Vulnerabilities > CVE-2009-3847 - Unspecified vulnerability in HP Openview Network Node Manager 7.0.1/7.51/7.53
Attack vector
UNKNOWN Attack complexity
UNKNOWN Privileges required
UNKNOWN Confidentiality impact
UNKNOWN Integrity impact
UNKNOWN Availability impact
Unspecified vulnerability in HP OpenView Network Node Manager (OV NNM) 7.01, 7.51, and 7.53 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via unknown vectors.
Vulnerable Configurations
Part | Description | Count |
Application | 12 |
NASL family HP-UX Local Security Checks NASL id HPUX_PHSS_40374.NASL description s700_800 11.X OV NNM7.53 PA-RISC Intermediate Patch 25 : The remote HP-UX host is affected by multiple vulnerabilities : - Potential security vulnerabilities have been identified with HP OpenView Network Node Manager (OV NNM). These vulnerabilities could be exploited remotely to execute arbitrary code. References: CVE-2009-0898 (SSRT090101) CVE-2009-3845 (SSRT090037, ZDI-CAN-453) CVE-2009-3846 (SSRT090122, ZDI-CAN-526) CVE-2009-3847 (SSRT090128, ZDI-CAN-532) CVE-2009-3848 (SSRT090129, ZDI-CAN-522) CVE-2009-3849 (SSRT090130, ZDI-CAN-523) CVE-2009-4176 (SSRT090131, ZDI-CAN-532) CVE-2009-4177 (SSRT090132, ZDI-CAN-538) CVE-2009-4178 (SSRT090133, ZDI-CAN-539) CVE-2009-4179 (SSRT090134, ZDI-CAN-540) CVE-2009-4180 (SSRT090135, ZDI-CAN-542) CVE-2009-4181 (SSRT090164, ZDI-CAN-549). (HPSBMA02483 SSRT090257) - Potential security vulnerabilities have been identified with the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) and Java Developer Kit (JDK) delivered with HP OpenView Network Node Manager (OV NNM). These vulnerabilities may allow remote unauthorized access, privilege escalation, execution of arbitrary code, and creation of a Denial of Service (DoS) . (HPSBMA02486 SSRT090049) last seen 2020-06-01 modified 2020-06-02 plugin id 43142 published 2009-12-14 reporter This script is Copyright (C) 2009-2018 Tenable Network Security, Inc. source title HP-UX PHSS_40374 : s700_800 11.X OV NNM7.53 PA-RISC Intermediate Patch 25 code # # (C) Tenable Network Security, Inc. # # The descriptive text and patch checks in this plugin were # extracted from HP patch PHSS_40374. The text itself is # copyright (C) Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. # if (NASL_LEVEL < 3000) exit(0); include(""); if (description) { script_id(43142); script_version("1.38"); script_cvs_date("Date: 2018/07/12 19:01:15"); script_cve_id("CVE-2008-2086", "CVE-2008-5339", "CVE-2008-5340", "CVE-2008-5341", "CVE-2008-5342", "CVE-2008-5343", "CVE-2008-5344", "CVE-2008-5345", "CVE-2008-5347", "CVE-2008-5348", "CVE-2008-5350", "CVE-2008-5351", "CVE-2008-5353", "CVE-2008-5354", "CVE-2008-5356", "CVE-2008-5357", "CVE-2008-5358", "CVE-2008-5359", "CVE-2008-5360", "CVE-2009-0898", "CVE-2009-3845", "CVE-2009-3846", "CVE-2009-3847", "CVE-2009-3848", "CVE-2009-3849", "CVE-2009-4176", "CVE-2009-4177", "CVE-2009-4178", "CVE-2009-4179", "CVE-2009-4180", "CVE-2009-4181"); script_xref(name:"HP", value:"emr_na-c01950877"); script_xref(name:"HP", value:"emr_na-c02000725"); script_xref(name:"HP", value:"SSRT090049"); script_xref(name:"HP", value:"SSRT090257"); script_name(english:"HP-UX PHSS_40374 : s700_800 11.X OV NNM7.53 PA-RISC Intermediate Patch 25"); script_summary(english:"Checks for the patch in the swlist output"); script_set_attribute( attribute:"synopsis", value:"The remote HP-UX host is missing a security-related patch." ); script_set_attribute( attribute:"description", value: "s700_800 11.X OV NNM7.53 PA-RISC Intermediate Patch 25 : The remote HP-UX host is affected by multiple vulnerabilities : - Potential security vulnerabilities have been identified with HP OpenView Network Node Manager (OV NNM). These vulnerabilities could be exploited remotely to execute arbitrary code. References: CVE-2009-0898 (SSRT090101) CVE-2009-3845 (SSRT090037, ZDI-CAN-453) CVE-2009-3846 (SSRT090122, ZDI-CAN-526) CVE-2009-3847 (SSRT090128, ZDI-CAN-532) CVE-2009-3848 (SSRT090129, ZDI-CAN-522) CVE-2009-3849 (SSRT090130, ZDI-CAN-523) CVE-2009-4176 (SSRT090131, ZDI-CAN-532) CVE-2009-4177 (SSRT090132, ZDI-CAN-538) CVE-2009-4178 (SSRT090133, ZDI-CAN-539) CVE-2009-4179 (SSRT090134, ZDI-CAN-540) CVE-2009-4180 (SSRT090135, ZDI-CAN-542) CVE-2009-4181 (SSRT090164, ZDI-CAN-549). (HPSBMA02483 SSRT090257) - Potential security vulnerabilities have been identified with the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) and Java Developer Kit (JDK) delivered with HP OpenView Network Node Manager (OV NNM). These vulnerabilities may allow remote unauthorized access, privilege escalation, execution of arbitrary code, and creation of a Denial of Service (DoS) . (HPSBMA02486 SSRT090049)" ); # script_set_attribute( attribute:"see_also", value:"" ); # script_set_attribute( attribute:"see_also", value:"" ); script_set_attribute( attribute:"solution", value:"Install patch PHSS_40374 or subsequent." ); script_set_cvss_base_vector("CVSS2#AV:N/AC:L/Au:N/C:C/I:C/A:C"); script_set_cvss_temporal_vector("CVSS2#E:H/RL:OF/RC:C"); script_set_attribute(attribute:"exploitability_ease", value:"Exploits are available"); script_set_attribute(attribute:"exploit_available", value:"true"); script_set_attribute(attribute:"exploit_framework_core", value:"true"); script_set_attribute(attribute:"exploited_by_malware", value:"true"); script_set_attribute(attribute:"metasploit_name", value:'HP OpenView Network Node Manager ovalarm.exe CGI Buffer Overflow'); script_set_attribute(attribute:"exploit_framework_metasploit", value:"true"); script_set_attribute(attribute:"exploit_framework_canvas", value:"true"); script_set_attribute(attribute:"canvas_package", value:'White_Phosphorus'); script_cwe_id(94, 119, 189, 200, 264); script_set_attribute(attribute:"plugin_type", value:"local"); script_set_attribute(attribute:"cpe", value:"cpe:/o:hp:hp-ux"); script_set_attribute(attribute:"patch_publication_date", value:"2009/11/26"); script_set_attribute(attribute:"patch_modification_date", value:"2010/02/12"); script_set_attribute(attribute:"plugin_publication_date", value:"2009/12/14"); script_end_attributes(); script_category(ACT_GATHER_INFO); script_copyright(english:"This script is Copyright (C) 2009-2018 Tenable Network Security, Inc."); script_family(english:"HP-UX Local Security Checks"); script_dependencies("ssh_get_info.nasl"); script_require_keys("Host/local_checks_enabled", "Host/HP-UX/version", "Host/HP-UX/swlist"); exit(0); } include(""); include(""); include(""); if (!get_kb_item("Host/local_checks_enabled")) audit(AUDIT_LOCAL_CHECKS_NOT_ENABLED); if (!get_kb_item("Host/HP-UX/version")) audit(AUDIT_OS_NOT, "HP-UX"); if (!get_kb_item("Host/HP-UX/swlist")) audit(AUDIT_PACKAGE_LIST_MISSING); if (!hpux_check_ctx(ctx:"11.11 11.23 11.31", proc:"parisc")) { exit(0, "The host is not affected since PHSS_40374 applies to a different OS release / architecture."); } patches = make_list("PHSS_40374", "PHSS_40707", "PHSS_41242", "PHSS_41606", "PHSS_41857", "PHSS_42232", "PHSS_43046", "PHSS_43353"); foreach patch (patches) { if (hpux_installed(app:patch)) { exit(0, "The host is not affected because patch "+patch+" is installed."); } } flag = 0; if (hpux_check_patch(app:"OVNNMETCore.OVNNMET-CORE", version:"B.07.50.00")) flag++; if (hpux_check_patch(app:"OVNNMETCore.OVNNMET-IPV6", version:"B.07.50.00")) flag++; if (hpux_check_patch(app:"OVNNMETCore.OVNNMET-JPN", version:"B.07.50.00")) flag++; if (hpux_check_patch(app:"OVNNMETCore.OVNNMET-PD", version:"B.07.50.00")) flag++; if (hpux_check_patch(app:"OVNNMETCore.OVNNMET-PESA", version:"B.07.50.00")) flag++; if (hpux_check_patch(app:"OVNNMgr.OVMIB-CONTRIB", version:"B.07.50.00")) flag++; if (hpux_check_patch(app:"OVNNMgr.OVNNM-RUN", version:"B.07.50.00")) flag++; if (hpux_check_patch(app:"OVNNMgr.OVNNMGR-JPN", version:"B.07.50.00")) flag++; if (hpux_check_patch(app:"OVNNMgr.OVNNMGR-KOR", version:"B.07.50.00")) flag++; if (hpux_check_patch(app:"OVNNMgr.OVNNMGR-SCH", version:"B.07.50.00")) flag++; if (hpux_check_patch(app:"OVNNMgr.OVRPT-RUN", version:"B.07.50.00")) flag++; if (hpux_check_patch(app:"OVNNMgr.OVWWW-JPN", version:"B.07.50.00")) flag++; if (hpux_check_patch(app:"OVNNMgr.OVWWW-KOR", version:"B.07.50.00")) flag++; if (hpux_check_patch(app:"OVNNMgr.OVWWW-SCH", version:"B.07.50.00")) flag++; if (hpux_check_patch(app:"OVNNMgrMan.OVNNM-RUN-MAN", version:"B.07.50.00")) flag++; if (hpux_check_patch(app:"OVNNMgrRtDOC.OVNNM-ENG-DOC", version:"B.07.50.00")) flag++; if (hpux_check_patch(app:"OVPlatform.OVDB-RUN", version:"B.07.50.00")) flag++; if (hpux_check_patch(app:"OVPlatform.OVEVENT-MIN", version:"B.07.50.00")) flag++; if (hpux_check_patch(app:"OVPlatform.OVMIN", version:"B.07.50.00")) flag++; if (hpux_check_patch(app:"OVPlatform.OVPMD-MIN", version:"B.07.50.00")) flag++; if (hpux_check_patch(app:"OVPlatform.OVSNMP-MIN", version:"B.07.50.00")) flag++; if (hpux_check_patch(app:"OVPlatform.OVWIN", version:"B.07.50.00")) flag++; if (hpux_check_patch(app:"OVPlatform.OVWWW-EVNT", version:"B.07.50.00")) flag++; if (hpux_check_patch(app:"OVPlatform.OVWWW-FW", version:"B.07.50.00")) flag++; if (hpux_check_patch(app:"OVPlatform.OVWWW-SRV", version:"B.07.50.00")) flag++; if (hpux_check_patch(app:"OVPlatformMan.OVEVENTMIN-MAN", version:"B.07.50.00")) flag++; if (hpux_check_patch(app:"OVPlatformMan.OVMIN-MAN", version:"B.07.50.00")) flag++; if (hpux_check_patch(app:"OVPlatformMan.OVSNMP-MIN-MAN", version:"B.07.50.00")) flag++; if (hpux_check_patch(app:"OVPlatformMan.OVWIN-MAN", version:"B.07.50.00")) flag++; if (flag) { if (report_verbosity > 0) security_hole(port:0, extra:hpux_report_get()); else security_hole(0); exit(0); } else audit(AUDIT_HOST_NOT, "affected");
NASL family HP-UX Local Security Checks NASL id HPUX_PHSS_40375.NASL description s700_800 11.X OV NNM7.53 IA-64 Intermediate Patch 25 : The remote HP-UX host is affected by multiple vulnerabilities : - Potential security vulnerabilities have been identified with the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) and Java Developer Kit (JDK) delivered with HP OpenView Network Node Manager (OV NNM). These vulnerabilities may allow remote unauthorized access, privilege escalation, execution of arbitrary code, and creation of a Denial of Service (DoS) . (HPSBMA02486 SSRT090049) - Potential security vulnerabilities have been identified with HP OpenView Network Node Manager (OV NNM). These vulnerabilities could be exploited remotely to execute arbitrary code. References: CVE-2009-0898 (SSRT090101) CVE-2009-3845 (SSRT090037, ZDI-CAN-453) CVE-2009-3846 (SSRT090122, ZDI-CAN-526) CVE-2009-3847 (SSRT090128, ZDI-CAN-532) CVE-2009-3848 (SSRT090129, ZDI-CAN-522) CVE-2009-3849 (SSRT090130, ZDI-CAN-523) CVE-2009-4176 (SSRT090131, ZDI-CAN-532) CVE-2009-4177 (SSRT090132, ZDI-CAN-538) CVE-2009-4178 (SSRT090133, ZDI-CAN-539) CVE-2009-4179 (SSRT090134, ZDI-CAN-540) CVE-2009-4180 (SSRT090135, ZDI-CAN-542) CVE-2009-4181 (SSRT090164, ZDI-CAN-549). (HPSBMA02483 SSRT090257) last seen 2020-06-01 modified 2020-06-02 plugin id 43143 published 2009-12-14 reporter This script is Copyright (C) 2009-2018 Tenable Network Security, Inc. source title HP-UX PHSS_40375 : s700_800 11.X OV NNM7.53 IA-64 Intermediate Patch 25 NASL family HP-UX Local Security Checks NASL id HPUX_PHSS_40705.NASL description s700_800 11.11 OV NNM7.01 Intermediate Patch 13 : The remote HP-UX host is affected by multiple vulnerabilities : - A potential vulnerability has been identified with HP OpenView Network Node Manager (OV NNM). The vulnerability could be exploited remotely to execute arbitrary code. (HPSBMA02424 SSRT080125) - Potential security vulnerabilities have been identified with HP OpenView Network Node Manager (OV NNM). These vulnerabilities could be exploited remotely to execute arbitrary code. References: CVE-2009-0898 (SSRT090101) CVE-2009-3845 (SSRT090037, ZDI-CAN-453) CVE-2009-3846 (SSRT090122, ZDI-CAN-526) CVE-2009-3847 (SSRT090128, ZDI-CAN-532) CVE-2009-3848 (SSRT090129, ZDI-CAN-522) CVE-2009-3849 (SSRT090130, ZDI-CAN-523) CVE-2009-4176 (SSRT090131, ZDI-CAN-532) CVE-2009-4177 (SSRT090132, ZDI-CAN-538) CVE-2009-4178 (SSRT090133, ZDI-CAN-539) CVE-2009-4179 (SSRT090134, ZDI-CAN-540) CVE-2009-4180 (SSRT090135, ZDI-CAN-542) CVE-2009-4181 (SSRT090164, ZDI-CAN-549). (HPSBMA02483 SSRT090257) - Potential security vulnerabilities have been identified with HP OpenView Network Node Manager (OV NNM). These vulnerabilities could be exploited remotely to allow execution of arbitrary code. (HPSBMA02400 SSRT080144) - Potential vulnerabilities have been identified with HP OpenView Network Node Manager (OV NNM). The vulnerabilities could be exploited remotely to execute arbitrary code. (HPSBMA02416 SSRT090008) - Potential security vulnerabilities have been identified with HP OpenView Network Node Manager (OV NNM). These vulnerabilities could be exploited remotely to execute arbitrary code. References: CVE-2010-1550 (SSRT090225, ZDI-CAN-563) CVE-2010-1551 (SSRT090226, ZDI-CAN-564) CVE-2010-1552 (SSRT090227, ZDI-CAN-566) CVE-2010-1553 (SSRT090228, ZDI-CAN-573) CVE-2010-1554 (SSRT090229, ZDI-CAN-574) CVE-2010-1555 (SSRT090230, ZDI-CAN-575). (HPSBMA02527 SSRT010098) - A potential vulnerability has been identified with HP OpenView Network Node Manager (OV NNM). The vulnerability could be exploited remotely to execute arbitrary code. (HPSBMA02425 SSRT080091) last seen 2020-06-01 modified 2020-06-02 plugin id 46261 published 2010-05-10 reporter This script is Copyright (C) 2010-2018 Tenable Network Security, Inc. source title HP-UX PHSS_40705 : s700_800 11.11 OV NNM7.01 Intermediate Patch 13
bid 37261 description HP OpenView Network Node Manager ovalarm.exe Accept-Language buffer overflow id net_ovnodemgralarmlangbo osvdb 60930 title openview_nnm_ovalarm_accept_language type remote bid 37261 description HP OpenView Network Node Manager ovwebsnmpsrv.exe buffer overflow via jovgraph.exe id net_ovwebsnmpsrvbo osvdb 60932 title openview_nnm_ovwebsnmpsrv_jovgraph type remote