Security News > 2024 > July > 10,000 Victims a Day: Infostealer Garden of Low-Hanging Fruit

10,000 Victims a Day: Infostealer Garden of Low-Hanging Fruit
2024-07-15 10:52

Log Cloud is a service that provides you with a stream of more or less "Fresh" logs daily, usually in the form of a Telegram channel or a continuously updated storage.

These logs have usually passed through many hands and are "Worked out" for the most popular requests, but they may still contain a golden nugget if you know what you are looking for.

Otherwise, url:log:pass resellers operate exactly the same way as log cloud operators, except they have to store and deal with less data.

Want truly unique and private logs? Visit an automated log market website! It'll be much more expensive, but you have a chance to be the first one to have that log.

For $10 or less, threat actors can obtain all kinds of accesses on such platforms, with the added benefit that such a log will be exclusively theirs, at least for some time.

Looking for valid and valuable information in the terabytes of data available through log clouds or automated marketplaces is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

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