Vulnerabilities > CVE-2003-0153 - Unspecified vulnerability in Mozilla Bonsai 1.3
Attack vector
UNKNOWN Attack complexity
UNKNOWN Privileges required
UNKNOWN Confidentiality impact
UNKNOWN Integrity impact
UNKNOWN Availability impact
bonsai Mozilla CVS query tool leaks the absolute pathname of the tool in certain error messages generated by (1) cvslog.cgi, (2) cvsview2.cgi, or (3) multidiff.cgi.
Vulnerable Configurations
Part | Description | Count |
Application | 1 |
description | Mozilla Bonsai 1.3 Path Disclosure Vulnerability. CVE-2003-0153. Webapps exploit for cgi platform |
id | EDB-ID:21730 |
last seen | 2016-02-02 |
modified | 2002-08-20 |
published | 2002-08-20 |
reporter | Stan Bubrouski |
source | |
title | Mozilla Bonsai 1.3 Path Disclosure Vulnerability |
NASL family CGI abuses NASL id DANGEROUS_CGIS.NASL description It is possible that the remote web server contains one or more dangerous CGI scripts. Note that this plugin does not actually test for the underlying flaws but instead only searches for scripts with the same name as those with known vulnerabilities. last seen 2020-06-01 modified 2020-06-02 plugin id 11748 published 2003-06-17 reporter This script is Copyright (C) 2003-2018 John Lampe source title Multiple Dangerous CGI Script Detection code # # This script was written by John [email protected] # Some entries were added by David Maciejak <david dot maciejak at kyxar dot fr> # # See the Nessus Scripts License for details # Changes by Tenable: # - Revised plugin title, moved CVE from header comment to CVE (4/9/2009) include(""); if(description) { script_id(11748); script_version ("1.37"); script_cve_id( "CVE-1999-0934", "CVE-1999-0935", "CVE-1999-0937", "CVE-1999-1072", "CVE-1999-1374", "CVE-1999-1377", "CVE-2000-0288", "CVE-2000-0423", "CVE-2000-0526", "CVE-2000-0923", "CVE-2000-0952", "CVE-2000-0977", "CVE-2000-1023", "CVE-2000-1131", "CVE-2000-1132", "CVE-2001-0022", "CVE-2001-0023", "CVE-2001-0076", "CVE-2001-0099", "CVE-2001-0100", "CVE-2001-0123", "CVE-2001-0133", "CVE-2001-0135", "CVE-2001-0180", "CVE-2001-0420", "CVE-2001-0562", "CVE-2001-1100", "CVE-2001-1196", "CVE-2001-1205", "CVE-2001-1212", "CVE-2001-1283", "CVE-2001-1343", "CVE-2002-0203", "CVE-2002-0230", "CVE-2002-0263", "CVE-2002-0346", "CVE-2002-0611", "CVE-2002-0710", "CVE-2002-0749", "CVE-2002-0750", "CVE-2002-0751", "CVE-2002-0752", "CVE-2002-0917", "CVE-2002-0955", "CVE-2002-1334", "CVE-2002-1334", "CVE-2002-1526", "CVE-2003-0153" ); script_bugtraq_id( 1784, 2177, 2197, 4211, 4579, 5078, 6265 ); script_name(english:"Multiple Dangerous CGI Script Detection"); script_summary(english:"Checks for dangerous cgi scripts"); script_set_attribute(attribute:"synopsis", value: "The remote web server may contain some dangerous CGI scripts." ); script_set_attribute(attribute:"description", value: "It is possible that the remote web server contains one or more dangerous CGI scripts. Note that this plugin does not actually test for the underlying flaws but instead only searches for scripts with the same name as those with known vulnerabilities." ); script_set_attribute(attribute:"solution", value: "Visit and check the associated CVE entry for each script found. If you are running a vulnerable version, then delete or upgrade the script." ); script_set_cvss_base_vector("CVSS2#AV:N/AC:L/Au:N/C:P/I:P/A:P"); script_set_cvss_temporal_vector("CVSS2#E:F/RL:ND/RC:ND"); script_set_attribute(attribute:"exploitability_ease", value:"No exploit is required"); script_set_attribute(attribute:"exploit_available", value:"true"); script_cwe_id(22); script_set_attribute(attribute:"plugin_publication_date", value:"2003/06/17"); script_set_attribute(attribute:"vuln_publication_date", value: "2001/01/07"); script_set_attribute(attribute:"plugin_modification_date", value:"2020/06/12"); script_set_attribute(attribute:"plugin_type", value:"remote"); script_end_attributes(); script_category(ACT_ATTACK); script_copyright(english:"This script is Copyright (C) 2003-2020 John Lampe"); script_family(english:"CGI abuses"); script_dependencie("find_service1.nasl", "http_version.nasl"); script_require_ports("Services/www", 80); script_exclude_keys("Settings/disable_cgi_scanning"); script_require_keys("Settings/ThoroughTests", "Settings/ParanoidReport"); exit(0); } # # The script code starts here # include(""); include(""); include(""); if ( report_paranoia < 2 || ! thorough_tests ) exit(0, "This plugin is slow and prone to FP: it will only run in 'paranoid' mode and if the 'Perform thorough tests' setting enabled."); port = get_http_port(default:80, embedded:TRUE); if ( get_kb_item("www/no404/" + port ) || ! port) exit(0); if(!get_port_state(port))exit(0); cgi[0] = "AT-admin.cgi"; cve[0] = "CVE-1999-1072"; cgi[1] = "CSMailto.cgi"; cve[1] = "CVE-2002-0749"; # and CVE-2002-0750, CVE-2002-0751, and CVE-2002-0752 cgi[2] = "UltraBoard.cgi"; cve[2] = "CVE-2001-0135"; cgi[3] = ""; cve[3] = cve[2]; cgi[4] = "YaBB.cgi"; cve[4] = "CVE-2002-0955"; cgi[5] = "a1disp4.cgi"; cve[5] = "CVE-2001-0562"; cgi[6] = "alert.cgi"; cve[6] = "CVE-2002-0346"; cgi[7] = "authenticate.cgi"; cve[7] = "CVE-2000-0923"; cgi[8] = "bbs_forum.cgi"; cve[8] = "CVE-2001-0123"; cgi[9] = "bnbform.cgi"; cve[9] = "CVE-1999-0937"; cgi[10] = "bsguest.cgi"; cve[10] = "CVE-2001-0099"; cgi[11] = "bslist.cgi"; cve[11] = "CVE-2001-0100"; cgi[12] = "catgy.cgi"; cve[12] = "CVE-2001-1212"; cgi[13] = "cgforum.cgi"; cve[13] = "CVE-2000-1132"; cgi[14] = "classifieds.cgi"; cve[14] = "CVE-1999-0934"; cgi[15] = "csPassword.cgi"; cve[15] = "CVE-2002-0917"; cgi[16] = "cvsview2.cgi" ; cve[16] = "CVE-2003-0153"; cgi[17] = "cvslog.cgi"; cve[17] = cve[16]; cgi[18] = "multidiff.cgi"; cve[18] = "CVE-2003-0153"; cgi[19] = "dnewsweb.cgi"; cve[19] = "CVE-2000-0423"; cgi[20] = "download.cgi"; cve[20] = "CVE-1999-1377"; cgi[21] = "edit_action.cgi"; cve[21] = "CVE-2001-1196"; cgi[22] = "emumail.cgi"; cve[22] = "CVE-2002-1526"; cgi[23] = "everythingform.cgi"; cve[23] = "CVE-2001-0023"; cgi[24] = "ezadmin.cgi"; cve[24] = "CVE-2002-0263"; cgi[25] = "ezboard.cgi"; cve[25] = "CVE-2002-0263"; cgi[26] = "ezman.cgi"; cve[26] = cve[25]; cgi[27] = "ezadmin.cgi"; cve[27] = cve[25]; cgi[28] = "FileSeek.cgi"; cve[28] = "CVE-2002-0611"; cgi[29] = "fom.cgi"; cve[29] = "CVE-2002-0230"; cgi[30] = "gbook.cgi"; cve[30] = "CVE-2000-1131"; cgi[31] = "getdoc.cgi"; cve[31] = "CVE-2000-0288"; cgi[32] = "global.cgi"; cve[32] = "CVE-2000-0952"; cgi[33] = "guestserver.cgi"; cve[33] = "CVE-2001-0180"; cgi[34] = "imageFolio.cgi"; cve[34] = "CVE-2002-1334"; cgi[35] = "lastlines.cgi"; cve[35] = "CVE-2001-1205"; cgi[36] = "mailfile.cgi"; cve[36] = "CVE-2000-0977"; cgi[37] = "mailview.cgi"; cve[37] = "CVE-2000-0526"; cgi[38] = "sendmessage.cgi"; cve[38] = "CVE-2001-1100"; cgi[39] = "nsManager.cgi"; cve[39] = "CVE-2000-1023"; cgi[40] = "perlshop.cgi"; cve[40] = "CVE-1999-1374"; cgi[41] = "readmail.cgi"; cve[41] = "CVE-2001-1283"; cgi[42] = "printmail.cgi"; cve[42] = cve[41]; cgi[43] = "register.cgi"; cve[43] = "CVE-2001-0076"; cgi[44] = "sendform.cgi"; cve[44] = "CVE-2002-0710"; cgi[45] = "sendmessage.cgi"; cve[45] = "CVE-2001-1100"; cgi[46] = "service.cgi"; cve[46] = "CVE-2002-0346"; cgi[47] = "setpasswd.cgi"; cve[47] = "CVE-2001-0133"; cgi[48] = "simplestmail.cgi"; cve[48] = "CVE-2001-0022"; cgi[49] = "simplestguest.cgi"; cve[49] = cve[48]; cgi[50] = "talkback.cgi"; cve[50] = "CVE-2001-0420"; cgi[51] = "ttawebtop.cgi"; cve[51] = "CVE-2002-0203"; cgi[52] = "ws_mail.cgi"; cve[52] = "CVE-2001-1343"; cgi[53] = "survey.cgi"; cve[53] = "CVE-1999-0936"; cgi[54] = "rxgoogle.cgi"; cve[54] = "CVE-2004-0251"; cgi[55] = "ShellExample.cgi"; cve[55] = "CVE-2004-0696"; cgi[56] = "Web_Store.cgi"; cve[56] = "CVE-2004-0734"; cgi[57] = "csFAQ.cgi"; cve[57] = "CVE-2004-0665"; flag = 0; directory = ""; mymsg = string("\n", "The following dangerous CGI scripts were found :", "\n\n"); for (i = 0 ; cgi[i]; i = i + 1) { foreach dir (cgi_dirs()) { if(is_cgi_installed_ka(item:string(dir, "/", cgi[i]), port:port)) { flag = 1; mymsg = mymsg + string(" - ", dir, "/", cgi[i], " (", cve[i], ")\n"); } } } if (flag) { security_hole(port:port, extra:mymsg); }
NASL family CGI abuses NASL id BONSAI_FLAWS.NASL description The remote host has the CGI suite last seen 2020-06-01 modified 2020-06-02 plugin id 11440 published 2003-03-22 reporter This script is Copyright (C) 2003-2018 Tenable Network Security, Inc. source title Mozilla Bonsai Mutiple Flaws (Auth Bypass, XSS, Cmd Exec, PD) code # # (C) Tenable Network Security, Inc. # include(""); if (description) { script_id(11440); script_cve_id("CVE-2003-0152", "CVE-2003-0153", "CVE-2003-0154", "CVE-2003-0155"); script_bugtraq_id(5516, 5517); script_version ("1.28"); script_name(english:"Mozilla Bonsai Mutiple Flaws (Auth Bypass, XSS, Cmd Exec, PD)"); script_set_attribute(attribute:"synopsis", value: "The remote host contains a CGI which is vulnerable to multiple flaws allowing code execution and cross-site scripting attacks." ); script_set_attribute(attribute:"description", value: "The remote host has the CGI suite 'Bonsai' installed. This suite is used to browse a CVS repository with a web browser. The remote version of this software is to be vulnerable to various flaws ranging from path disclosure and cross-site scripting to remote command execution. An attacker may exploit these flaws to temper with the integrity of the remote host." ); script_set_attribute(attribute:"solution", value: "Upgrade to the latest version of Bonsai" ); script_set_cvss_base_vector("CVSS2#AV:N/AC:L/Au:N/C:C/I:C/A:C"); script_set_cvss_temporal_vector("CVSS2#E:U/RL:OF/RC:C"); script_set_attribute(attribute:"exploitability_ease", value:"No exploit is required"); script_set_attribute(attribute:"exploit_available", value:"true"); script_cwe_id(20, 74, 79, 442, 629, 711, 712, 722, 725, 750, 751, 800, 801, 809, 811, 864, 900, 928, 931, 990); script_set_attribute(attribute:"plugin_publication_date", value: "2003/03/22"); script_set_attribute(attribute:"vuln_publication_date", value: "2002/08/20"); script_cvs_date("Date: 2018/06/13 18:56:26"); script_set_attribute(attribute:"plugin_type", value:"remote"); script_end_attributes(); script_summary(english:"Determine if bonsai is vulnerable to xss attack"); script_category(ACT_GATHER_INFO); script_family(english:"CGI abuses"); script_copyright(english:"This script is Copyright (C) 2003-2018 Tenable Network Security, Inc."); script_dependencie("http_version.nasl", "find_service1.nasl", "no404.nasl"); script_require_ports("Services/www", 80); script_exclude_keys("Settings/disable_cgi_scanning"); exit(0); } include(""); include(""); include(""); port = get_http_port(default:80); dirs = make_list(cgi_dirs()); foreach d (dirs) { url = string(d, "/cvslog.cgi?file=<SCRIPT>window.alert</SCRIPT>"); r = http_send_recv3(method:"GET", item:url, port:port); if (isnull(r)) exit(0); buf = strcat(r[0], r[1], '\r\n', r[2]); if(ereg(pattern:"^HTTP/[0-9]\.[0-9] 200 ", string:buf) && "Rcs file" >< buf && "<SCRIPT>window.alert</SCRIPT>" >< buf) { security_hole(port); set_kb_item(name: 'www/'+port+'/XSS', value: TRUE); exit(0); } }
NASL family Debian Local Security Checks NASL id DEBIAN_DSA-265.NASL description Remi Perrot fixed several security related bugs in the bonsai, the Mozilla CVS query tool by web interface. Vulnerabilities include arbitrary code execution, cross-site scripting and access to configuration parameters. The Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures project identifies the following problems : - CAN-2003-0152 - Remote execution of arbitrary commands as www-data - CAN-2003-0153 - Absolute path disclosure - CAN-2003-0154 - Cross site scripting attacks - CAN-2003-0155 - Unauthenticated access to parameters page last seen 2020-06-01 modified 2020-06-02 plugin id 15102 published 2004-09-29 reporter This script is Copyright (C) 2004-2019 Tenable Network Security, Inc. source title Debian DSA-265-1 : bonsai - several vulnerabilities code #%NASL_MIN_LEVEL 80502 # # (C) Tenable Network Security, Inc. # # The descriptive text and package checks in this plugin were # extracted from Debian Security Advisory DSA-265. The text # itself is copyright (C) Software in the Public Interest, Inc. # include(""); if (description) { script_id(15102); script_version("1.24"); script_cvs_date("Date: 2019/08/02 13:32:17"); script_cve_id("CVE-2003-0152", "CVE-2003-0153", "CVE-2003-0154", "CVE-2003-0155"); script_xref(name:"DSA", value:"265"); script_name(english:"Debian DSA-265-1 : bonsai - several vulnerabilities"); script_summary(english:"Checks dpkg output for the updated package"); script_set_attribute( attribute:"synopsis", value:"The remote Debian host is missing a security-related update." ); script_set_attribute( attribute:"description", value: "Remi Perrot fixed several security related bugs in the bonsai, the Mozilla CVS query tool by web interface. Vulnerabilities include arbitrary code execution, cross-site scripting and access to configuration parameters. The Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures project identifies the following problems : - CAN-2003-0152 - Remote execution of arbitrary commands as www-data - CAN-2003-0153 - Absolute path disclosure - CAN-2003-0154 - Cross site scripting attacks - CAN-2003-0155 - Unauthenticated access to parameters page" ); script_set_attribute( attribute:"see_also", value:"" ); script_set_attribute( attribute:"solution", value: "Upgrade the bonsai package. For the stable distribution (woody) these problems have been fixed in version 1.3+cvs20020224-1woody1. The old stable distribution (potato) is not affected since it doesn't contain bonsai." ); script_set_cvss_base_vector("CVSS2#AV:N/AC:L/Au:N/C:P/I:P/A:P"); script_set_attribute(attribute:"plugin_type", value:"local"); script_set_attribute(attribute:"cpe", value:"p-cpe:/a:debian:debian_linux:bonsai"); script_set_attribute(attribute:"cpe", value:"cpe:/o:debian:debian_linux:3.0"); script_set_attribute(attribute:"patch_publication_date", value:"2003/03/21"); script_set_attribute(attribute:"plugin_publication_date", value:"2004/09/29"); script_set_attribute(attribute:"vuln_publication_date", value:"2002/08/09"); script_end_attributes(); script_category(ACT_GATHER_INFO); script_copyright(english:"This script is Copyright (C) 2004-2019 Tenable Network Security, Inc."); script_family(english:"Debian Local Security Checks"); script_dependencies("ssh_get_info.nasl"); script_require_keys("Host/local_checks_enabled", "Host/Debian/release", "Host/Debian/dpkg-l"); exit(0); } include(""); include(""); if (!get_kb_item("Host/local_checks_enabled")) audit(AUDIT_LOCAL_CHECKS_NOT_ENABLED); if (!get_kb_item("Host/Debian/release")) audit(AUDIT_OS_NOT, "Debian"); if (!get_kb_item("Host/Debian/dpkg-l")) audit(AUDIT_PACKAGE_LIST_MISSING); flag = 0; if (deb_check(release:"3.0", prefix:"bonsai", reference:"1.3+cvs20020224-1woody1")) flag++; if (flag) { if (report_verbosity > 0) security_hole(port:0, extra:deb_report_get()); else security_hole(0); exit(0); } else audit(AUDIT_HOST_NOT, "affected");