Vulnerabilities > CVE-2009-1010 - Multiple vulnerability in Oracle April 2009 Critical Patch Update

Attack vector
Attack complexity
Privileges required
Confidentiality impact
Integrity impact
Availability impact


Unspecified vulnerability in the Outside In Technology component in Oracle Application Server 8.2.2 and 8.3.0 allows local users to affect confidentiality, integrity, and availability, related to HTML, a different vulnerability than CVE-2009-1008.


NASL familyWeb Servers
descriptionThe remote host is running Oracle Application Server. It was not possible to determine its version, so the version of Oracle Application Server installed on the remote host could potentially be affected by multiple vulnerabilities : - CVE-2000-0169: Remote command execution in the web listener component. - CVE-2000-1235: Information disclosure in the port listener component and modplsql. - CVE-2000-1236: SQL injection in mod_sql. - CVE-2001-0326: Information disclosure in the Java Virtual Machine. - CVE-2001-0419: Buffer overflow in - CVE-2001-0591: Directory traversal. - CVE-2001-1216: Buffer overflow in the PL/SQL Apache module. - CVE-2001-1217: Directory traversal vulnerability in the PL/SQL Apache module. - CVE-2001-1371: Improper access control in the SOAP service. - CVE-2001-1372: Information disclosure. - CVE-2002-0386: Denial of service through the administration module for Oracle Web Cache. - CVE-2002-0559: Buffer overflows in the PL/SQL module. - CVE-2002-0560: Information disclosure in the PL/SQL module. - CVE-2002-0561: Authentication bypass in the PL/SQL Gateway web administration interface. - CVE-2002-0562: Information disclosure through globals.jsa. - CVE-2002-0563: Improper access control on several services. - CVE-2002-0564: Authentication bypass in the PL/SQL module. - CVE-2002-0565: Information disclosure through JSP files in the _pages directory. - CVE-2002-0566: Denial of service in the PL/SQL module. - CVE-2002-0568: Improper access control on XSQLConfig.xml and soapConfig.xml. - CVE-2002-0569: Authentication bypass through XSQLServlet. - CVE-2002-0655: Denial of service in OpenSSL. - CVE-2002-0656: Buffer overflows in OpenSSL. - CVE-2002-0659: Denial of service in OpenSSL. - CVE-2002-0840: Cross-site scripting in the default error page of Apache. - CVE-2002-0842: Format string vulnerability in mod_dav. - CVE-2002-0843: Buffer overflows in ApacheBench. - CVE-2002-0947: Buffer overflow in rwcgi60. - CVE-2002-1089: Information disclosure in rwcgi60. - CVE-2002-1630: Improper access control on sendmail.jsp. - CVE-2002-1631: SQL injection in query.xsql. - CVE-2002-1632: Information disclosure through several JSP pages. - CVE-2002-1635: Information disclosure in Apache. - CVE-2002-1636: Cross-site scripting in the htp PL/SQL package. - CVE-2002-1637: Default credentials in multiple components. - CVE-2002-1858: Information disclosure through the WEB-INF directory. - CVE-2002-2153: Format string vulnerability in the administrative pages of the PL/SQL module. - CVE-2002-2345: Credential leakage in the web cache administrator interface. - CVE-2002-2347: Cross-site scripting in several JSP pages. - CVE-2004-1362: Authentication bypass in the PL/SQL module. - CVE-2004-1363: Buffer overflow in extproc. - CVE-2004-1364: Directory traversal in extproc. - CVE-2004-1365: Command execution in extproc. - CVE-2004-1366: Improper access control on - CVE-2004-1367: Credential leakage in Database Server. - CVE-2004-1368: Arbitrary file execution in ISQL*Plus. - CVE-2004-1369: Denial of service in TNS Listener. - CVE-2004-1370: Multiple SQL injection vulnerabilities in PL/SQL. - CVE-2004-1371: Stack-based buffer overflow. - CVE-2004-1707: Privilege escalation in dbsnmp and nmo. - CVE-2004-1774: Buffer overflow in the MD2 package. - CVE-2004-1877: Phishing vulnerability in Single Sign-On component. - CVE-2004-2134: Weak cryptography for passwords in the toplink mapping workBench. - CVE-2004-2244: Denial of service in the XML parser. - CVE-2005-1383: Authentication bypass in HTTP Server. - CVE-2005-1495: Detection bypass. - CVE-2005-1496: Privilege escalation in the DBMS_Scheduler. - CVE-2005-2093: Web cache poisoning. - CVE-2005-3204: Cross-site scripting. - CVE-2005-3445: Multiple unspecified vulnerabilities in HTTP Server. - CVE-2005-3446: Unspecified vulnerability in Internet Directory. - CVE-2005-3447: Unspecified vulnerability in Single Sign-On. - CVE-2005-3448: Unspecified vulnerability in the OC4J module. - CVE-2005-3449: Multiple unspecified vulnerabilities in multiple components. - CVE-2005-3450: Unspecified vulnerability in HTTP Server. - CVE-2005-3451: Unspecified vulnerability in SQL*ReportWriter. - CVE-2005-3452: Unspecified vulnerability in Web Cache. - CVE-2005-3453: Multiple unspecified vulnerabilities in Web Cache. - CVE-2006-0273: Unspecified vulnerability in the Portal component. - CVE-2006-0274: Unspecified vulnerability in the Oracle Reports Developer component. - CVE-2006-0275: Unspecified vulnerability in the Oracle Reports Developer component. - CVE-2006-0282: Unspecified vulnerability. - CVE-2006-0283: Unspecified vulnerability. - CVE-2006-0284: Multiple unspecified vulnerabilities. - CVE-2006-0285: Unspecified vulnerability in the Java Net component. - CVE-2006-0286: Unspecified vulnerability in HTTP Server. - CVE-2006-0287: Unspecified vulnerability in HTTP Server. - CVE-2006-0288: Multiple unspecified vulnerabilities in the Oracle Reports Developer component. - CVE-2006-0289: Multiple unspecified vulnerabilities. - CVE-2006-0290: Unspecified vulnerability in the Oracle Workflow Cartridge component. - CVE-2006-0291: Multiple unspecified vulnerabilities in the Oracle Workflow Cartridge component. - CVE-2006-0435: Unspecified vulnerability in Oracle PL/SQL. - CVE-2006-0552: Unspecified vulnerability in the Net Listener component. - CVE-2006-0586: Multiple SQL injection vulnerabilities. - CVE-2006-1884: Unspecified vulnerability in the Oracle Thesaurus Management System component. - CVE-2006-3706: Unspecified vulnerability in Oracle Containers for J2EE. - CVE-2006-3707: Unspecified vulnerability in Oracle Containers for J2EE. - CVE-2006-3708: Unspecified vulnerability in Oracle Containers for J2EE. - CVE-2006-3709: Unspecified vulnerability in Oracle Containers for J2EE. - CVE-2006-3710: Unspecified vulnerability in Oracle Containers for J2EE. - CVE-2006-3711: Unspecified vulnerability in Oracle Containers for J2EE. - CVE-2006-3712: Unspecified vulnerability in Oracle Containers for J2EE. - CVE-2006-3713: Unspecified vulnerability in Oracle Containers for J2EE. - CVE-2006-3714: Unspecified vulnerability in Oracle Containers for J2EE. - CVE-2006-5353: Unspecified vulnerability in HTTP Server. - CVE-2006-5354: Unspecified vulnerability in HTTP Server. - CVE-2006-5355: Unspecified vulnerability in Single Sign-On. - CVE-2006-5356: Unspecified vulnerability in Oracle Containers for J2EE. - CVE-2006-5357: Unspecified vulnerability in HTTP Server. - CVE-2006-5358: Unspecified vulnerability in the Oracle Forms component. - CVE-2006-5359: Multiple unspecified vulnerabilities in Oracle Reports Developer component. - CVE-2006-5360: Unspecified vulnerability in Oracle Forms component. - CVE-2006-5361: Unspecified vulnerability in Oracle Containers for J2EE. - CVE-2006-5362: Unspecified vulnerability in Oracle Containers for J2EE. - CVE-2006-5363: Unspecified vulnerability in Single Sign-On. - CVE-2006-5364: Unspecified vulnerability in Oracle Containers for J2EE. - CVE-2006-5365: Unspecified vulnerability in Oracle Forms. - CVE-2006-5366: Multiple unspecified vulnerabilities. - CVE-2007-0222: Directory traversal vulnerability in EmChartBean. - CVE-2007-0275: Cross-site scripting vulnerability in Oracle Reports Web Cartridge (RWCGI60). - CVE-2007-0280: Buffer overflow in Oracle Notification Service. - CVE-2007-0281: Multiple unspecified vulnerabilities in HTTP Server. - CVE-2007-0282: Unspecified vulnerability in OPMN02. - CVE-2007-0283: Unspecified vulnerability in Oracle Containers for J2EE. - CVE-2007-0284: Multiple unspecified vulnerabilities in Oracle Containers for J2EE. - CVE-2007-0285: Unspecified vulnerability in Oracle Reports Developer. - CVE-2007-0286: Unspecified vulnerability in Oracle Containers for J2EE. - CVE-2007-0287: Unspecified vulnerability in Oracle Containers for J2EE. - CVE-2007-0288: Unspecified vulnerability in Oracle Internet Directory. - CVE-2007-0289: Multiple unspecified vulnerabilities in Oracle Containers for J2EE. - CVE-2007-1359: Improper access control in mod_security. - CVE-2007-1609: Cross-site scripting vulnerability in servlet/Spy in Dynamic Monitoring Services (DMS). - CVE-2007-2119: Cross-site scripting vulnerability in the Administration Front End for Oracle Enterprise (Ultra) Search. - CVE-2007-2120: Denial of service in the Oracle Discoverer servlet. - CVE-2007-2121: Unspecified vulnerability in the COREid Access component. - CVE-2007-2122: Unspecified vulnerability in the Wireless component. - CVE-2007-2123: Unspecified vulnerability in the Portal component. - CVE-2007-2124: Unspecified vulnerability in the Portal component. - CVE-2007-2130: Unspecified vulnerability in Workflow Cartridge. - CVE-2007-3553: Cross-site scripting vulnerability in Rapid Install Web Server. - CVE-2007-3854: Multiple unspecified vulnerabilities in the Advanced Queuing component and the Spatial component. - CVE-2007-3859: Unspecified vulnerability in the Oracle Internet Directory component. - CVE-2007-3861: Unspecified vulnerability in Oracle Jdeveloper. - CVE-2007-3862: Unspecified vulnerability in Single Sign-On. - CVE-2007-3863: Unspecified vulnerability in Oracle JDeveloper. - CVE-2007-5516: Unspecified vulnerability in the Oracle Process Mgmt & Notification component. - CVE-2007-5517: Unspecified vulnerability in the Oracle Portal component. - CVE-2007-5518: Unspecified vulnerability in HTTP Server. - CVE-2007-5519: Unspecified vulnerability in the Oracle Portal component. - CVE-2007-5520: Unspecified vulnerability in the Oracle Internet Directory component. - CVE-2007-5521: Unspecified vulnerability in Oracle Containers for J2EE. - CVE-2007-5522: Unspecified vulnerability in the Oracle Portal component. - CVE-2007-5523: Unspecified vulnerability in the Oracle Internet Directory component. - CVE-2007-5524: Unspecified vulnerability in Single Sign-On. - CVE-2007-5525: Unspecified vulnerability in Single Sign-On. - CVE-2007-5526: Unspecified vulnerability in the Oracle Portal component. - CVE-2007-5531: Unspecified vulnerability in Oracle Help for Web. - CVE-2008-0340: Multiple unspecified vulnerabilities in the Advanced Queuing component and Spatial component. - CVE-2008-0343: Unspecified vulnerability in the Oracle Spatial component. - CVE-2008-0344: Unspecified vulnerability in the Oracle Spatial component. - CVE-2008-0345: Unspecified vulnerability in the Core RDBMS component. - CVE-2008-0346: Unspecified vulnerability in the Oracle Jinitiator component. - CVE-2008-0347: Unspecified vulnerability in the Oracle Ultra Search component. - CVE-2008-0348: Multiple unspecified vulnerabilities in the PeopleTools component. - CVE-2008-0349: Unspecified vulnerability in the PeopleTools component. - CVE-2008-1812: Unspecified vulnerability in the Oracle Enterprise Manager component. - CVE-2008-1814: Unspecified vulnerability in the Oracle Secure Enterprise Search or Ultrasearch component. - CVE-2008-1823: Unspecified vulnerability in the Oracle Jinitiator component. - CVE-2008-1824: Unspecified vulnerability in the Oracle Dynamic Monitoring Service component. - CVE-2008-1825: Unspecified vulnerability in the Oracle Portal component. - CVE-2008-2583: Unspecified vulnerability in the sample Discussion Forum Portlet for the Oracle Portal component. - CVE-2008-2588: Unspecified vulnerability in the Oracle JDeveloper component. - CVE-2008-2589: Unspecified vulnerability in the Oracle Portal component. - CVE-2008-2593: Unspecified vulnerability in the Oracle Portal component. - CVE-2008-2594: Unspecified vulnerability in the Oracle Portal component. - CVE-2008-2595: Unspecified vulnerability in the Oracle Internet Directory component. - CVE-2008-2609: Unspecified vulnerability in the Oracle Portal component. - CVE-2008-2612: Unspecified vulnerability in the Hyperion BI Plus component. - CVE-2008-2614: Unspecified vulnerability in HTTP Server. - CVE-2008-2619: Unspecified vulnerability in the Oracle Reports Developer component. - CVE-2008-2623: Unspecified vulnerability in the Oracle JDeveloper component. - CVE-2008-3975: Unspecified vulnerability in the Oracle Portal component. - CVE-2008-3977: Unspecified vulnerability in the Oracle Portal component. - CVE-2008-3986: Unspecified vulnerability in the Oracle Discoverer Administrator component. - CVE-2008-3987: Unspecified vulnerability in the Oracle Discoverer Desktop component. - CVE-2008-4014: Unspecified vulnerability in the Oracle BPEL Process Manager component. - CVE-2008-4017: Unspecified vulnerability in the OC4J component. - CVE-2008-5438: Unspecified vulnerability in the Oracle Portal component. - CVE-2008-7233: Unspecified vulnerability in the Oracle Jinitiator component. - CVE-2009-0217: Signature spoofing vulnerability in multiple components. - CVE-2009-0989: Unspecified vulnerability in the BI Publisher component. - CVE-2009-0990: Unspecified vulnerability in the BI Publisher component. - CVE-2009-0994: Unspecified vulnerability in the BI Publisher component. - CVE-2009-1008: Unspecified vulnerability in the Outside In Technology component. - CVE-2009-1009: Unspecified vulnerability in the Outside In Technology component. - CVE-2009-1010: Unspecified vulnerability in the Outside In Technology component. - CVE-2009-1011: Unspecified vulnerability in the Outside In Technology component. - CVE-2009-1017: Unspecified vulnerability in the BI Publisher component. - CVE-2009-1976: Unspecified vulnerability in HTTP Server. - CVE-2009-1990: Unspecified vulnerability in the Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition component. - CVE-2009-1999: Unspecified vulnerability in the Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition component. - CVE-2009-3407: Unspecified vulnerability in the Portal component. - CVE-2009-3412: Unspecified vulnerability in the Unzip component. - CVE-2010-0066: Unspecified vulnerability in the Access Manager Identity Server component. - CVE-2010-0067: Unspecified vulnerability in the Oracle Containers for J2EE component. - CVE-2010-0070: Unspecified vulnerability in the Oracle Containers for J2EE component. - CVE-2011-0789: Unspecified vulnerability in HTTP Server. - CVE-2011-0795: Unspecified vulnerability in Single Sign-On. - CVE-2011-0884: Unspecified vulnerability in the Oracle BPEL Process Manager component. - CVE-2011-2237: Unspecified vulnerability in the Oracle Web Services Manager component. - CVE-2011-2314: Unspecified vulnerability in the Oracle Containers for J2EE component. - CVE-2011-3523: Unspecified vulnerability in the Oracle Web Services Manager component.
last seen2020-06-01
plugin id57619
reporterThis script is Copyright (C) 2012-2019 and is owned by Tenable, Inc. or an Affiliate thereof.
titleOracle Application Server Multiple Vulnerabilities
# (C) Tenable Network Security, Inc.


if (description)
  script_cvs_date("Date: 2019/04/05 15:04:42");



  script_name(english:"Oracle Application Server Multiple Vulnerabilities");
  script_summary(english:"Checks version in Server response header.");

 script_set_attribute(attribute:"synopsis", value:
"The remote web server may be affected by multiple vulnerabilities.");
 script_set_attribute(attribute:"description", value:
"The remote host is running Oracle Application Server. It was not possible
to determine its version, so the version of Oracle Application Server
installed on the remote host could potentially be affected by multiple
vulnerabilities :

  - CVE-2000-0169: Remote command execution in the web
    listener component.

  - CVE-2000-1235: Information disclosure in the port
    listener component and modplsql.

  - CVE-2000-1236: SQL injection in mod_sql.

  - CVE-2001-0326: Information disclosure in the Java
    Virtual Machine.

  - CVE-2001-0419: Buffer overflow in

  - CVE-2001-0591: Directory traversal.

  - CVE-2001-1216: Buffer overflow in the PL/SQL Apache module.

  - CVE-2001-1217: Directory traversal vulnerability in the
    PL/SQL Apache module.

  - CVE-2001-1371: Improper access control in the SOAP

  - CVE-2001-1372: Information disclosure.

  - CVE-2002-0386: Denial of service through the
    administration module for Oracle Web Cache.

  - CVE-2002-0559: Buffer overflows in the PL/SQL module.

  - CVE-2002-0560: Information disclosure in the PL/SQL

  - CVE-2002-0561: Authentication bypass in the PL/SQL
    Gateway web administration interface.

  - CVE-2002-0562: Information disclosure through

  - CVE-2002-0563: Improper access control on several

  - CVE-2002-0564: Authentication bypass in the PL/SQL

  - CVE-2002-0565: Information disclosure through JSP files
    in the _pages directory.

  - CVE-2002-0566: Denial of service in the PL/SQL module.

  - CVE-2002-0568: Improper access control on XSQLConfig.xml
    and soapConfig.xml.

  - CVE-2002-0569: Authentication bypass through

  - CVE-2002-0655: Denial of service in OpenSSL.

  - CVE-2002-0656: Buffer overflows in OpenSSL.

  - CVE-2002-0659: Denial of service in OpenSSL.

  - CVE-2002-0840: Cross-site scripting in the default error
    page of Apache.

  - CVE-2002-0842: Format string vulnerability in mod_dav.

  - CVE-2002-0843: Buffer overflows in ApacheBench.

  - CVE-2002-0947: Buffer overflow in rwcgi60.

  - CVE-2002-1089: Information disclosure in rwcgi60.

  - CVE-2002-1630: Improper access control on sendmail.jsp.

  - CVE-2002-1631: SQL injection in query.xsql.

  - CVE-2002-1632: Information disclosure through several
    JSP pages.

  - CVE-2002-1635: Information disclosure in Apache.

  - CVE-2002-1636: Cross-site scripting in the htp PL/SQL

  - CVE-2002-1637: Default credentials in multiple

  - CVE-2002-1858: Information disclosure through the
    WEB-INF directory.

  - CVE-2002-2153: Format string vulnerability in the
    administrative pages of the PL/SQL module.

  - CVE-2002-2345: Credential leakage in the web cache
    administrator interface.

  - CVE-2002-2347: Cross-site scripting in several JSP

  - CVE-2004-1362: Authentication bypass in the PL/SQL

  - CVE-2004-1363: Buffer overflow in extproc.

  - CVE-2004-1364: Directory traversal in extproc.

  - CVE-2004-1365: Command execution in extproc.

  - CVE-2004-1366: Improper access control on

  - CVE-2004-1367: Credential leakage in Database Server.

  - CVE-2004-1368: Arbitrary file execution in ISQL*Plus.

  - CVE-2004-1369: Denial of service in TNS Listener.

  - CVE-2004-1370: Multiple SQL injection vulnerabilities in

  - CVE-2004-1371: Stack-based buffer overflow.

  - CVE-2004-1707: Privilege escalation in dbsnmp and nmo.

  - CVE-2004-1774: Buffer overflow in the MD2 package.

  - CVE-2004-1877: Phishing vulnerability in Single Sign-On

  - CVE-2004-2134: Weak cryptography for passwords in the
    toplink mapping workBench.

  - CVE-2004-2244: Denial of service in the XML parser.

  - CVE-2005-1383: Authentication bypass in HTTP Server.

  - CVE-2005-1495: Detection bypass.

  - CVE-2005-1496: Privilege escalation in the

  - CVE-2005-2093: Web cache poisoning.

  - CVE-2005-3204: Cross-site scripting.

  - CVE-2005-3445: Multiple unspecified vulnerabilities in
    HTTP Server.

  - CVE-2005-3446: Unspecified vulnerability in Internet

  - CVE-2005-3447: Unspecified vulnerability in Single

  - CVE-2005-3448: Unspecified vulnerability in the OC4J

  - CVE-2005-3449: Multiple unspecified vulnerabilities in
    multiple components.

  - CVE-2005-3450: Unspecified vulnerability in HTTP Server.

  - CVE-2005-3451: Unspecified vulnerability in

  - CVE-2005-3452: Unspecified vulnerability in Web Cache.

  - CVE-2005-3453: Multiple unspecified vulnerabilities in
    Web Cache.

  - CVE-2006-0273: Unspecified vulnerability in the Portal

  - CVE-2006-0274: Unspecified vulnerability in the Oracle
    Reports Developer component.

  - CVE-2006-0275: Unspecified vulnerability in the Oracle
    Reports Developer component.

  - CVE-2006-0282: Unspecified vulnerability.

  - CVE-2006-0283: Unspecified vulnerability.

  - CVE-2006-0284: Multiple unspecified vulnerabilities.

  - CVE-2006-0285: Unspecified vulnerability in the Java Net

  - CVE-2006-0286: Unspecified vulnerability in HTTP Server.

  - CVE-2006-0287: Unspecified vulnerability in HTTP Server.

  - CVE-2006-0288: Multiple unspecified vulnerabilities in
    the Oracle Reports Developer component.

  - CVE-2006-0289: Multiple unspecified vulnerabilities.

  - CVE-2006-0290: Unspecified vulnerability in the Oracle
    Workflow Cartridge component.

  - CVE-2006-0291: Multiple unspecified vulnerabilities in
    the Oracle Workflow Cartridge component.

  - CVE-2006-0435: Unspecified vulnerability in Oracle

  - CVE-2006-0552: Unspecified vulnerability in the Net
    Listener component.

  - CVE-2006-0586: Multiple SQL injection vulnerabilities.

  - CVE-2006-1884: Unspecified vulnerability in the Oracle
    Thesaurus Management System component.

  - CVE-2006-3706: Unspecified vulnerability in Oracle
    Containers for J2EE.

  - CVE-2006-3707: Unspecified vulnerability in Oracle
    Containers for J2EE.

  - CVE-2006-3708: Unspecified vulnerability in Oracle
    Containers for J2EE.

  - CVE-2006-3709: Unspecified vulnerability in Oracle
    Containers for J2EE.

  - CVE-2006-3710: Unspecified vulnerability in Oracle
    Containers for J2EE.

  - CVE-2006-3711: Unspecified vulnerability in Oracle
    Containers for J2EE.

  - CVE-2006-3712: Unspecified vulnerability in Oracle
    Containers for J2EE.

  - CVE-2006-3713: Unspecified vulnerability in Oracle
    Containers for J2EE.

  - CVE-2006-3714: Unspecified vulnerability in Oracle
    Containers for J2EE.

  - CVE-2006-5353: Unspecified vulnerability in HTTP Server.

  - CVE-2006-5354: Unspecified vulnerability in HTTP Server.

  - CVE-2006-5355: Unspecified vulnerability in Single

  - CVE-2006-5356: Unspecified vulnerability in Oracle
    Containers for J2EE.

  - CVE-2006-5357: Unspecified vulnerability in HTTP Server.

  - CVE-2006-5358: Unspecified vulnerability in the Oracle
    Forms component.

  - CVE-2006-5359: Multiple unspecified vulnerabilities in
    Oracle Reports Developer component.

  - CVE-2006-5360: Unspecified vulnerability in Oracle Forms

  - CVE-2006-5361: Unspecified vulnerability in Oracle
    Containers for J2EE.

  - CVE-2006-5362: Unspecified vulnerability in Oracle
    Containers for J2EE.

  - CVE-2006-5363: Unspecified vulnerability in Single

  - CVE-2006-5364: Unspecified vulnerability in Oracle
    Containers for J2EE.

  - CVE-2006-5365: Unspecified vulnerability in Oracle

  - CVE-2006-5366: Multiple unspecified vulnerabilities.

  - CVE-2007-0222: Directory traversal vulnerability in

  - CVE-2007-0275: Cross-site scripting vulnerability in
    Oracle Reports Web Cartridge (RWCGI60).

  - CVE-2007-0280: Buffer overflow in Oracle Notification

  - CVE-2007-0281: Multiple unspecified vulnerabilities in
    HTTP Server.

  - CVE-2007-0282: Unspecified vulnerability in OPMN02.

  - CVE-2007-0283: Unspecified vulnerability in Oracle
    Containers for J2EE.

  - CVE-2007-0284: Multiple unspecified vulnerabilities in
    Oracle Containers for J2EE.

  - CVE-2007-0285: Unspecified vulnerability in Oracle
    Reports Developer.

  - CVE-2007-0286: Unspecified vulnerability in Oracle
    Containers for J2EE.

  - CVE-2007-0287: Unspecified vulnerability in Oracle
    Containers for J2EE.

  - CVE-2007-0288: Unspecified vulnerability in Oracle
    Internet Directory.

  - CVE-2007-0289: Multiple unspecified vulnerabilities in
    Oracle Containers for J2EE.

  - CVE-2007-1359: Improper access control in mod_security.

  - CVE-2007-1609: Cross-site scripting vulnerability in
    servlet/Spy in Dynamic Monitoring Services (DMS).

  - CVE-2007-2119: Cross-site scripting vulnerability in the
    Administration Front End for Oracle Enterprise (Ultra)

  - CVE-2007-2120: Denial of service in the Oracle
    Discoverer servlet.

  - CVE-2007-2121: Unspecified vulnerability in the COREid
    Access component.

  - CVE-2007-2122: Unspecified vulnerability in the Wireless

  - CVE-2007-2123: Unspecified vulnerability in the Portal

  - CVE-2007-2124: Unspecified vulnerability in the Portal

  - CVE-2007-2130: Unspecified vulnerability in Workflow

  - CVE-2007-3553: Cross-site scripting vulnerability in
    Rapid Install Web Server.

  - CVE-2007-3854: Multiple unspecified vulnerabilities in
    the Advanced Queuing component and the Spatial

  - CVE-2007-3859: Unspecified vulnerability in the Oracle
    Internet Directory component.

  - CVE-2007-3861: Unspecified vulnerability in Oracle

  - CVE-2007-3862: Unspecified vulnerability in Single

  - CVE-2007-3863: Unspecified vulnerability in Oracle

  - CVE-2007-5516: Unspecified vulnerability in the Oracle
    Process Mgmt & Notification component.

  - CVE-2007-5517: Unspecified vulnerability in the Oracle
    Portal component.

  - CVE-2007-5518: Unspecified vulnerability in HTTP Server.

  - CVE-2007-5519: Unspecified vulnerability in the Oracle
    Portal component.

  - CVE-2007-5520: Unspecified vulnerability in the Oracle
    Internet Directory component.

  - CVE-2007-5521: Unspecified vulnerability in Oracle
    Containers for J2EE.

  - CVE-2007-5522: Unspecified vulnerability in the Oracle
    Portal component.

  - CVE-2007-5523: Unspecified vulnerability in the Oracle
    Internet Directory component.

  - CVE-2007-5524: Unspecified vulnerability in Single

  - CVE-2007-5525: Unspecified vulnerability in Single

  - CVE-2007-5526: Unspecified vulnerability in the Oracle
    Portal component.

  - CVE-2007-5531: Unspecified vulnerability in Oracle Help
    for Web.

  - CVE-2008-0340: Multiple unspecified vulnerabilities in
    the Advanced Queuing component and Spatial component.

  - CVE-2008-0343: Unspecified vulnerability in the Oracle
    Spatial component.

  - CVE-2008-0344: Unspecified vulnerability in the Oracle
    Spatial component.

  - CVE-2008-0345: Unspecified vulnerability in the Core
    RDBMS component.

  - CVE-2008-0346: Unspecified vulnerability in the Oracle
    Jinitiator component.

  - CVE-2008-0347: Unspecified vulnerability in the Oracle
    Ultra Search component.

  - CVE-2008-0348: Multiple unspecified vulnerabilities in
    the PeopleTools component.

  - CVE-2008-0349: Unspecified vulnerability in the
    PeopleTools component.

  - CVE-2008-1812: Unspecified vulnerability in the Oracle
    Enterprise Manager component.

  - CVE-2008-1814: Unspecified vulnerability in the Oracle
    Secure Enterprise Search or Ultrasearch component.

  - CVE-2008-1823: Unspecified vulnerability in the Oracle
    Jinitiator component.

  - CVE-2008-1824: Unspecified vulnerability in the Oracle
    Dynamic Monitoring Service component.

  - CVE-2008-1825: Unspecified vulnerability in the Oracle
    Portal component.

  - CVE-2008-2583: Unspecified vulnerability in the sample
    Discussion Forum Portlet for the Oracle Portal

  - CVE-2008-2588: Unspecified vulnerability in the Oracle
    JDeveloper component.

  - CVE-2008-2589: Unspecified vulnerability in the Oracle
    Portal component.

  - CVE-2008-2593: Unspecified vulnerability in the Oracle
    Portal component.

  - CVE-2008-2594: Unspecified vulnerability in the Oracle
    Portal component.

  - CVE-2008-2595: Unspecified vulnerability in the Oracle
    Internet Directory component.

  - CVE-2008-2609: Unspecified vulnerability in the Oracle
    Portal component.

  - CVE-2008-2612: Unspecified vulnerability in the Hyperion
    BI Plus component.

  - CVE-2008-2614: Unspecified vulnerability in HTTP Server.

  - CVE-2008-2619: Unspecified vulnerability in the Oracle
    Reports Developer component.

  - CVE-2008-2623: Unspecified vulnerability in the Oracle
    JDeveloper component.

  - CVE-2008-3975: Unspecified vulnerability in the Oracle
    Portal component.

  - CVE-2008-3977: Unspecified vulnerability in the Oracle
    Portal component.

  - CVE-2008-3986: Unspecified vulnerability in the Oracle
    Discoverer Administrator component.

  - CVE-2008-3987: Unspecified vulnerability in the Oracle
    Discoverer Desktop component.

  - CVE-2008-4014: Unspecified vulnerability in the Oracle
    BPEL Process Manager component.

  - CVE-2008-4017: Unspecified vulnerability in the OC4J

  - CVE-2008-5438: Unspecified vulnerability in the Oracle
    Portal component.

  - CVE-2008-7233: Unspecified vulnerability in the Oracle
    Jinitiator component.

  - CVE-2009-0217: Signature spoofing vulnerability in
    multiple components.

  - CVE-2009-0989: Unspecified vulnerability in the BI
    Publisher component.

  - CVE-2009-0990: Unspecified vulnerability in the BI
    Publisher component.

  - CVE-2009-0994: Unspecified vulnerability in the BI
    Publisher component.

  - CVE-2009-1008: Unspecified vulnerability in the Outside
    In Technology component.

  - CVE-2009-1009: Unspecified vulnerability in the Outside
    In Technology component.

  - CVE-2009-1010: Unspecified vulnerability in the Outside
    In Technology component.

  - CVE-2009-1011: Unspecified vulnerability in the Outside
    In Technology component.

  - CVE-2009-1017: Unspecified vulnerability in the BI
    Publisher component.

  - CVE-2009-1976: Unspecified vulnerability in HTTP Server.

  - CVE-2009-1990: Unspecified vulnerability in the Business
    Intelligence Enterprise Edition component.

  - CVE-2009-1999: Unspecified vulnerability in the Business
    Intelligence Enterprise Edition component.

  - CVE-2009-3407: Unspecified vulnerability in the Portal

  - CVE-2009-3412: Unspecified vulnerability in the Unzip

  - CVE-2010-0066: Unspecified vulnerability in the Access
    Manager Identity Server component.

  - CVE-2010-0067: Unspecified vulnerability in the Oracle
    Containers for J2EE component.

  - CVE-2010-0070: Unspecified vulnerability in the Oracle
    Containers for J2EE component.

  - CVE-2011-0789: Unspecified vulnerability in HTTP Server.

  - CVE-2011-0795: Unspecified vulnerability in Single

  - CVE-2011-0884: Unspecified vulnerability in the Oracle
    BPEL Process Manager component.

  - CVE-2011-2237: Unspecified vulnerability in the Oracle
    Web Services Manager component.

  - CVE-2011-2314: Unspecified vulnerability in the Oracle
    Containers for J2EE component.

  - CVE-2011-3523: Unspecified vulnerability in the Oracle
    Web Services Manager component.");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"solution", value:
"Verify that the version of Oracle Application Server installed is not
affected by the listed vulnerabilities and/or filter incoming traffic to this port");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"cvss_score_source", value:"manual");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"cvss_score_rationale", value:"remote code execution");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"exploitability_ease", value:"Exploits are available");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"exploit_available", value:"true");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"exploit_framework_core", value:"true");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"exploithub_sku", value:"EH-11-053");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"exploit_framework_exploithub", value:"true");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"d2_elliot_name", value:"Oracle Secure Backup RCE (Windows)");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"exploit_framework_d2_elliot", value:"true");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"exploit_framework_canvas", value:"true");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"canvas_package", value:'CANVAS');
  script_cwe_id(22, 79, 119, 200, 255, 264, 287);
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"vuln_publication_date", value:"2000/03/14");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"patch_publication_date", value:"2011/10/18");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"plugin_publication_date", value:"2012/01/24");

  script_set_attribute(attribute:"potential_vulnerability", value:"true");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"plugin_type", value:"remote");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"cpe", value:"cpe:/a:oracle:application_server");

  script_family(english:"Web Servers");

  script_copyright(english:"This script is Copyright (C) 2012-2019 and is owned by Tenable, Inc. or an Affiliate thereof.");

  script_require_keys("Settings/PCI_DSS", "Settings/ParanoidReport");



# Only PCI considers this an issue.
if (!get_kb_item("Settings/PCI_DSS")) exit(0, "PCI-DSS compliance checking is not enabled.");

# Make sure this is Oracle.
port = get_kb_item_or_exit("Services/oracle_application_server");

if (report_paranoia < 2) audit(AUDIT_PARANOID);

# We're flagging every installation of Oracle Application Server, with
# every vulnerability it has ever had.


  • bulletinFamilyexploit
    descriptionBugraq ID: 34994 CVE ID:CVE-2009-1009 CVE-2009-1010 CVE-2009-1011 CNCVE ID:CNCVE-20091009 CNCVE-20091010 CNCVE-20091011 Oracle Outside In是一款软件开发工具包套件(SDK),为开发人员提供了一个访问、转换和控制 400 多种非结构化文件格式的内容的综合解决方案。 Oracle Outside In存在多个缓冲区溢出,远程攻击者可以利用漏洞以应用程序权限执行任意指令。 -处理Microsoft Excel电子数据表文件中的特定记录的函数存在漏洞,此函数读取文件中包含的整数值,这个值之后用于算术整数计算,由于没有验证检查,可触发整数溢出。 -当处理Microsoft Excel电子数据表中的部分记录时缺少正确边界检查,数据从堆缓冲区拷贝到栈缓冲区时缺少充分检查,可导致栈破坏而执行任意代码。 -处理特殊构建的Excel电子数据表文件时,存储在堆栈中的结构数组在用于循环乘操作时缺少充分的边界检查,构建包含合法的畸形记录的文件,诱使用户打开可触发此漏洞。 -处理存储在各种文件中的可选数据流时存在多个整数溢出。读取文件中的整数值时在进行算术整数计算时缺少充分验证。 Oracle Outside In SDK HTML Export 8.3 Oracle Outside In SDK HTML Export 8.2.2 Oracle Outside In Oracle Outside In Oracle Outside In Oracle Outside In Good Technologies Good Mobile Messaging Server for Exchange Good Technologies Good Mobile Messaging Server for Exchange Good Technologies Good Mobile Messaging Server for Exchange 厂商解决方案 可升级到最新版本: Good Technologies Good Mobile Messaging Server for Exchange Good Technologies gmm_server_exchange_5_0_4_53_HotFix.exe <a href="ftp://goodcust:[email protected]/gmm_server_exchange_5_0_4_53_HotF" target="_blank" rel=external nofollow>ftp://goodcust:[email protected]/gmm_server_exchange_5_0_4_53_HotF</a> ix.exe Good Technologies Good Mobile Messaging Server for Exchange Good Technologies gmm_server_exchange_6_0_0_125_hotfix.exe <a href="ftp://goodcust:[email protected]/gmm_server_exchange_6_0_0_125_hot" target="_blank" rel=external nofollow>ftp://goodcust:[email protected]/gmm_server_exchange_6_0_0_125_hot</a> fix.exe
    last seen2017-11-19
    titleOracle Outside In多个缓冲区溢出漏洞
  • bulletinFamilyexploit
    descriptionBUGTRAQ ID: 34461 CVE(CAN) ID: CVE-2009-0974,CVE-2009-0983,CVE-2009-0989,CVE-2009-0990,CVE-2009-0993,CVE-2009-0994,CVE-2009-0996,CVE-2009-1008,CVE-2009-1009,CVE-2009-1010,CVE-2009-1011,CVE-2009-1017,CVE-2009-0995,CVE-2009-0999,CVE-2009-1000,CVE-2009-1001,CVE-2009-1002,CVE-2009-1003,CVE-2009-1004,CVE-2009-1005,CVE-2009-1006,CVE-2009-1012,CVE-2009-1016,CVE-2009-0972,CVE-2009-0973,CVE-2009-0975,CVE-2009-0976,CVE-2009-0977,CVE-2009-0978,CVE-2009-0979,CVE-2009-0980,CVE-2009-0981,CVE-2009-0984,CVE-2009-0985,CVE-2009-0986,CVE-2009-0988,CVE-2009-0991,CVE-2009-0992,CVE-2009-0997,CVE-2009-0982,CVE-2009-0998,CVE-2009-1013,CVE-2009-1014,CVE-2009-0189,CVE-2009-0190 Oracle Database是一款商业性质大型数据库系统。 Oracle发布了2009年4月的紧急补丁更新公告,修复了多个Oracle产品中的多个漏洞。这些漏洞影响Oracle产品的所有安全属性,可导致本地和远程的威胁。其中一些漏洞可能需要各种级别的授权,但也有些不需要任何授权。最严重的漏洞可能导致完全入侵数据库系统。 1) Oracle进程管理器和通知(opmn)守护程序中存在格式串错误,远程攻击者可以通过向6000/TCP端口提交特制的POST请求导致执行任意代码。 2) 由于没有正确地过滤对DBMS_AQIN软件包所传送的输入,远程攻击者可以通过提交恶意的查询请求执行SQL注入攻击。 3) Oracle数据库所捆绑的Application Express组件中的错误可能允许非特权用户泄露LOWS_030000.WWV_FLOW_USER中的APEX口令哈希。 4) 远程攻击者可以通过向WebLogic Server插件提交恶意的HTTP请求触发堆溢出。 5) WebLogic Server插件在解析SSL证书时存在栈溢出漏洞。 Oracle Application Server Oracle E-Business Suite 12.0.6 Oracle E-Business Suite Oracle Database Oracle Database Oracle Database Oracle Database Oracle Database Oracle Database Oracle Database Oracle PeopleSoft Enterprise PeopleTools 8.49 Oracle WebLogic Server 9.2 Oracle WebLogic Server 9.1 GA Oracle WebLogic Server 9.0 GA Oracle WebLogic Server 8.1 Oracle WebLogic Server 7.0 Oracle WebLogic Server 10.3 Oracle PeopleSoft Enterprise HRMS 9.0 Oracle PeopleSoft Enterprise HRMS 8.9 Oracle Outside In SDK HTML Export 8.3.0 Oracle Outside In SDK HTML Export 8.2.2 Oracle XML Publisher 5.6.2 Oracle XML Publisher Oracle XML Publisher Oracle BI Publisher Oracle BI Publisher Oracle BI Publisher Oracle BI Publisher Oracle BI Publisher Oracle WebLogic Portal 8.1 Oracle Data Service Integrator 10.3.0 Oracle AquaLogic Data Services Platform 3.2 Oracle AquaLogic Data Services Platform 3.0.1 Oracle AquaLogic Data Services Platform 3.0 Oracle JRockit R27.6.2 Oracle ------ Oracle已经为此发布了一个安全公告(cpuapr2009)以及相应补丁: cpuapr2009:Oracle Critical Patch Update Advisory - April 2009 链接:<a href= target=_blank rel=external nofollow></a>
    last seen2017-11-19
    titleOracle 2009年4月紧急补丁更新修复多个漏洞