Security News

The Growing Threat from Multi-Vector DDoS Attacks
2018-03-22 13:03

Multivector distributed denial-of-service attacks are having a bigger impact than simple volumetric attacks, says Brian McCann, president of Netscout's security business unit, who analyzes the...

Over 15,000 Memcached DDoS Attacks Hit 7100 Sites in Last 10 Days
2018-03-09 14:18

Memcached reflections that recently fueled two most largest amplification DDoS attacks in the history have also helped other cybercriminals launch nearly 15,000 cyber attacks against 7,131 unique...

Memcached DDoS Attacks: 95,000 Servers Vulnerable to Abuse
2018-03-08 13:33

Massive 1.7 Tbps Reflection/Amplification Attack Exploits Open Memcached ServersNearly 100,000 servers that run the open source Memcached utiltity appear to remain vulnerable to being abused to...

'Kill Switch' to Mitigate Memcached DDoS Attacks — Flush 'Em All
2018-03-08 07:03

Security researchers have discovered a "kill switch" that could help companies protect their websites under massive DDoS attack launched using vulnerable Memcached servers. Massive Memcached...

Memcached DDoS Attack 'Kill Switch' Found
2018-03-07 19:25

Corero Network Security says they have discovered a “kill switch” to counteract the Memcached vulnerability that recently fueled some of the largest distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks in...

Memcached DDoS Exploit Code and List of 17,000 Vulnerable Servers Released
2018-03-07 18:18

Someone has just released proof-of-concept (PoC) exploit code for amplification attack and a pre-compiled list of nearly 17,000 potential vulnerable Memcached servers on the Internet that could...

New DDoS Reflection-Attack Variant
2018-03-07 12:23

This is worrisome: DDoS vandals have long intensified their attacks by sending a small number of specially designed data packets to publicly available services. The services then unwittingly...

Ukraine Sentences Two Citizens for DDoS Extortion Campaigns
2018-03-06 20:48

Groundbreaking Prosecution Targeted Attackers Who Demanded Bitcoin PayoffsIn a groundbreaking prosecution, two individuals in Ukraine have been sentenced for running extortion campaigns that...

1.7 Tbps DDoS Attack — ​Memcached UDP Reflections Set New Record
2018-03-06 08:33

The bar has been raised. As more amplified attacks were expected following the record-breaking 1.35 Tbps Github DDoS attack, someone has just set a new record after only four days — 1.7 Tbps DDoS...

Memcached Servers Deliver Amplified DDoS Attacks
2018-03-05 14:17

GitHub Disrupted by 1.5 Tbps Onslaught as New DDoS Attack Type EmergesSay hello to a new type of DDoS attack: UDP amplification via internet-facing servers running memcached, an open source...