code | #
# (C) Tenable Network Security, Inc.
if (description)
script_set_attribute(attribute:"plugin_modification_date", value:"2020/06/01");
script_xref(name:"CERT", value:"362332");
script_xref(name:"ICSA", value:"10-214-01");
script_name(english:"VxWorks WDB Debug Service Detection");
script_summary(english:"Sends a CONNECT request to VxWorks debug agent");
script_set_attribute(attribute:"synopsis", value:
"Arbitrary commands can be run on this port." );
script_set_attribute(attribute:"description", value:
"A VxWorks WDB Debug Agent is running on this host.
Using this service, it is possible to read or write any memory zone or
execute arbitrary code on the host. An attacker can use this flaw to
take complete control of the affected device." );
script_set_attribute(attribute:"solution", value:
"Disable the debug agent or contact the device's vendor for a patch." );
script_set_attribute(attribute:"vuln_publication_date", value: "2010/08/02");
script_set_attribute(attribute:"plugin_publication_date", value:"2010/08/06");
script_set_attribute(attribute:"exploitability_ease", value:"No known exploits are available");
script_set_attribute(attribute:"exploit_available", value:"false");
script_set_attribute(attribute:"plugin_type", value:"remote");
script_set_attribute(attribute:"cpe", value:"cpe:/o:windriver:vxworks");
script_copyright(english:"This script is Copyright (C) 2010-2020 and is owned by Tenable, Inc. or an Affiliate thereof.");
exit (0);
wdbport = 0x4321; # dec = 17185
wdbprog = 0x55555555; # dec = 1431655765
wdbvers = 1;
global_var seq_nb, host_id;
seq_nb = 0;
host_id = rand() % 65534 + 1;
function wdb_packet(proc, data)
local_var pkt, len, i, xid, sum, seqh;
len = strlen(data) + 11 * 4; # Do not count XID
sum = 0;
# The protocol is a slightly modified version of Sun RPC
xid = rand();
seq_nb ++;
seqh = (host_id << 16) | seq_nb;
pkt = strcat(
mkdword(xid) + # 0: XID
mkdword(0) + # 1: Call
mkdword(2) + # 2: RPC version = 2
mkdword(wdbprog) + # 3: program
mkdword(wdbvers) + # 4: program version
mkdword(proc) + # 5: Procedure
# Credentials
mkdword(0) + # 6
mkdword(0) + # 7
# Verifier
mkdword(0) + # 8
mkdword(0) + # 9
mkdword(0) + # 10: Checksum
mkdword(len) + # 11
mkdword(seqh) + # 12
data ); # 13
sum = ip_checksum(data: pkt);
# Replace checksum
return substr(pkt, 0, 39) + mkdword(sum) + substr(pkt, 44);
#if (!get_udp_port_state(wdbport)) exit(0, "UDP port "+wdbport+" is closed.");
if (known_service(port:wdbport, ipproto:"udp")) exit(0, "The service listening on UDP port "+wdbport+" is already known.");
soc = open_sock_udp(wdbport);
if (!soc) exit(1, "Cannot create UDP socket to "+wdbport+".");
# 0: Ping
# 1: Connect
blob = wdb_packet(proc: 1, data: "");
r = rpc_sendrecv (socket: soc, packet: blob, udp: 1);
if (isnull(r))
exit(1, "RPC error from port "+wdbport+" : rep=" + __rpc_reply_stat + " acc="+ __rpc_accept_stat);
e = '';
# Skip WDB wrapper and parse the remaining data with XDR
# Verifying this header is useless: I get a zero-ed zone from the agent!
register_stream(s: substr(r, 12));
av = xdr_getstring();
mtu = xdr_getdword();
mode = xdr_getdword();;
e = strcat(e, '\nAgent version : ', av, '\nMTU : ', mtu, '\nAgent mode : ', mode);
rtt = xdr_getdword();
rtv = xdr_getstring();
e = strcat(e, '\nRun time type : ', rtt);
if (rtt == 0) e += ' (standalone WDB agent)';
else if (rtt == 1) e+= ' (WDB agent in VxWorks)';
e = strcat(e, '\nRun time version : ', rtv);
set_kb_item(name: "Host/VxWorks/RunTimeVersion", value: rtv);
x = xdr_getdword();
e = strcat(e , '\nCPU type : ', x);
x = xdr_getdword();
if (x) e += '\nFP coprocessor is installed.'; else e += '\nNo FP coprocessor.';
x = xdr_getdword();
if (x) e += '\nTarget can write protect memory.'; else e += '\nTarget cannot write protect memory.';
x = xdr_getdword();
e = strcat(e , '\nPage size : ', x);
x = xdr_getdword();
e = strcat(e , '\nEndianness : ', x);
bn = xdr_getstring();
bp = xdr_getstring();
if (bn) e = strcat(e, '\nBoard support package name : ', bn);
if (bp) e = strcat(e, '\nBoot file path : ', bp);
x = xdr_getdword();
e = strcat(e , '\nMemory base address : ', x);
x = xdr_getdword();
e = strcat(e , '\nMemory size : ', x);
e += '\n';
register_service(port:wdbport, ipproto:"udp", proto:"vxworks_wdb");
if (report_verbosity == 0)
security_hole(port: wdbport, proto: "udp");
security_hole(port: wdbport, proto: "udp", extra: e);
if (COMMAND_LINE) display(e);