Security News

SCOTUS judges 'doxxed' after overturning Roe v Wade
2022-07-13 18:28

The US Supreme Court justices who overturned Roe v. Wade last month may have been doxxed - had their personal information including physical and IP addresses, and credit card info revealed - according to threat intel firm Cybersixgill. In response, Democrat lawmakers have introduced bills to make it illegal for data brokers to sell sensitive location and health information about medical treatment, the Federal Trade Commission warned companies it will take legal action against businesses selling this type of personal data, and some tech giants such as Google have pledged to auto-delete location information that could be used to prosecute women seeking medical procedures in states where they are now illegal.

Is the SCOTUS cell tower warrant case a win for privacy advocates?
2018-06-25 15:30

The Supreme Court ruled that law enforcement must obtain a warrant to retrieve cell tower location records, but the decision was very narrow says Forrester analyst Jeff Pollard.