Security News

DoubleClick downed by denial-of-service attack
2004-07-28 07:48,10801,94837,00.html By Paul Roberts JULY 27, 2004 IDG NEWS SERVICE Internet advertising company DoubleClick Inc. was shut down today by...

Denial-of-Service Attacks Still a Threat
2002-04-10 08:45

Forwarded from: bob,1212,NAV47_STO69924-,00.html By Jaikumar Vijayan Computer World Apr. 08, 2002 Denial-of-service (DOS) attacks...

Trends in Denial of Service Attack Technology
2001-10-24 07:13 This paper (pdf) highlights recent trends in DoS attack technology based on intruder activity and attack tools reported to and analyzed by the...

Security experts: Denial-of-service attacks still a big              threat
2000-10-20 23:21,1199,NAV47_STO52633,00.html By PATRICK THIBODEAU October 20, 2000 BALTIMORE -- The types of massive distributed denial-of-service (DDOS) attacks that...