporterThis script is Copyright (C) 2016-2020 and is owned by Tenable, Inc. or an Affiliate thereof.
    titleFedora 24 : 1:openssl (2016-a555159613)
  • NASL familyCGI abuses
    descriptionAccording to its self-reported version, the MySQL Enterprise Monitor application running on the remote host is 3.3.x prior to It is, therefore, affected by multiple vulnerabilities in the bundled version of OpenSSL : - Multiple integer overflow conditions exist in s3_srvr.c, ssl_sess.c, and t1_lib.c due to improper use of pointer arithmetic for heap-buffer boundary checks. An unauthenticated, remote attacker can exploit this to cause a denial of service. (CVE-2016-2177) - An information disclosure vulnerability exists in the dsa_sign_setup() function in dsa_ossl.c due to a failure to properly ensure the use of constant-time operations. An unauthenticated, remote attacker can exploit this, via a timing side-channel attack, to disclose DSA key information. (CVE-2016-2178) - A denial of service vulnerability exists in the DTLS implementation due to a failure to properly restrict the lifetime of queue entries associated with unused out-of-order messages. An unauthenticated, remote attacker can exploit this, by maintaining multiple crafted DTLS sessions simultaneously, to exhaust memory. (CVE-2016-2179) - An out-of-bounds read error exists in the X.509 Public Key Infrastructure Time-Stamp Protocol (TSP) implementation. An unauthenticated, remote attacker can exploit this, via a crafted time-stamp file that is mishandled by the
    last seen2020-06-01
    plugin id96771
    reporterThis script is Copyright (C) 2017-2019 and is owned by Tenable, Inc. or an Affiliate thereof.
    titleMySQL Enterprise Monitor 3.3.x < Multiple Vulnerabilities (SWEET32) (January 2017 CPU)
  • NASL familyMisc.
    descriptionThe version of Oracle E-Business installed on the remote host is missing the July 2017 Oracle Critical Patch Update (CPU). It is, therefore, affected by the following vulnerabilities : - Multiple integer overflow conditions exist in the OpenSSL component in s3_srvr.c, ssl_sess.c, and t1_lib.c due to improper use of pointer arithmetic for heap-buffer boundary checks. An unauthenticated, remote attacker can exploit this to cause a denial of service. (CVE-2016-2177) - An information disclosure vulnerability exists in the OpenSSL component in the dsa_sign_setup() function in dsa_ossl.c due to a failure to properly ensure the use of constant-time operations. An unauthenticated, remote attacker can exploit this, via a timing side-channel attack, to disclose DSA key information. (CVE-2016-2178) - A denial of service vulnerability exists in the OpennSSL component in the DTLS implementation due to a failure to properly restrict the lifetime of queue entries associated with unused out-of-order messages. An unauthenticated, remote attacker can exploit this, by maintaining multiple crafted DTLS sessions simultaneously, to exhaust memory. (CVE-2016-2179) - An out-of-bounds read error exists in the OpenSSL component in the X.509 Public Key Infrastructure Time-Stamp Protocol (TSP) implementation. An unauthenticated, remote attacker can exploit this, via a crafted time-stamp file that is mishandled by the
    last seen2020-06-01
    plugin id101845
    reporterThis script is Copyright (C) 2017-2018 Tenable Network Security, Inc.
    titleOracle E-Business Multiple Vulnerabilities (July 2017 CPU) (SWEET32)
  • NASL familyFreeBSD Local Security Checks
    descriptionOpenSSL reports : High: OCSP Status Request extension unbounded memory growth SSL_peek() hang on empty record SWEET32 Mitigation OOB write in MDC2_Update() Malformed SHA512 ticket DoS OOB write in BN_bn2dec() OOB read in TS_OBJ_print_bio() Pointer arithmetic undefined behaviour Constant time flag not preserved in DSA signing DTLS buffered message DoS DTLS replay protection DoS Certificate message OOB reads Excessive allocation of memory in tls_get_message_header() Excessive allocation of memory in dtls1_preprocess_fragment() NB: LibreSSL is only affected by CVE-2016-6304
    last seen2020-06-01
    plugin id93674
    reporterThis script is Copyright (C) 2016-2018 and is owned by Tenable, Inc. or an Affiliate thereof.
    titleFreeBSD : OpenSSL -- multiple vulnerabilities (43eaa656-80bc-11e6-bf52-b499baebfeaf)
  • NASL familyFedora Local Security Checks
    NASL idFEDORA_2016-97454404FE.NASL
    descriptionUpdate from upstream with multiple security issues fixed. Note that Tenable Network Security has extracted the preceding description block directly from the Fedora update system website. Tenable has attempted to automatically clean and format it as much as possible without introducing additional issues.
    last seen2020-06-05
    plugin id93978
    reporterThis script is Copyright (C) 2016-2020 and is owned by Tenable, Inc. or an Affiliate thereof.
    titleFedora 23 : 1:openssl (2016-97454404fe)
  • NASL familyWeb Servers
    descriptionAccording to its banner, the remote host is running a version of OpenSSL 1.0.2 prior to 1.0.2i. It is, therefore, affected by the following vulnerabilities : - Multiple integer overflow conditions exist in s3_srvr.c, ssl_sess.c, and t1_lib.c due to improper use of pointer arithmetic for heap-buffer boundary checks. An unauthenticated, remote attacker can exploit this to cause a denial of service. (CVE-2016-2177) - An information disclosure vulnerability exists in the dsa_sign_setup() function in dsa_ossl.c due to a failure to properly ensure the use of constant-time operations. An unauthenticated, remote attacker can exploit this, via a timing side-channel attack, to disclose DSA key information. (CVE-2016-2178) - A denial of service vulnerability exists in the DTLS implementation due to a failure to properly restrict the lifetime of queue entries associated with unused out-of-order messages. An unauthenticated, remote attacker can exploit this, by maintaining multiple crafted DTLS sessions simultaneously, to exhaust memory. (CVE-2016-2179) - An out-of-bounds read error exists in the X.509 Public Key Infrastructure Time-Stamp Protocol (TSP) implementation. An unauthenticated, remote attacker can exploit this, via a crafted time-stamp file that is mishandled by the
    last seen2020-06-01
    plugin id93815
    reporterThis script is Copyright (C) 2016-2019 and is owned by Tenable, Inc. or an Affiliate thereof.
    titleOpenSSL 1.0.2 < 1.0.2i Multiple Vulnerabilities (SWEET32)
  • NASL familySuSE Local Security Checks
    NASL idOPENSUSE-2018-168.NASL
    descriptionThis update for openssl-steam fixes the following issues : - Merged changes from upstream openssl (Factory rev 137) into this fork for Steam. Updated to openssl 1.0.2k : - CVE-2016-7055: Montgomery multiplication may produce incorrect results (boo#1009528) - CVE-2016-7056: ECSDA P-256 timing attack key recovery (boo#1019334) - CVE-2017-3731: Truncated packet could crash via OOB read (boo#1022085) - CVE-2017-3732: BN_mod_exp may produce incorrect results on x86_64 (boo#1022086) Update to openssl-1.0.2j : - CVE-2016-7052: Missing CRL sanity check (boo#1001148) OpenSSL Security Advisory [22 Sep 2016] (boo#999665) - Severity: High - CVE-2016-6304: OCSP Status Request extension unbounded memory growth (boo#999666) - Severity: Low - CVE-2016-2177: Pointer arithmetic undefined behaviour (boo#982575) - CVE-2016-2178: Constant time flag not preserved in DSA signing (boo#983249) - CVE-2016-2179: DTLS buffered message DoS (boo#994844) - CVE-2016-2180: OOB read in TS_OBJ_print_bio() (boo#990419) - CVE-2016-2181: DTLS replay protection DoS (boo#994749) - CVE-2016-2182: OOB write in BN_bn2dec() (boo#993819) - CVE-2016-2183: Birthday attack against 64-bit block ciphers (SWEET32) (boo#995359) - CVE-2016-6302: Malformed SHA512 ticket DoS (boo#995324) - CVE-2016-6303: OOB write in MDC2_Update() (boo#995377) - CVE-2016-6306: Certificate message OOB reads (boo#999668) ALso fixed : - fixed a crash in print_notice (boo#998190) - fix X509_CERT_FILE path (boo#1022271) and rename - resume reading from /dev/urandom when interrupted by a signal (boo#995075) - fix problems with locking in FIPS mode (boo#992120) - duplicates: boo#991877, boo#991193, boo#990392, boo#990428 and boo#990207 - drop openssl-fips_RSA_compute_d_with_lcm.patch (upstream) (boo#984323) - don
    last seen2020-06-05
    plugin id106863
    reporterThis script is Copyright (C) 2018-2020 Tenable Network Security, Inc.
    titleopenSUSE Security Update : openssl-steam (openSUSE-2018-168)
  • NASL familyOracleVM Local Security Checks
    descriptionThe remote OracleVM system is missing necessary patches to address critical security updates : - fix CVE-2016-2177 - possible integer overflow - fix CVE-2016-2178 - non-constant time DSA operations - fix CVE-2016-2179 - further DoS issues in DTLS - fix CVE-2016-2180 - OOB read in TS_OBJ_print_bio - fix CVE-2016-2181 - DTLS1 replay protection and unprocessed records issue - fix CVE-2016-2182 - possible buffer overflow in BN_bn2dec - fix CVE-2016-6302 - insufficient TLS session ticket HMAC length check - fix CVE-2016-6304 - unbound memory growth with OCSP status request - fix CVE-2016-6306 - certificate message OOB reads - mitigate CVE-2016-2183 - degrade all 64bit block ciphers and RC4 to 112 bit effective strength - replace expired testing certificates - fix CVE-2016-2105 - possible overflow in base64 encoding - fix CVE-2016-2106 - possible overflow in EVP_EncryptUpdate - fix CVE-2016-2107 - padding oracle in stitched AES-NI CBC-MAC - fix CVE-2016-2108 - memory corruption in ASN.1 encoder - fix CVE-2016-2109 - possible DoS when reading ASN.1 data from BIO - fix CVE-2016-0799 - memory issues in BIO_printf
    last seen2020-06-01
    plugin id93761
    reporterThis script is Copyright (C) 2016-2019 and is owned by Tenable, Inc. or an Affiliate thereof.
    titleOracleVM 3.3 / 3.4 : openssl (OVMSA-2016-0135)
  • NASL familyRed Hat Local Security Checks
    NASL idREDHAT-RHSA-2016-1940.NASL
    descriptionAn update for openssl is now available for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 and Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7. Red Hat Product Security has rated this update as having a security impact of Important. A Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) base score, which gives a detailed severity rating, is available for each vulnerability from the CVE link(s) in the References section. OpenSSL is a toolkit that implements the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocols, as well as a full-strength general-purpose cryptography library. Security Fix(es) : * A memory leak flaw was found in the way OpenSSL handled TLS status request extension data during session renegotiation. A remote attacker could cause a TLS server using OpenSSL to consume an excessive amount of memory and, possibly, exit unexpectedly after exhausting all available memory, if it enabled OCSP stapling support. (CVE-2016-6304) * It was discovered that OpenSSL did not always use constant time operations when computing Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA) signatures. A local attacker could possibly use this flaw to obtain a private DSA key belonging to another user or service running on the same system. (CVE-2016-2178) * It was discovered that the Datagram TLS (DTLS) implementation could fail to release memory in certain cases. A malicious DTLS client could cause a DTLS server using OpenSSL to consume an excessive amount of memory and, possibly, exit unexpectedly after exhausting all available memory. (CVE-2016-2179) * A flaw was found in the Datagram TLS (DTLS) replay protection implementation in OpenSSL. A remote attacker could possibly use this flaw to make a DTLS server using OpenSSL to reject further packets sent from a DTLS client over an established DTLS connection. (CVE-2016-2181) * An out of bounds write flaw was discovered in the OpenSSL BN_bn2dec() function. An attacker able to make an application using OpenSSL to process a large BIGNUM could cause the application to crash or, possibly, execute arbitrary code. (CVE-2016-2182) * A flaw was found in the DES/3DES cipher was used as part of the TLS/SSL protocol. A man-in-the-middle attacker could use this flaw to recover some plaintext data by capturing large amounts of encrypted traffic between TLS/ SSL server and client if the communication used a DES/3DES based ciphersuite. (CVE-2016-2183) This update mitigates the CVE-2016-2183 issue by lowering priority of DES cipher suites so they are not preferred over cipher suites using AES. For compatibility reasons, DES cipher suites remain enabled by default and included in the set of cipher suites identified by the HIGH cipher string. Future updates may move them to MEDIUM or not enable them by default. * An integer underflow flaw leading to a buffer over-read was found in the way OpenSSL parsed TLS session tickets. A remote attacker could use this flaw to crash a TLS server using OpenSSL if it used SHA-512 as HMAC for session tickets. (CVE-2016-6302) * Multiple integer overflow flaws were found in the way OpenSSL performed pointer arithmetic. A remote attacker could possibly use these flaws to cause a TLS/SSL server or client using OpenSSL to crash. (CVE-2016-2177) * An out of bounds read flaw was found in the way OpenSSL formatted Public Key Infrastructure Time-Stamp Protocol data for printing. An attacker could possibly cause an application using OpenSSL to crash if it printed time stamp data from the attacker. (CVE-2016-2180) * Multiple out of bounds read flaws were found in the way OpenSSL handled certain TLS/SSL protocol handshake messages. A remote attacker could possibly use these flaws to crash a TLS/SSL server or client using OpenSSL. (CVE-2016-6306) Red Hat would like to thank the OpenSSL project for reporting CVE-2016-6304 and CVE-2016-6306 and OpenVPN for reporting CVE-2016-2183. Upstream acknowledges Shi Lei (Gear Team of Qihoo 360 Inc.) as the original reporter of CVE-2016-6304 and CVE-2016-6306; and Karthikeyan Bhargavan (Inria) and Gaetan Leurent (Inria) as the original reporters of CVE-2016-2183.
    last seen2020-06-01
    plugin id93763
    reporterThis script is Copyright (C) 2016-2019 and is owned by Tenable, Inc. or an Affiliate thereof.
    titleRHEL 6 / 7 : openssl (RHSA-2016:1940)
  • NASL familyDebian Local Security Checks
    descriptionSeveral vulnerabilities were discovered in OpenSSL : - CVE-2016-2177 Guido Vranken discovered that OpenSSL uses undefined pointer arithmetic. Additional information can be found at ointer-arithmetic/ - CVE-2016-2178 Cesar Pereida, Billy Brumley and Yuval Yarom discovered a timing leak in the DSA code. - CVE-2016-2179 / CVE-2016-2181 Quan Luo and the OCAP audit team discovered denial of service vulnerabilities in DTLS. - CVE-2016-2180 / CVE-2016-2182 / CVE-2016-6303 Shi Lei discovered an out-of-bounds memory read in TS_OBJ_print_bio() and an out-of-bounds write in BN_bn2dec() and MDC2_Update(). - CVE-2016-2183 DES-based cipher suites are demoted from the HIGH group to MEDIUM as a mitigation for the SWEET32 attack. - CVE-2016-6302 Shi Lei discovered that the use of SHA512 in TLS session tickets is susceptible to denial of service. - CVE-2016-6304 Shi Lei discovered that excessively large OCSP status request may result in denial of service via memory exhaustion. - CVE-2016-6306 Shi Lei discovered that missing message length validation when parsing certificates may potentially result in denial of service.
    last seen2020-06-01
    plugin id93668
    reporterThis script is Copyright (C) 2016-2018 and is owned by Tenable, Inc. or an Affiliate thereof.
    titleDebian DSA-3673-1 : openssl - security update
  • NASL familyCentOS Local Security Checks
    NASL idCENTOS_RHSA-2016-1940.NASL
    descriptionAn update for openssl is now available for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 and Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7. Red Hat Product Security has rated this update as having a security impact of Important. A Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) base score, which gives a detailed severity rating, is available for each vulnerability from the CVE link(s) in the References section. OpenSSL is a toolkit that implements the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocols, as well as a full-strength general-purpose cryptography library. Security Fix(es) : * A memory leak flaw was found in the way OpenSSL handled TLS status request extension data during session renegotiation. A remote attacker could cause a TLS server using OpenSSL to consume an excessive amount of memory and, possibly, exit unexpectedly after exhausting all available memory, if it enabled OCSP stapling support. (CVE-2016-6304) * It was discovered that OpenSSL did not always use constant time operations when computing Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA) signatures. A local attacker could possibly use this flaw to obtain a private DSA key belonging to another user or service running on the same system. (CVE-2016-2178) * It was discovered that the Datagram TLS (DTLS) implementation could fail to release memory in certain cases. A malicious DTLS client could cause a DTLS server using OpenSSL to consume an excessive amount of memory and, possibly, exit unexpectedly after exhausting all available memory. (CVE-2016-2179) * A flaw was found in the Datagram TLS (DTLS) replay protection implementation in OpenSSL. A remote attacker could possibly use this flaw to make a DTLS server using OpenSSL to reject further packets sent from a DTLS client over an established DTLS connection. (CVE-2016-2181) * An out of bounds write flaw was discovered in the OpenSSL BN_bn2dec() function. An attacker able to make an application using OpenSSL to process a large BIGNUM could cause the application to crash or, possibly, execute arbitrary code. (CVE-2016-2182) * A flaw was found in the DES/3DES cipher was used as part of the TLS/SSL protocol. A man-in-the-middle attacker could use this flaw to recover some plaintext data by capturing large amounts of encrypted traffic between TLS/ SSL server and client if the communication used a DES/3DES based ciphersuite. (CVE-2016-2183) This update mitigates the CVE-2016-2183 issue by lowering priority of DES cipher suites so they are not preferred over cipher suites using AES. For compatibility reasons, DES cipher suites remain enabled by default and included in the set of cipher suites identified by the HIGH cipher string. Future updates may move them to MEDIUM or not enable them by default. * An integer underflow flaw leading to a buffer over-read was found in the way OpenSSL parsed TLS session tickets. A remote attacker could use this flaw to crash a TLS server using OpenSSL if it used SHA-512 as HMAC for session tickets. (CVE-2016-6302) * Multiple integer overflow flaws were found in the way OpenSSL performed pointer arithmetic. A remote attacker could possibly use these flaws to cause a TLS/SSL server or client using OpenSSL to crash. (CVE-2016-2177) * An out of bounds read flaw was found in the way OpenSSL formatted Public Key Infrastructure Time-Stamp Protocol data for printing. An attacker could possibly cause an application using OpenSSL to crash if it printed time stamp data from the attacker. (CVE-2016-2180) * Multiple out of bounds read flaws were found in the way OpenSSL handled certain TLS/SSL protocol handshake messages. A remote attacker could possibly use these flaws to crash a TLS/SSL server or client using OpenSSL. (CVE-2016-6306) Red Hat would like to thank the OpenSSL project for reporting CVE-2016-6304 and CVE-2016-6306 and OpenVPN for reporting CVE-2016-2183. Upstream acknowledges Shi Lei (Gear Team of Qihoo 360 Inc.) as the original reporter of CVE-2016-6304 and CVE-2016-6306; and Karthikeyan Bhargavan (Inria) and Gaetan Leurent (Inria) as the original reporters of CVE-2016-2183.
    last seen2020-06-01
    plugin id93777
    reporterThis script is Copyright (C) 2016-2020 and is owned by Tenable, Inc. or an Affiliate thereof.
    titleCentOS 6 / 7 : openssl (CESA-2016:1940)
  • NASL familyMisc.
    descriptionThe version of Oracle Enterprise Manager Grid Control installed on the remote host is missing a security patch. It is, therefore, affected by multiple vulnerabilities : - Multiple integer overflow conditions exist in the OpenSSL component in s3_srvr.c, ssl_sess.c, and t1_lib.c due to improper use of pointer arithmetic for heap-buffer boundary checks. An unauthenticated, remote attacker can exploit this to cause a denial of service condition. (CVE-2016-2177) - An information disclosure vulnerability exists in the OpenSSL component in dsa_sign_setup() function in dsa_ossl.c due to a failure to properly ensure the use of constant-time operations. An unauthenticated, remote attacker can exploit this, via a timing side-channel attack, to disclose DSA key information. (CVE-2016-2178) - A denial of service vulnerability exists in the OpenSSL component in the DTLS implementation due to a failure to properly restrict the lifetime of queue entries associated with unused out-of-order messages. An unauthenticated, remote attacker can exploit this, by maintaining multiple crafted DTLS sessions simultaneously, to exhaust memory. (CVE-2016-2179) - An out-of-bounds read error exists in the OpenSSL component in the X.509 Public Key Infrastructure Time-Stamp Protocol (TSP) implementation. An unauthenticated, remote attacker can exploit this, via a crafted time-stamp file that is mishandled by the
    last seen2020-06-01
    plugin id99594
    reporterThis script is Copyright (C) 2017-2019 and is owned by Tenable, Inc. or an Affiliate thereof.
    titleOracle Enterprise Manager Grid Control Multiple Vulnerabilities (April 2017 CPU) (SWEET32)
  • NASL familyScientific Linux Local Security Checks
    NASL idSL_20160927_OPENSSL_ON_SL6_X.NASL
    descriptionSecurity Fix(es) : - A memory leak flaw was found in the way OpenSSL handled TLS status request extension data during session renegotiation. A remote attacker could cause a TLS server using OpenSSL to consume an excessive amount of memory and, possibly, exit unexpectedly after exhausting all available memory, if it enabled OCSP stapling support. (CVE-2016-6304) - It was discovered that OpenSSL did not always use constant time operations when computing Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA) signatures. A local attacker could possibly use this flaw to obtain a private DSA key belonging to another user or service running on the same system. (CVE-2016-2178) - It was discovered that the Datagram TLS (DTLS) implementation could fail to release memory in certain cases. A malicious DTLS client could cause a DTLS server using OpenSSL to consume an excessive amount of memory and, possibly, exit unexpectedly after exhausting all available memory. (CVE-2016-2179) - A flaw was found in the Datagram TLS (DTLS) replay protection implementation in OpenSSL. A remote attacker could possibly use this flaw to make a DTLS server using OpenSSL to reject further packets sent from a DTLS client over an established DTLS connection. (CVE-2016-2181) - An out of bounds write flaw was discovered in the OpenSSL BN_bn2dec() function. An attacker able to make an application using OpenSSL to process a large BIGNUM could cause the application to crash or, possibly, execute arbitrary code. (CVE-2016-2182) - A flaw was found in the DES/3DES cipher was used as part of the TLS/SSL protocol. A man-in-the-middle attacker could use this flaw to recover some plaintext data by capturing large amounts of encrypted traffic between TLS/SSL server and client if the communication used a DES/3DES based ciphersuite. (CVE-2016-2183) This update mitigates the CVE-2016-2183 issue by lowering priority of DES cipher suites so they are not preferred over cipher suites using AES. For compatibility reasons, DES cipher suites remain enabled by default and included in the set of cipher suites identified by the HIGH cipher string. Future updates may move them to MEDIUM or not enable them by default. - An integer underflow flaw leading to a buffer over-read was found in the way OpenSSL parsed TLS session tickets. A remote attacker could use this flaw to crash a TLS server using OpenSSL if it used SHA-512 as HMAC for session tickets. (CVE-2016-6302) - Multiple integer overflow flaws were found in the way OpenSSL performed pointer arithmetic. A remote attacker could possibly use these flaws to cause a TLS/SSL server or client using OpenSSL to crash. (CVE-2016-2177) - An out of bounds read flaw was found in the way OpenSSL formatted Public Key Infrastructure Time-Stamp Protocol data for printing. An attacker could possibly cause an application using OpenSSL to crash if it printed time stamp data from the attacker. (CVE-2016-2180) - Multiple out of bounds read flaws were found in the way OpenSSL handled certain TLS/SSL protocol handshake messages. A remote attacker could possibly use these flaws to crash a TLS/SSL server or client using OpenSSL. (CVE-2016-6306)
    last seen2020-03-18
    plugin id93795
    reporterThis script is Copyright (C) 2016-2020 and is owned by Tenable, Inc. or an Affiliate thereof.
    titleScientific Linux Security Update : openssl on SL6.x, SL7.x i386/x86_64 (20160927)
  • NASL familySuSE Local Security Checks
    NASL idOPENSUSE-2016-1134.NASL
    descriptionThis update for openssl fixes the following issues : OpenSSL Security Advisory [22 Sep 2016] (bsc#999665) Severity: High - OCSP Status Request extension unbounded memory growth (CVE-2016-6304) (bsc#999666) Severity: Low - Pointer arithmetic undefined behaviour (CVE-2016-2177) (bsc#982575) - Constant time flag not preserved in DSA signing (CVE-2016-2178) (bsc#983249) - DTLS buffered message DoS (CVE-2016-2179) (bsc#994844) - OOB read in TS_OBJ_print_bio() (CVE-2016-2180) (bsc#990419) - DTLS replay protection DoS (CVE-2016-2181) (bsc#994749) - OOB write in BN_bn2dec() (CVE-2016-2182) (bsc#993819) - Birthday attack against 64-bit block ciphers (SWEET32) (CVE-2016-2183) (bsc#995359) - Malformed SHA512 ticket DoS (CVE-2016-6302) (bsc#995324) - OOB write in MDC2_Update() (CVE-2016-6303) (bsc#995377) - Certificate message OOB reads (CVE-2016-6306) (bsc#999668) More information can be found on: Also following bugs were fixed : - update expired S/MIME certs (bsc#979475) - improve s390x performance (bsc#982745) - allow >= 64GB AESGCM transfers (bsc#988591) - fix crash in print_notice (bsc#998190) - resume reading from /dev/urandom when interrupted by a signal (bsc#995075) This update was imported from the SUSE:SLE-12-SP1:Update update project.
    last seen2020-06-05
    plugin id93783
    reporterThis script is Copyright (C) 2016-2020 Tenable Network Security, Inc.
    titleopenSUSE Security Update : openssl (openSUSE-2016-1134)
  • NASL familyDatabases
    NASL idMYSQL_5_7_16_RPM.NASL
    descriptionThe version of MySQL running on the remote host is 5.7.x prior to 5.7.16. It is, therefore, affected by multiple vulnerabilities : - Multiple integer overflow conditions exist in s3_srvr.c, ssl_sess.c, and t1_lib.c due to improper use of pointer arithmetic for heap-buffer boundary checks. An unauthenticated, remote attacker can exploit this to cause a denial of service. (CVE-2016-2177) - An information disclosure vulnerability exists in the dsa_sign_setup() function in dsa_ossl.c due to a failure to properly ensure the use of constant-time operations. An unauthenticated, remote attacker can exploit this, via a timing side-channel attack, to disclose DSA key information. (CVE-2016-2178) - A denial of service vulnerability exists in the DTLS implementation due to a failure to properly restrict the lifetime of queue entries associated with unused out-of-order messages. An unauthenticated, remote attacker can exploit this, by maintaining multiple crafted DTLS sessions simultaneously, to exhaust memory. (CVE-2016-2179) - An out-of-bounds read error exists in the X.509 Public Key Infrastructure Time-Stamp Protocol (TSP) implementation. An unauthenticated, remote attacker can exploit this, via a crafted time-stamp file that is mishandled by the
    last seen2020-06-04
    plugin id94198
    reporterThis script is Copyright (C) 2016-2020 and is owned by Tenable, Inc. or an Affiliate thereof.
    titleMySQL 5.7.x < 5.7.16 Multiple Vulnerabilities (October 2016 CPU) (SWEET32)
  • NASL familyDebian Local Security Checks
    descriptionSeveral vulnerabilities were discovered in OpenSSL : CVE-2016-2177 Guido Vranken discovered that OpenSSL uses undefined pointer arithmetic. Additional information can be found at tic/ CVE-2016-2178 Cesar Pereida, Billy Brumley and Yuval Yarom discovered a timing leak in the DSA code. CVE-2016-2179 / CVE-2016-2181 Quan Luo and the OCAP audit team discovered denial of service vulnerabilities in DTLS. CVE-2016-2180 / CVE-2016-2182 / CVE-2016-6303 Shi Lei discovered an out-of-bounds memory read in TS_OBJ_print_bio() and an out-of-bounds write in BN_bn2dec() and MDC2_Update(). CVE-2016-2183 DES-based cipher suites are demoted from the HIGH group to MEDIUM as a mitigation for the SWEET32 attack. CVE-2016-6302 Shi Lei discovered that the use of SHA512 in TLS session tickets is susceptible to denial of service. CVE-2016-6304 Shi Lei discovered that excessively large OCSP status request may result in denial of service via memory exhaustion. CVE-2016-6306 Shi Lei discovered that missing message length validation when parsing certificates may potentially result in denial of service. For Debian 7
    last seen2020-03-17
    plugin id93690
    reporterThis script is Copyright (C) 2016-2020 Tenable Network Security, Inc.
    titleDebian DLA-637-1 : openssl security update
  • NASL familyJunos Local Security Checks
    descriptionAccording to its self-reported version number, the remote Juniper Junos device is affected by the following vulnerabilities related to OpenSSL : - A flaw exists in the ssl3_get_key_exchange() function in file s3_clnt.c when handling a ServerKeyExchange message for an anonymous DH ciphersuite with the value of
    last seen2020-03-18
    plugin id96316
    reporterThis script is Copyright (C) 2017-2018 Tenable Network Security, Inc.
    titleJuniper Junos Multiple OpenSSL Vulnerabilities (JSA10759) (SWEET32)
  • NASL familyOracle Linux Local Security Checks
    descriptionFrom Red Hat Security Advisory 2016:1940 : An update for openssl is now available for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 and Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7. Red Hat Product Security has rated this update as having a security impact of Important. A Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) base score, which gives a detailed severity rating, is available for each vulnerability from the CVE link(s) in the References section. OpenSSL is a toolkit that implements the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocols, as well as a full-strength general-purpose cryptography library. Security Fix(es) : * A memory leak flaw was found in the way OpenSSL handled TLS status request extension data during session renegotiation. A remote attacker could cause a TLS server using OpenSSL to consume an excessive amount of memory and, possibly, exit unexpectedly after exhausting all available memory, if it enabled OCSP stapling support. (CVE-2016-6304) * It was discovered that OpenSSL did not always use constant time operations when computing Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA) signatures. A local attacker could possibly use this flaw to obtain a private DSA key belonging to another user or service running on the same system. (CVE-2016-2178) * It was discovered that the Datagram TLS (DTLS) implementation could fail to release memory in certain cases. A malicious DTLS client could cause a DTLS server using OpenSSL to consume an excessive amount of memory and, possibly, exit unexpectedly after exhausting all available memory. (CVE-2016-2179) * A flaw was found in the Datagram TLS (DTLS) replay protection implementation in OpenSSL. A remote attacker could possibly use this flaw to make a DTLS server using OpenSSL to reject further packets sent from a DTLS client over an established DTLS connection. (CVE-2016-2181) * An out of bounds write flaw was discovered in the OpenSSL BN_bn2dec() function. An attacker able to make an application using OpenSSL to process a large BIGNUM could cause the application to crash or, possibly, execute arbitrary code. (CVE-2016-2182) * A flaw was found in the DES/3DES cipher was used as part of the TLS/SSL protocol. A man-in-the-middle attacker could use this flaw to recover some plaintext data by capturing large amounts of encrypted traffic between TLS/ SSL server and client if the communication used a DES/3DES based ciphersuite. (CVE-2016-2183) This update mitigates the CVE-2016-2183 issue by lowering priority of DES cipher suites so they are not preferred over cipher suites using AES. For compatibility reasons, DES cipher suites remain enabled by default and included in the set of cipher suites identified by the HIGH cipher string. Future updates may move them to MEDIUM or not enable them by default. * An integer underflow flaw leading to a buffer over-read was found in the way OpenSSL parsed TLS session tickets. A remote attacker could use this flaw to crash a TLS server using OpenSSL if it used SHA-512 as HMAC for session tickets. (CVE-2016-6302) * Multiple integer overflow flaws were found in the way OpenSSL performed pointer arithmetic. A remote attacker could possibly use these flaws to cause a TLS/SSL server or client using OpenSSL to crash. (CVE-2016-2177) * An out of bounds read flaw was found in the way OpenSSL formatted Public Key Infrastructure Time-Stamp Protocol data for printing. An attacker could possibly cause an application using OpenSSL to crash if it printed time stamp data from the attacker. (CVE-2016-2180) * Multiple out of bounds read flaws were found in the way OpenSSL handled certain TLS/SSL protocol handshake messages. A remote attacker could possibly use these flaws to crash a TLS/SSL server or client using OpenSSL. (CVE-2016-6306) Red Hat would like to thank the OpenSSL project for reporting CVE-2016-6304 and CVE-2016-6306 and OpenVPN for reporting CVE-2016-2183. Upstream acknowledges Shi Lei (Gear Team of Qihoo 360 Inc.) as the original reporter of CVE-2016-6304 and CVE-2016-6306; and Karthikeyan Bhargavan (Inria) and Gaetan Leurent (Inria) as the original reporters of CVE-2016-2183.
    last seen2020-06-01
    plugin id93759
    reporterThis script is Copyright (C) 2016-2019 and is owned by Tenable, Inc. or an Affiliate thereof.
    titleOracle Linux 6 / 7 : openssl (ELSA-2016-1940)
  • NASL familyUbuntu Local Security Checks
    descriptionUSN-3087-1 fixed vulnerabilities in OpenSSL. The fix for CVE-2016-2182 was incomplete and caused a regression when parsing certificates. This update fixes the problem. We apologize for the inconvenience. Shi Lei discovered that OpenSSL incorrectly handled the OCSP Status Request extension. A remote attacker could possibly use this issue to cause memory consumption, resulting in a denial of service. (CVE-2016-6304) Guido Vranken discovered that OpenSSL used undefined behaviour when performing pointer arithmetic. A remote attacker could possibly use this issue to cause OpenSSL to crash, resulting in a denial of service. This issue has only been addressed in Ubuntu 16.04 LTS in this update. (CVE-2016-2177) Cesar Pereida, Billy Brumley, and Yuval Yarom discovered that OpenSSL did not properly use constant-time operations when performing DSA signing. A remote attacker could possibly use this issue to perform a cache-timing attack and recover private DSA keys. (CVE-2016-2178) Quan Luo discovered that OpenSSL did not properly restrict the lifetime of queue entries in the DTLS implementation. A remote attacker could possibly use this issue to consume memory, resulting in a denial of service. (CVE-2016-2179) Shi Lei discovered that OpenSSL incorrectly handled memory in the TS_OBJ_print_bio() function. A remote attacker could possibly use this issue to cause a denial of service. (CVE-2016-2180) It was discovered that the OpenSSL incorrectly handled the DTLS anti-replay feature. A remote attacker could possibly use this issue to cause a denial of service. (CVE-2016-2181) Shi Lei discovered that OpenSSL incorrectly validated division results. A remote attacker could possibly use this issue to cause a denial of service. (CVE-2016-2182) Karthik Bhargavan and Gaetan Leurent discovered that the DES and Triple DES ciphers were vulnerable to birthday attacks. A remote attacker could possibly use this flaw to obtain clear text data from long encrypted sessions. This update moves DES from the HIGH cipher list to MEDIUM. (CVE-2016-2183) Shi Lei discovered that OpenSSL incorrectly handled certain ticket lengths. A remote attacker could use this issue to cause a denial of service. (CVE-2016-6302) Shi Lei discovered that OpenSSL incorrectly handled memory in the MDC2_Update() function. A remote attacker could possibly use this issue to cause a denial of service. (CVE-2016-6303) Shi Lei discovered that OpenSSL incorrectly performed certain message length checks. A remote attacker could possibly use this issue to cause a denial of service. (CVE-2016-6306). Note that Tenable Network Security has extracted the preceding description block directly from the Ubuntu security advisory. Tenable has attempted to automatically clean and format it as much as possible without introducing additional issues.
    last seen2020-06-01
    plugin id93715
    reporterUbuntu Security Notice (C) 2016-2019 Canonical, Inc. / NASL script (C) 2016-2019 and is owned by Tenable, Inc. or an Affiliate thereof.
    titleUbuntu 12.04 LTS / 14.04 LTS / 16.04 LTS : openssl regression (USN-3087-2)
  • NASL familyMisc.
    NASL idPVS_5_2_0.NASL
    descriptionThe version of Tenable Passive Vulnerability Scanner (PVS) installed on the remote host is 5.x < 5.2.0. It is, therefore, affected by multiple vulnerabilities : - Multiple denial of service vulnerabilities exist in Expat within file xmlparse.c due to a logical error in hash computations. An unauthenticated, remote attacker can exploit these, via a specially crafted XML file containing many identifiers with the same value, to cause the service to exhaust CPU resources. (CVE-2012-0876, CVE-2016-5300) - A flaw exists in the generate_hash_secret_salt() function in file lib/xmlparse.c within Expat due to the generation of non-random output by the PRNG. An unauthenticated, remote attacker can exploit this to more easily predict the PRNG output. (CVE-2012-6702) - Multiple buffer overflow conditions exist within Expat, specifically in the XML_GetBuffer() function in file lib/xmlparse.c, due to improper validation of user-supplied input when handling compressed XML content. An unauthenticated, remote attacker can exploit these to execute arbitrary code. (CVE-2015-1283, CVE-2016-4472) - Multiple buffer overflow conditions exist within the Expat XML parser when handling malformed input documents due to improper validation of user-supplied input. An unauthenticated, remote attacker can exploit these to cause a denial of service condition or the execution of arbitrary code. (CVE-2016-0718, CVE-2016-0719) - Multiple integer overflow conditions exist in s3_srvr.c, ssl_sess.c, and t1_lib.c due to improper use of pointer arithmetic for heap-buffer boundary checks. An unauthenticated, remote attacker can exploit these to cause a denial of service. (CVE-2016-2177) - An information disclosure vulnerability exists in the dsa_sign_setup() function in dsa_ossl.c due to a failure to properly ensure the use of constant-time operations. An unauthenticated, remote attacker can exploit this, via a timing side-channel attack, to disclose DSA key information. (CVE-2016-2178) - A denial of service vulnerability exists in the DTLS implementation due to a failure to properly restrict the lifetime of queue entries associated with unused out-of-order messages. An unauthenticated, remote attacker can exploit this, by maintaining multiple crafted DTLS sessions simultaneously, to exhaust memory. (CVE-2016-2179) - An out-of-bounds read error exists in the X.509 Public Key Infrastructure Time-Stamp Protocol (TSP) implementation. An unauthenticated, remote attacker can exploit this, via a crafted time-stamp file that is mishandled by the
    last seen2020-06-01
    plugin id96337
    reporterThis script is Copyright (C) 2017-2019 and is owned by Tenable, Inc. or an Affiliate thereof.
    titleTenable Passive Vulnerability Scanner 5.x < 5.2.0 Multiple Vulnerabilities (SWEET32)
  • NASL familyFedora Local Security Checks
    NASL idFEDORA_2016-64E0743E16.NASL
    descriptionUpdate from upstream with multiple security issues fixed. Note that Tenable Network Security has extracted the preceding description block directly from the Fedora update system website. Tenable has attempted to automatically clean and format it as much as possible without introducing additional issues.
    last seen2020-06-05
    plugin id94811
    reporterThis script is Copyright (C) 2016-2020 and is owned by Tenable, Inc. or an Affiliate thereof.
    titleFedora 25 : 1:openssl (2016-64e0743e16)
  • NASL familyHuawei Local Security Checks
    NASL idEULEROS_SA-2016-1047.NASL
    descriptionAccording to the versions of the openssl packages installed, the EulerOS installation on the remote host is affected by the following vulnerabilities : - OpenSSL through 1.0.2h incorrectly uses pointer arithmetic for heap-buffer boundary checks, which might allow remote attackers to cause a denial of service (integer overflow and application crash) or possibly have unspecified other impact by leveraging unexpected malloc behavior, related to s3_srvr.c, ssl_sess.c, and t1_lib.c.(CVE-2016-2177) - The dsa_sign_setup function in crypto/dsa/dsa_ossl.c in OpenSSL through 1.0.2h does not properly ensure the use of constant-time operations, which makes it easier for local users to discover a DSA private key via a timing side-channel attack.(CVE-2016-2178) - The DTLS implementation in OpenSSL before 1.1.0 does not properly restrict the lifetime of queue entries associated with unused out-of-order messages, which allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (memory consumption) by maintaining many crafted DTLS sessions simultaneously, related to d1_lib.c, statem_dtls.c, statem_lib.c, and statem_srvr.c.(CVE-2016-2179) - The TS_OBJ_print_bio function in crypto/ts/ts_lib.c in the X.509 Public Key Infrastructure Time-Stamp Protocol (TSP) implementation in OpenSSL through 1.0.2h allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (out-of-bounds read and application crash) via a crafted time-stamp file that is mishandled by the
    last seen2020-05-06
    plugin id99810
    reporterThis script is Copyright (C) 2017-2020 and is owned by Tenable, Inc. or an Affiliate thereof.
    titleEulerOS 2.0 SP1 : openssl (EulerOS-SA-2016-1047)
  • NASL familyMisc.
    descriptionThe Tenable SecurityCenter application installed on the remote host is missing a security patch. It is, therefore, affected by multiple vulnerabilities in the bundled version of OpenSSL : - Multiple integer overflow conditions exist in s3_srvr.c, ssl_sess.c, and t1_lib.c due to improper use of pointer arithmetic for heap-buffer boundary checks. An unauthenticated, remote attacker can exploit this to cause a denial of service. (CVE-2016-2177) - An information disclosure vulnerability exists in the dsa_sign_setup() function in dsa_ossl.c due to a failure to properly ensure the use of constant-time operations. An unauthenticated, remote attacker can exploit this, via a timing side-channel attack, to disclose DSA key information. (CVE-2016-2178) - A denial of service vulnerability exists in the DTLS implementation due to a failure to properly restrict the lifetime of queue entries associated with unused out-of-order messages. An unauthenticated, remote attacker can exploit this, by maintaining multiple crafted DTLS sessions simultaneously, to exhaust memory. (CVE-2016-2179) - An out-of-bounds read error exists in the X.509 Public Key Infrastructure Time-Stamp Protocol (TSP) implementation. An unauthenticated, remote attacker can exploit this, via a crafted time-stamp file that is mishandled by the
    last seen2020-06-01
    plugin id101045
    reporterThis script is Copyright (C) 2017-2019 and is owned by Tenable, Inc. or an Affiliate thereof.
    titleTenable SecurityCenter OpenSSL 1.0.1 < 1.0.1u Multiple Vulnerabilities (SWEET32)
  • NASL familyDatabases
    NASL idMYSQL_5_6_34_RPM.NASL
    descriptionThe version of MySQL running on the remote host is 5.6.x prior to 5.6.34. It is, therefore, affected by multiple vulnerabilities : - Multiple integer overflow conditions exist in s3_srvr.c, ssl_sess.c, and t1_lib.c due to improper use of pointer arithmetic for heap-buffer boundary checks. An unauthenticated, remote attacker can exploit this to cause a denial of service. (CVE-2016-2177) - An information disclosure vulnerability exists in the dsa_sign_setup() function in dsa_ossl.c due to a failure to properly ensure the use of constant-time operations. An unauthenticated, remote attacker can exploit this, via a timing side-channel attack, to disclose DSA key information. (CVE-2016-2178) - A denial of service vulnerability exists in the DTLS implementation due to a failure to properly restrict the lifetime of queue entries associated with unused out-of-order messages. An unauthenticated, remote attacker can exploit this, by maintaining multiple crafted DTLS sessions simultaneously, to exhaust memory. (CVE-2016-2179) - An out-of-bounds read error exists in the X.509 Public Key Infrastructure Time-Stamp Protocol (TSP) implementation. An unauthenticated, remote attacker can exploit this, via a crafted time-stamp file that is mishandled by the
    last seen2020-06-04
    plugin id94197
    reporterThis script is Copyright (C) 2016-2020 and is owned by Tenable, Inc. or an Affiliate thereof.
    titleMySQL 5.6.x < 5.6.34 Multiple Vulnerabilities (October 2016 CPU) (SWEET32)
  • NASL familyCGI abuses : XSS
    NASL idNESSUS_TNS_2016_16.NASL
    descriptionAccording to its self-reported version number, the Tenable Nessus application running on the remote host is 6.x prior to 6.9. It is, therefore, affected by multiple vulnerabilities : - Multiple integer overflow conditions exist in the OpenSSL component in s3_srvr.c, ssl_sess.c, and t1_lib.c due to improper use of pointer arithmetic for heap-buffer boundary checks. An unauthenticated, remote attacker can exploit this to cause a denial of service. (CVE-2016-2177) - An information disclosure vulnerability exists in the OpenSSL component in the dsa_sign_setup() function in dsa_ossl.c due to a failure to properly ensure the use of constant-time operations. An unauthenticated, remote attacker can exploit this, via a timing side-channel attack, to disclose DSA key information. (CVE-2016-2178) - A denial of service vulnerability exists in the OpenSSL component in the DTLS implementation due to a failure to properly restrict the lifetime of queue entries associated with unused out-of-order messages. An unauthenticated, remote attacker can exploit this, by maintaining multiple crafted DTLS sessions simultaneously, to exhaust memory. (CVE-2016-2179) - An out-of-bounds read error exists in the OpenSSL component in the X.509 Public Key Infrastructure Time-Stamp Protocol (TSP) implementation. An unauthenticated, remote attacker can exploit this, via a crafted time-stamp file that is mishandled by the
    last seen2020-06-01
    plugin id97192
    reporterThis script is Copyright (C) 2017-2019 and is owned by Tenable, Inc. or an Affiliate thereof.
    titleTenable Nessus 6.x < 6.9 Multiple Vulnerabilities (TNS-2016-16) (SWEET32)
  • NASL familyDatabases
    NASL idMYSQL_5_7_16.NASL
    descriptionThe version of MySQL running on the remote host is 5.7.x prior to 5.7.16. It is, therefore, affected by multiple vulnerabilities : - Multiple integer overflow conditions exist in s3_srvr.c, ssl_sess.c, and t1_lib.c due to improper use of pointer arithmetic for heap-buffer boundary checks. An unauthenticated, remote attacker can exploit this to cause a denial of service. (CVE-2016-2177) - An information disclosure vulnerability exists in the dsa_sign_setup() function in dsa_ossl.c due to a failure to properly ensure the use of constant-time operations. An unauthenticated, remote attacker can exploit this, via a timing side-channel attack, to disclose DSA key information. (CVE-2016-2178) - A denial of service vulnerability exists in the DTLS implementation due to a failure to properly restrict the lifetime of queue entries associated with unused out-of-order messages. An unauthenticated, remote attacker can exploit this, by maintaining multiple crafted DTLS sessions simultaneously, to exhaust memory. (CVE-2016-2179) - An out-of-bounds read error exists in the X.509 Public Key Infrastructure Time-Stamp Protocol (TSP) implementation. An unauthenticated, remote attacker can exploit this, via a crafted time-stamp file that is mishandled by the
    last seen2020-06-01
    plugin id94167
    reporterThis script is Copyright (C) 2016-2019 and is owned by Tenable, Inc. or an Affiliate thereof.
    titleMySQL 5.7.x < 5.7.16 Multiple Vulnerabilities (October 2016 CPU) (SWEET32)
  • NASL familySuSE Local Security Checks
    NASL idSUSE_SU-2016-2394-1.NASL
    descriptionThis update for openssl fixes the following issues: OpenSSL Security Advisory [22 Sep 2016] (bsc#999665) Severity: High - OCSP Status Request extension unbounded memory growth (CVE-2016-6304) (bsc#999666) Severity: Low - Pointer arithmetic undefined behaviour (CVE-2016-2177) (bsc#982575) - Constant time flag not preserved in DSA signing (CVE-2016-2178) (bsc#983249) - DTLS buffered message DoS (CVE-2016-2179) (bsc#994844) - OOB read in TS_OBJ_print_bio() (CVE-2016-2180) (bsc#990419) - DTLS replay protection DoS (CVE-2016-2181) (bsc#994749) - OOB write in BN_bn2dec() (CVE-2016-2182) (bsc#993819) - Birthday attack against 64-bit block ciphers (SWEET32) (CVE-2016-2183) (bsc#995359) - Malformed SHA512 ticket DoS (CVE-2016-6302) (bsc#995324) - OOB write in MDC2_Update() (CVE-2016-6303) (bsc#995377) - Certificate message OOB reads (CVE-2016-6306) (bsc#999668) More information can be found on: Also following bugs were fixed : - update expired S/MIME certs (bsc#979475) - improve s390x performance (bsc#982745) - allow >= 64GB AESGCM transfers (bsc#988591) - fix crash in print_notice (bsc#998190) - resume reading from /dev/urandom when interrupted by a signal (bsc#995075) Note that Tenable Network Security has extracted the preceding description block directly from the SUSE security advisory. Tenable has attempted to automatically clean and format it as much as possible without introducing additional issues.
    last seen2020-06-01
    plugin id93765
    reporterThis script is Copyright (C) 2016-2019 and is owned by Tenable, Inc. or an Affiliate thereof.
    titleSUSE SLED12 / SLES12 Security Update : openssl (SUSE-SU-2016:2394-1)
  • NASL familyAIX Local Security Checks
    descriptionThe version of OpenSSL installed on the remote AIX host is affected by the following vulnerabilities : - Multiple integer overflow conditions exist in s3_srvr.c, ssl_sess.c, and t1_lib.c due to improper use of pointer arithmetic for heap-buffer boundary checks. An unauthenticated, remote attacker can exploit this to cause a denial of service. (CVE-2016-2177) - An information disclosure vulnerability exists in the dsa_sign_setup() function in dsa_ossl.c due to a failure to properly ensure the use of constant-time operations. An unauthenticated, remote attacker can exploit this, via a timing side-channel attack, to disclose DSA key information. (CVE-2016-2178) - A denial of service vulnerability exists in the DTLS implementation due to a failure to properly restrict the lifetime of queue entries associated with unused out-of-order messages. An unauthenticated, remote attacker can exploit this, by maintaining multiple crafted DTLS sessions simultaneously, to exhaust memory. (CVE-2016-2179) - An out-of-bounds read error exists in the X.509 Public Key Infrastructure Time-Stamp Protocol (TSP) implementation. An unauthenticated, remote attacker can exploit this, via a crafted time-stamp file that is mishandled by the
    last seen2020-06-01
    plugin id95255
    reporterThis script is Copyright (C) 2016-2019 and is owned by Tenable, Inc. or an Affiliate thereof.
    titleAIX OpenSSL Advisory : openssl_advisory21.asc (SWEET32)
  • NASL familySlackware Local Security Checks
    NASL idSLACKWARE_SSA_2016-266-01.NASL
    descriptionNew openssl packages are available for Slackware 14.0, 14.1, 14.2, and -current to fix security issues.
    last seen2020-06-01
    plugin id93663
    reporterThis script is Copyright (C) 2016-2017 Tenable Network Security, Inc.
    titleSlackware 14.0 / 14.1 / 14.2 / current : openssl (SSA:2016-266-01)
  • NASL familySuSE Local Security Checks
    NASL idSUSE_SU-2016-2387-1.NASL
    descriptionThis update for openssl fixes the following issues: OpenSSL Security Advisory [22 Sep 2016] (bsc#999665) Severity: High - OCSP Status Request extension unbounded memory growth (CVE-2016-6304) (bsc#999666) Severity: Low - Pointer arithmetic undefined behaviour (CVE-2016-2177) (bsc#982575) - Constant time flag not preserved in DSA signing (CVE-2016-2178) (bsc#983249) - DTLS buffered message DoS (CVE-2016-2179) (bsc#994844) - OOB read in TS_OBJ_print_bio() (CVE-2016-2180) (bsc#990419) - DTLS replay protection DoS (CVE-2016-2181) (bsc#994749) - OOB write in BN_bn2dec() (CVE-2016-2182) (bsc#993819) - Birthday attack against 64-bit block ciphers (SWEET32) (CVE-2016-2183) (bsc#995359) - Malformed SHA512 ticket DoS (CVE-2016-6302) (bsc#995324) - OOB write in MDC2_Update() (CVE-2016-6303) (bsc#995377) - Certificate message OOB reads (CVE-2016-6306) (bsc#999668) More information can be found on: Also following bugs were fixed : - update expired S/MIME certs (bsc#979475) - improve s390x performance (bsc#982745) - allow >= 64GB AESGCM transfers (bsc#988591) - fix crash in print_notice (bsc#998190) - resume reading from /dev/urandom when interrupted by a signal (bsc#995075) Note that Tenable Network Security has extracted the preceding description block directly from the SUSE security advisory. Tenable has attempted to automatically clean and format it as much as possible without introducing additional issues.
    last seen2020-06-01
    plugin id93734
    reporterThis script is Copyright (C) 2016-2019 and is owned by Tenable, Inc. or an Affiliate thereof.
    titleSUSE SLES12 Security Update : openssl (SUSE-SU-2016:2387-1)
  • NASL familyUbuntu Local Security Checks
    descriptionShi Lei discovered that OpenSSL incorrectly handled the OCSP Status Request extension. A remote attacker could possibly use this issue to cause memory consumption, resulting in a denial of service. (CVE-2016-6304) Guido Vranken discovered that OpenSSL used undefined behaviour when performing pointer arithmetic. A remote attacker could possibly use this issue to cause OpenSSL to crash, resulting in a denial of service. This issue has only been addressed in Ubuntu 16.04 LTS in this update. (CVE-2016-2177) Cesar Pereida, Billy Brumley, and Yuval Yarom discovered that OpenSSL did not properly use constant-time operations when performing DSA signing. A remote attacker could possibly use this issue to perform a cache-timing attack and recover private DSA keys. (CVE-2016-2178) Quan Luo discovered that OpenSSL did not properly restrict the lifetime of queue entries in the DTLS implementation. A remote attacker could possibly use this issue to consume memory, resulting in a denial of service. (CVE-2016-2179) Shi Lei discovered that OpenSSL incorrectly handled memory in the TS_OBJ_print_bio() function. A remote attacker could possibly use this issue to cause a denial of service. (CVE-2016-2180) It was discovered that the OpenSSL incorrectly handled the DTLS anti-replay feature. A remote attacker could possibly use this issue to cause a denial of service. (CVE-2016-2181) Shi Lei discovered that OpenSSL incorrectly validated division results. A remote attacker could possibly use this issue to cause a denial of service. (CVE-2016-2182) Karthik Bhargavan and Gaetan Leurent discovered that the DES and Triple DES ciphers were vulnerable to birthday attacks. A remote attacker could possibly use this flaw to obtain clear text data from long encrypted sessions. This update moves DES from the HIGH cipher list to MEDIUM. (CVE-2016-2183) Shi Lei discovered that OpenSSL incorrectly handled certain ticket lengths. A remote attacker could use this issue to cause a denial of service. (CVE-2016-6302) Shi Lei discovered that OpenSSL incorrectly handled memory in the MDC2_Update() function. A remote attacker could possibly use this issue to cause a denial of service. (CVE-2016-6303) Shi Lei discovered that OpenSSL incorrectly performed certain message length checks. A remote attacker could possibly use this issue to cause a denial of service. (CVE-2016-6306). Note that Tenable Network Security has extracted the preceding description block directly from the Ubuntu security advisory. Tenable has attempted to automatically clean and format it as much as possible without introducing additional issues.
    last seen2020-06-01
    plugin id93684
    reporterUbuntu Security Notice (C) 2016-2019 Canonical, Inc. / NASL script (C) 2016-2019 and is owned by Tenable, Inc. or an Affiliate thereof.
    titleUbuntu 12.04 LTS / 14.04 LTS / 16.04 LTS : openssl vulnerabilities (USN-3087-1)
  • NASL familyDatabases
    NASL idMYSQL_5_6_34.NASL
    descriptionThe version of MySQL running on the remote host is 5.6.x prior to 5.6.34. It is, therefore, affected by multiple vulnerabilities : - Multiple integer overflow conditions exist in s3_srvr.c, ssl_sess.c, and t1_lib.c due to improper use of pointer arithmetic for heap-buffer boundary checks. An unauthenticated, remote attacker can exploit this to cause a denial of service. (CVE-2016-2177) - An information disclosure vulnerability exists in the dsa_sign_setup() function in dsa_ossl.c due to a failure to properly ensure the use of constant-time operations. An unauthenticated, remote attacker can exploit this, via a timing side-channel attack, to disclose DSA key information. (CVE-2016-2178) - A denial of service vulnerability exists in the DTLS implementation due to a failure to properly restrict the lifetime of queue entries associated with unused out-of-order messages. An unauthenticated, remote attacker can exploit this, by maintaining multiple crafted DTLS sessions simultaneously, to exhaust memory. (CVE-2016-2179) - An out-of-bounds read error exists in the X.509 Public Key Infrastructure Time-Stamp Protocol (TSP) implementation. An unauthenticated, remote attacker can exploit this, via a crafted time-stamp file that is mishandled by the
    last seen2020-06-01
    plugin id94166
    reporterThis script is Copyright (C) 2016-2019 and is owned by Tenable, Inc. or an Affiliate thereof.
    titleMySQL 5.6.x < 5.6.34 Multiple Vulnerabilities (October 2016 CPU) (SWEET32)
  • NASL familyGentoo Local Security Checks
    NASL idGENTOO_GLSA-201612-16.NASL
    descriptionThe remote host is affected by the vulnerability described in GLSA-201612-16 (OpenSSL: Multiple vulnerabilities) Multiple vulnerabilities have been discovered in OpenSSL. Please review the CVE identifiers and the International Association for Cryptologic Research&rsquo;s (IACR) paper, &ldquo;Make Sure DSA Signing Exponentiations Really are Constant-Time&rdquo; for further details. Impact : Remote attackers could cause a Denial of Service condition or have other unspecified impacts. Additionally, a time based side-channel attack may allow a local attacker to recover a private DSA key. Workaround : There is no known workaround at this time.
    last seen2020-06-01
    plugin id95602
    reporterThis script is Copyright (C) 2016-2019 and is owned by Tenable, Inc. or an Affiliate thereof.
    titleGLSA-201612-16 : OpenSSL: Multiple vulnerabilities


data source
last seen2017-07-15
titleOrion Elite Hidden IP Browser Pro 7.9 OpenSSL / Tor / Man-In-The-Middle


  • openssl-0:1.0.1e-48.el6_8.3
  • openssl-1:1.0.1e-51.el7_2.7
  • openssl-debuginfo-0:1.0.1e-48.el6_8.3
  • openssl-debuginfo-1:1.0.1e-51.el7_2.7
  • openssl-devel-0:1.0.1e-48.el6_8.3
  • openssl-devel-1:1.0.1e-51.el7_2.7
  • openssl-libs-1:1.0.1e-51.el7_2.7
  • openssl-perl-0:1.0.1e-48.el6_8.3
  • openssl-perl-1:1.0.1e-51.el7_2.7
  • openssl-static-0:1.0.1e-48.el6_8.3
  • openssl-static-1:1.0.1e-51.el7_2.7
