Security News

Busted scammer resorts to death threats (Naked Security)
2015-03-10 11:11

After the Canadian man told the crook he was a thief and a scammer, the tech support scammer said he had the man's address and would send assassins.

Scammers pretend to be friendly office printers
2011-09-28 05:27 By Jeremy Kirk IDG News Service September 27, 2011

NASA, Stanford sites hit by search engine scammers
2011-05-10 07:34 By Robert McMillan IDG News Service May 9, 2011 Scammers looking to flog cheap software have hacked...

Payroll Giant Gives Scammer Personal Data of Hundreds of Thousands of Investors
2006-07-07 09:29 By DAN ARNALL ABC News July 6, 2006 The latest corporate data breach is from a company you may never have heard of, even though one in six...

Points scammer felt like family failure
2005-11-24 07:11 By Daniella Miletic November 24, 2005 Personal pride, skill and a tall shadow cast by...

Scammers use Symantec, DNS holes to push adware
2005-03-08 07:20,10801,100248,00.html By Paul Roberts MARCH 07, 2005 IDG NEWS SERVICE Online scam artists are manipulating the Internet's directory...